Evolution Paper

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The Earth being created in six days or in millions of years has questioned many people on

where they stand in all of this. As a Christian, and learning Biology in school- I need to know
where I personally stand. I believe that the earth was created by God, in six days. Many people
are getting sidetracked on how earth was created, and are over thinking the theory. Believing in
God will change everything for a person, and not believing will do the opposite and change their
life as well. Believing in evolution isnt a sin, doubting Gods existence is.
Evolution theory talks about how the earth was created without any spiritual forces
behind it. Evolution starts with the big bang theory; the world being formed and growing into the
size it is today. The next step is showing proof the world is old; the layers of sedimentary rocks
and the Grand Canyon evidence. More examples would be the Charles Darwin account, and
Homo sapiens being transformed over the years into human beings. The evolution theory shows
that the world is old, and there can be no way the earth is young, or ever had a worldwide flood
like Noah and the ark in the Bible.
The Genesis account is from the Bible; explaining that everything was created by God.
The bible writes of God creating earth, and in six days he created everything from nothing. God
created the lakes, the mountains, the ocean, the animals and the human beings. God created
Adam and Eve, and from there Noah and the ark with the worldwide flood. In this account, the
earth is still young, and animals have transformed; but not drastically like a lion to a cow. The
Genesis account isnt believed my some people because those people might not believe in God,
or they dont believe that God could have created everything in just six days.
I consider the Genesis account a relationship with God and us. God created the world so
he could make humans as a split image of God himself. In the bible, Genesis talks about how

God created everything and he created humans. But when humans betrayed God, he sent a flood.
Through the Bible, people betray God and he forgives us. We betray him, and he gives the world
Jesus. Jesus sacrifice helped mend the gap that people had with God. In our modern world, there
is still people who dont believe in God, and dont take in consideration the Genesis account.
Around the world, scientists are trying to figure out evidence of a young or an old earth.
A young earth would mean God creating the earth is real, and the Bible would be real. The
evidence of an old earth has been found for sedimentary rocks, the rock formations, the remains
of old human bones and fossils. All this information, I dont know what to assume in a young
earth or an old earth. A day in the Bible could mean 1000 years; or maybe God made this
confusion of evolution and the Bible because he didnt want anyone to know. The world can be
young there is evidence of that; the world could be very old there is evidence for that; but
through it all, nobody really knows.
All the evidence for an old earth is documented to back up the statement that the world is
old. Fossils have been discovered that date back hundreds of years. Bones of old animals that
have transformed into water animals; animals or figures that are similar to human beings.
Astronomical evidence of the stars and the movement of the earth show proof of an old earth.
The landscapes of the earth show that weather and erosion happened millions of times to create
the mountains; millions of years to perform. All these accusations show that there is evidence of
an old earth.
Organisms are capable of change, but to an extent. In a movie that I watched in Bible, the
speaker in the movie showed a great point. The speakers talked to people that were atheist, and
examined them on their history of the world. All of them believed in Charles Darwin, and

everyone can be capable of changing, but not into something completely new. A bear can
transform into different colors and have different features due to the bears moving around, and
living in different habitats. Charles Darwin is correct, but a bear cannot change into a lamb over
the years; never in history has that happened. Animals and plants are capable of change, and that
is a process of evolution.
I have thought about evolution; and I have thought about creation story equally. I have
looked at evidence of a young earth through the Bible in Genesis. I have also looked at evidence
of an old earth through evolution and scientific evidence. Through it all, I am more confused
about the way the earth was created than Ive ever been in my entire life. I stand in the middle of
it all because there is proof of an old earth and proof of a young earth. People have debated about
this for years, but I dont want to spend my whole life figuring out, because in a way no one
really knows what happened. Nobody was there when God created the world; God is the only
one who knows the answer. And God will tell us all when the time is right for him to come back
to us.

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