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1: The leadership of ISIS

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi; with also another name that is Abu Dua. Currently is based in Syria. All
Baghdadi was under arrest in Camp Bucca for several months that was a US run prison in
Southern Iraq. In 2004 he was released from imprisonment. After the declaration of ISIS socalled Islamic State he introduced himself with name Al-Khalifah Ibrahim.
2.2: The history & current status of ISIS
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) currently also goes with Islamic State in the Levant
(ISIL) controls about one-third of the Iraq. It is the combination of non-al-Qaeda renewal of the
al-Qaeda that sponsored Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) organizations that tried in 2003-2006 to take
over western Iraq and the Sunni State rebel groups which include the ties of al Qaeda that is
Nusra Front (Habhat al Nusra).
This group was led by Abu Bakr al Baghdadi since in 2010 and now it controls vast swathes of
land across Syria and Iraq. With its multi physical attacks in past across northern and central
Iraq, The ISIS has now taken over by the al-Qaida organization that is founded by the Osama
bin Laden which is now the most powerful and extreme jihadi group in the world.
Now Isis is operate and control by a great extent of land in eastern Syria and western Iraq and is
making it the most successful and military jihadi movement ever. The aim of Isis is to create an
Islamic state that called a caliphate across Syria, Iraq and beyond. This group is implementing
the Sharia Law that is rooted in eighth century and trying to establish the society that reflects the
ancient region.
ISIS is known as for killing number of people at one time and showing out publically. ISIS is
using modern media for promoting religious ways and reactionary politics. Fighters are
damaging and fired holy sites and other valuable antiques.
In 2014, 3400 square miles of Iraq and Syria was controlled by the ISIS from coast of
Mediterranean to the south of Baghdad. In April 2015 it is announced by the Pentagon that group

has lost almost quarter of its land. After this ISIS was not unknown to British, American, Iraqi
and all other intelligence services before it started its band across the Syrian-Iraqi border and
acquisition of land in which it has declared its caliphate.
This group has changed from rebellion in Iraq to a group of jihadist mainly in Syria, especially to
an army in Iraq. Following the past battles, the group firstly moved from Iraq to Syria then again
to Iraq and now it controls parts of both countries.

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