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Kelsey Sizemore

Ways that Risk Taking Can Effect Everyday Lives

Life on the Edge by Greenfield et al. discusses how risk taking has been on the rise
from generations and American lives now revolve around risk taking events. The world
revolves around risky taking events. Specifically People want to know about extreme sports.
According to the article there are three types of risk takers Type T Physical, T Intellectual, and
T Negative. For example the article says that examples of Type T Physical would be extreme
athletes, T Intellectual examples are famous people like Albert Einstein, and for T Negative
examples are people who commit crime, experiment with drugs.

Work Cited

Greenfield, Karl Taro, et al. "Life On The Edge." Time International (Canada Edition) 154.10
(1999): 12. Business Source Alumni Edition. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.

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