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Vocabulary Library | English grammar exercises | English grammar rules

Questions >> Forming questions

Tenses - structure
Verb structures
Modal verbs

Structures of questions

A djectives/adverbs
Reported speech

If the re is an aux iliary (he lping) ve rb (be, have,

can, will, e tc.) we put it before the subject (he,
she, I, e tc.)

Is anybody in the office?

Have you ever visited London?
What time Will they be here?

If the re is no aux iliary (he lping) ve rb, we put do,

does or did before the subject.

Do you know my older brother?

Did he come in time?

W e put wh- words (when, where, why, who, how,

e tc.) at the be ginning of the que stion.

How long have you been waiting for me?

Where is their office?
Which colour do you like best?

W e don't use do, does or did whe n we use what,

which, who or whose as the subje ct.

What happened to you?

Who told you about it?

Various grammar

Questions - common mistakes

Common mistakes

Correct version

W hat m e ant you by saying that?

W hat did you m e an by saying


You lik e this film ?

Do you lik e this film ?

W he re you are going this

afte rnoon?

W he re are you going this

afte rnoon?

You did re ad the le tte r?

Did you re ad the le tte r?

W ho did give you the

inform ation?

W ho gave you the inform ation?

Doe s he k nows your siste r?

Doe s he k now your siste r?

W he re will she studie s?

W he re will she study?

C an you te ll m e whe re can I buy

a good cam e ra?

C an you te ll m e whe re I can buy

a good cam e ra?

If the re is no aux iliary (he lping)
ve rb, we put do, does or did
before the subject.

W e put an aux iliary ve rb be fore

the subje ct.

W e don't use do, does or did

whe n we use what, which, who or
whose as the subje ct.
W he n the re is an aux iliary ve rb,
the m ain ve rb is in the infinitive
form .
W ord orde r in indire ct que stion
is the sam e as in a norm al
se nte nce : SUBJEC T + VER B + ...

English gram m ar rule s m ain page | Vocabulary and gram m ar re source s | Spe ak spe ak hom e

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