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Softball: A form of baseball played on a smaller diamond with a bigger ball.

*Lauren loves to play softball in the summer!

HR: Home Run: A hit made by a batter without the aid of a fielding error, to score a run by
making a nonstop circuit of the bases.
*Kaylee hit a home run to win the game!

RBI: Runs Batted In: Just as it states, a person that is on the base; and by a hit got to
Home plate, which means they are no longer on the base.
*Kennedi had a total of 63 RBIs for the whole season.

Grand Slam: A Home Run when there are three runners on the base.
*Hailie hit a grand slam to win the championship.

Dugout: A roofed structure with three sides and the fourth side open facing the playing field,
usually with the floor below ground level, where the players sit when they are not on the
*The team waited in the dugout for the game to begin.

Average: A quantity or rating that represents a meaning of a sport or grade.

Ex: My average went from a C- to a B+ in Math.
My batting average is .317 a game.
Kelly averages 9 hours of sleep a night.
*Annikas average is .391 per game.

MVP: Most Valuable Player

*Ellie was the MVP of 2016.

Player of the Year: An award that an individual wins for an amazing performance
throughout of the year.
*Sydni is the Player of the Year for hitting the most Home Runs a game.

Pitcher: The player who throws the ball to the opposing batter.
*Ava was chosen to be the pitcher for the game.

*A pitch that is swung at and missed by the batter.
*A pitch that passes through the strike zone but is not swung at by the batter.
*A ball hit foul that hits the dirt.
*Khalia swung and missed the ball and the umpire called it a

Sooner: a person that settles on government land before it is legally opened to settlers in
order to gain the choice of location.
*Kalistas great grandma was a Sooner from Oklahoma.

USSSA Pride: United States Specialty Sports Association

*Dru wants to play for the USSSA Pride someday.

Kitten Ball: Kitten Ball is what softball was called way back then when it originated by a
group of guys.
*Alesha played Kitten Ball way before softball was invented.

Slump: To decrease suddenly

*Paige got into a slump after getting into a fight with Anna.

Umpire: A person selected to rule the plays in a game.

*Mercy was chose to be the umpire for the game.

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