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Angels and Demons

I believe in God the Father Almighty, and that God is Omni everything. Since I believe in
God the father, I have to think about the other side of heaven; I have to look at what hell would
look like and what inhabits that area. God the Almighty is good and righteousness, and he loves
every one of us. But not everybody loves God the Father; in fact the other side Satan and demons
despise God because he is good, while they want evil and turmoil. I need to look at the Bible and
other ways to help me figure out if angels and demons are real, and if they are- are angels and
demons constantly fighting with swords and shields to protect humans from harm?
In the Bible there are many encounters that explain a different form other than human.
Some general teachings the Bible shows is in Hebrews 1:14 saying, Are not all angels
ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? This passage is talking about
guardian angels, and how they are assigned to followers of Jesus. Another general teaching is
Job 1 and 2, in the passage it talks about how Job was a faithful man, and Satan made him suffer,
so that Job could turn away from God. And in the end Job didnt turn from God, he remained
faithful, and that shows that there are demons that try to lead people in a different path, rather
than God the Father.
Other ways that we can assume that there are demons in our world is talking about
territorial gods and witchcraft. In the story of Naaman Healed of Leprosy in 2 Kings 5, the
passage talks about how Naaman was cured from leprosy; Naaman tried all these different
techniques to get rid of his leprosy, but nothing worked. And when he finally listened to Gods
word, he was healed. And he took sand home because other gods were territorial through natural
boundaries. God shows that these puny gods are nothing compared to his ultimate power like
splitting the Red Sea and the Jordan River.

Angels and Demons

The Bible talks about witchcraft in different passages like Deuteronomy 18:10 saying,
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices
divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft. This type of witchcraft is evil,
and the people that practice this type of evil are not working for the good. To sacrifice someone
that shares the same DNA as you, it cannot be for good. Another passage Mark 5:10 talks about
how these demons possess a man. I find it shocking when the possessed man sees Jesus, they
automatically say, What are you doing here Jesus of Nazareth? Son of the highest God. All
these false accusations at Jesus not being the Son of God, and these demons already know that
Jesus is the one. And the demons say, I am Legion, because we are many. And these demons
try to act brave and fearless, when in the end they beg Jesus not to cast them out.
Even though there is tons of evil in our world, and that there are demons that try to lead
people in a dark path, I have no doubt there is angels as well. In Matthew 1:20 it talks about an
angel of the Lord appearing and talking to Joseph about Jesus. The angel lends words of
encouragement to Joseph, telling him to not be afraid of taking Mary as his wife, and accepting
Jesus as his son. Another passage Hebrews 1:14 says, Are not all angels ministering spirits sent
to serve those who will inherit salvation? I like that quote because it answers that angels work
for the good for people and angels obey God the Father.
Angels, Satan and demons all fall into the supernatural categories that we can only think
about and make assumptions. Before, I knew there were other things other than real life reality
and it just makes me have an eerie feeling. After learning this section in Doctrine, I like how we
can base these questions that we had on supernatural through the Bible. The Bible helps fill in
the blanks to talk about demons and angels. Angels and demons have a distinct line from good to
evil, and the most adventurous way to tell children is that angels and demons battle so that the

Angels and Demons

world wont fall into total doom. But in truth, God is Omni everything and there is no battle
between them. Satan and demons can only be at one place at one time, and they are no match for
the power that God the Almighty brings.

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