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Forgiveness Comic
For your final culminating project, you are required to complete five different activities from the
various topics. All of the activities demonstrates different acquired learning from throughout this
course. This activity falls under the topic of Prayer and Sacramental Life.
Specific Expectations:
PSV: demonstrate a knowledge of the connections between a life of prayer and the challenge of
the Christian call to be loving in contemporary culture
PSV: understand the role of sign and symbol in sacramental expression

Forgiveness is not an easy thing to ask for, or to forgive others when they have done
you wrong. Using a personal forgiveness experience, or creating one, create a comic on
forgiveness. You may draw this comic out by hand, or create it on Bitstrips. Make sure
your comic highlights the importance of forgiveness.

Create a storyline
Draw your comic, or create it on Bitstrips
Edit your comic

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