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Name___________________________________Grade 8-__

Handed out March 23, 2016

Mrs. Buck

This assignment is due on Wednesday, April 6, 2016. Do not wait for the last minute to
complete this assignment since you must allow for time to type it. No handwritten assignments
will be accepted. Do not come to school the day this assignment is due and tell me that your
printer ran out of ink or that you didnt have any paper because you will still be marked as
handing in a paper late. Details about the assignment are below.
The second part of this assignment will be for a separate grade. For the second part, you
must choose one of the poems (your chosen authors or your own) and present it to the class for
an oral presentation grade. The poem you choose to present to the class MUST be approved by
me on or before April 8, 2016. The presentations will begin on Monday, April 11, 2016. Be

spacing - 1.5 between each line

font size - 12
font - Times New Roman
margins - standard
one staple in the top left corner

Cover Page:
POETRY should be centered
bottom left corner: Name:
English - Class 8-__
Teacher: Mrs. Buck
Date submitted:
Page 1 - Choose two contrasting poems (poems contrast in style, format, and/or genre) each
containing 20-25 quality lines. Do not use poems that you have already read. Instead, try to
learn something from this assignment by choosing poems that are new to you. Include the title of
the poem that you like the most out of the two you have selected and copy the poem exactly the
way it appears. You will be graded on the appropriateness of your poem in terms of reading
level, length, and subject matter. You MUST have your poem approved by me. Remember to
choose your poem wisely because this may be the poem you choose to present to the class.

Page 2 - Write three (3) paragraphs about the poem you chose. The first paragraph should explain the poem in
your own words. Explain...Do not summarize! Write a second paragraph explaining why you chose this
particular poem. (Was the topic something that you could relate to? Was it written in an interesting
style?) Your third paragraph should explain how reading this poem has affected you. (Has it inspired
you? Has it made you rethink something in your life? Has it made you more aware of something in
particular?) Format, punctuation, capitalization, and style all count! There should be no space between
the paragraphs.
Page 3 - Write your own original poem in a similar manner to the poem you copied for page one. For example,
if the poem is dark, dreary, and mysterious, your poem should be written in the same genre. If the poem
contains lots of imagery and alliteration, your poem should too. If the stanzas rhyme, your new poem
should follow a similar rhyme scheme. Write this poem as if you have taken over the authors job.
Page 4 - Create an illustration for your new poem.
If you have any questions along the way, please ask me for help. Do not wait until the last minute
since this project counts for two separate grades. You may e-mail me your questions during the break. Be
sure to put your name and the words poetry assignment in the subject line of your e-mail.
If you want to present your original poem to the class for your oral presentation grade, it must be
approved by me as soon as possible. Be sure to leave yourself enough time to memorize it.

Please sign and return to me by Monday, April 4, 2016.

I have read the details regarding my childs poetry assignment. I am aware of my childs responsibilities
regarding this assignment.
Students name (please print) ____________________________________
Parents signature___________________________________________
Parents questions, comments, and/or concerns_________________________________________

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