JaeWook Lee - Portfolio Media PDF

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Nothing But A Symphony, 2014

Media: single-channel video with sound; 4:20 min.


Nothing But A Symphony, 2014

Media: single-channel video with sound; 4:20 min.

Ideasthesia, 2014
Media: single-channel video with sound; 4:20 min.

Media: single-channel video with sound

Ideasthesia, 2014
Media: single-channel video with sound; 4:20 min.

Sense (avscularemain), 2014 A collaboration with Ali Van

Media: an audio-play with Ali Vans voice-over
(an excerpt from Andr Bretons Mad Love),
scented plants, performance;1hour.

Sense (avscularemain), 2014 A collaboration with Ali Van

Media: an audio-play with Ali Vans voice-over (an excerpt from Andr Bretons Mad Love), scented plants, performance;1hour.

Melt, Flow, Breathe, 2013

Media: two-channel video with sound. Dimensions: approx. 150 x 150 x 60

Melt, Flow, Breathe, 2013

Media: sound installation, fur; 10:00 min. loop. Dimensions: variable


Less is Known on Earth, 2015

Less is Known on Earth, 2015

Media: blue and red glow lights, objects made out
of science books, geometric-shaped objects, rulers, scented plants, natural objects, performance; 2
hours.Dimensions: 442 x 300 x 192

When All Things Evaporate Well Talk About Minerals, 2014


A meteorite-shaped object made

out of a book about meteorties.

Media: Books, natural minerals, geometric-shaped

objects, clay, performance; 1 hour.
Dimensions: 450 x 450 x 300

Station Moves, 2016

Media: C-print, receipts from eBay and Amazon.com, Goolge
Hangouts live-streaming
Dimensions: 250 x 300 x 250

You Think Yourself in Me, 2012

Media: sound installation, flags

Building/Unbuilding, 2013
Media: various found objects, TV, sound.Dimensions: variable

Building/Unbuilding, 2013
Media: various found objects, TV,
sound.Dimensions: variable

Ideasthesia, 2013
Media: a TV monitor, a cellist playing air-cello, while remembering Dmitri Shostakovichs music

Nightmare, 2011
Media: single-channel video with sound; 2:44 min

Nightmare, 2011
Media: single-channel video with sound; 2:44 min

All Men Are Created Equal Bullshit, 2011

Media: two-channel slide projection of the documentation of a live perfomance


All men are created equal Bullshit

consists of two slide projections of
myself transporting water through
mouth, from river to ground, as I
write Thomas Jeffersons immortal
phrase, All men are created equal
- to which I add: bullshit. I created
a condition struggle for this action
by taping myself up. The laborious
action appears absurd in light of
New York Citys skyline, emblematic of the overdeveloped city in contrast to the potent struggle of the
masses against neo-liberal capitalism.

Music Thinks Itself in Me, 2014

Media: single-channel video, 01:27 min.

Window Project, 2005-2008

Media: translucent film on windows, site-specific installation/ single-channel video, 01:34 min.

Window Project, 2005-2008

Media: the recycled film stickers from the window installation

Neo Gothec Fashion, 2004-2006

Media: clothes made of straws, performance, photographs,

wall painting. Dimension: approx. 300 x 300 x 192

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