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states they feel fine; reports no pain when moving joints or any problems
walking/maintaining balance; no history of arthritis, sports injuries, surgeries or
traumas to the joints
appears stated age and good hygiene; sits upright, appears nourished, symmetric
movements, appears alert, calm facial expressions, body language, and behavior
and clothing appropriate; allergies to pollen; airway open and patient is breathing
normally; capillary refill <2 seconds, wrist is warm with normal, regular pulse; able
to state name and DOB properly, A&O x4;
head is symmetrical with scalp intact; TMJ moves without difficulty; stands erect,
body relatively symmetric; spine straight with expected curvatures; feet flat on the
floor pointing directly forward; muscle size symmetric bilaterally; bones nontender
on palpations; full range of motion actively and passively with joint stability but
without tenderness, heat, edema, crepitis, deformity, or contracture; muscle
strength of muscles in head, neck, upper extremities, and lower extremities a
strength of 5 on a scale of 0-5
20 yo female, came in for inspection of musculoskeletal system; benign assessment
Continue regular exercise in order to keep muscles active
Continue to take normal intake of daily calcium
Do regular stretching exercises such as yoga

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