Findings and Recommendations

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To identify the corporate governance

Obtain and examine the 2014 ASEAN

practices employed by the selected publicly

Corporate Governance Scorecards, or if

listed Philippine entities in the food,

none, the corporate governance section

beverage, and tobacco industry through the

inside the published 2014 annual reports of

ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard

the selected entities. After, quantify the

entities compliance with corporate
governance best practices using the ASEAN
Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS).
All the scores from the ACGS will also be
added up to make the final Corporate
Governance Index (CGI).

To determine the selected entities financial

Use the necessary data from the 2014

performance through the use of current ratio

annual reports in generating the financial

Current Assets

( Current Liabilitie s ), debt-to-equity ratio

ratios to ascertain the entities liquidity,

leverage, profitability, and activity.

Total Liabilities
( Shareholder s ' Equity ), return on equity (
Net Income
Average Shareholder s Equity ), and total
Net Sales

asset turnover ( Average Total Assets ).

To establish the correlation of the corporate

Measure the correlation using Pearsons r,

governance practices and the entitys

which measures the strength and direction

financial performance through the

of a linear relationship between two

correlation coefficient

variables on a scatterplot.

To design a framework for indicators of good

Create an analysis of the results of the

corporate governance based on the findings

study, which will then be used to establish a

of the study

framework for indicators of good corporate


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