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Leia os textos abaixo e responda s perguntas em Portugus:

Martin Luther King

Martin was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929.
He believed all people had the right to freedom and
equality. Martin Luther King didn`t believe in violence.
He worked and studied hard in school. His goal was to
make the world a better place to live. While at college,
Martin studied about a man named Gandhi. When Dr.
King became the pastor, he became active in civil rights.
In 1963, over 250,000 people marched in Washington,
D.C. where Dr. King gave his most famous speech, I
Have a Dream. On the morning of April 4, 1968. Martin
Luther King was assassinated. He was just thirty-nine
years old.
Vocabulary: right: direito; freedom: liberdade; goal: objetivo; march: marchar; speech: discurso

a) Quando e onde Martin Luther King nasceu?

b) Qual era sua ocupao?
c) Em que Martin Luther King acreditava?
d) Qual o nome de seu famoso discurso?
e) O que aconteceu em 1968?
Justin Bieber: Im Just Trying to Make Selena Happy
Someone whos probably very pleased with the way Justin is
turning out1 is his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, 19. The two appear
to be going strong after more than a year together. Im just trying
to make her happy, thats all, he says. I think its important to
make all women feel like theyre princesses, because every girl is
a princess. Im serious.
Aw, sweet! Well see if he still agrees with that statement after a
few bad breakups2...
No matter what happens3, though, Bieber says hes prepared, thanks to the talented man who
discovered him, Usher. From the beginning, he told me to put family first and youll always
succeed, because your family will never leave you,Justin explains. He told me to always stay
humble4 and never forget where I came from. Sounds like5 good advice to me!
Vocabulary: 1. turning out: se tornando; 2. breakups: rompimentos; 3. no matter what happens: no importa o que
acontea; 4. humble: humilde; 5. sounds like: parece

a) H quanto tempo Justin e Selena esto juntos?

b) O que Justin pensa a respeito das mulheres?
c) Quem Usher?
d) Que conselho importante Usher deu para Bieber?

Leia o texto:

Subject: matria
Eat: comer

Grapes: uva
Peaches: pssego

Apples: mas

a) Agora complete as tabelas:


Maria da Graa

Matria favorita
Fruta favorita


b) Retire dos texto 3 palavras cognatas:


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