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AP Government and Politics Speech: 1 believe that mankind's responsibilty at any point in history is to Improve. To move forward and develop. ‘Aino point in time have we done enough, at no point in time is enough done to stop, Wo muctawaye be ‘pushing, 5 ss shag borne | Inthe machine pushing us towards the future, the inner workings of this delicate and intridate machine, the gears, are civic virtue. Civic virtue is the driving force behind this progress. ic \lshes Contributing lends our voice, allowing us to provide for ourselves ad for others. Respect acknowledges the voice of the minority, gives it the opportunity to become the majority. Courage atows us to pursue what we believe regar ess of the public opinion. Justice, humilly, perseverance, these are all our responsibilty as humans. *spite these very honorable goals, | think civic virtue really holds power because it demands us to hold to our actions, It begs that we put our name on our work and hold fierce pride in it. Not just to work but to excel. Not just go through the motions, but to change the world This civic vitue develops the overiaying machine of progress, government. ‘Thanks to the hope for a better world, gov explores new paths towards better freedoms, and more efficient systems 4 inspires usto-advanceeserspetiés. In Os CQO Bivie Uptwe ches US frweed, ‘Today's America is intertwined with civic virtue, most of all courage and the pursuit of right, the pursuit of a more perfect unior-ead world fo al The history of America has always been a story ofthese virtues, and one in particular, boldness: to settle. new land, rise against oppression, fight a war against a world superpower, and to win. With the world's eyes on us, we were charged the responsibility of creating a government to match our hard fought freedom and to exemplify our desire for justice and right. nce again we were bold 1 failed experiment and a 5 month convention later, we had created a government the US could proudly put their name on, The consttution in just 7 articles created a government unheard of for its time, a Republic. AAti’s heart it was a government for the people. The framers insisted on a system where the power is held and given by the people. This meant unprecedented liberty, giving the people the power to decide who uns the government and how they run it. Giving them the keys to their own future. ‘The governmental powers they spit, between states and central, between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This allowed the government to be effective while stl keeping them inline to prevent { item from hurting the people. frm-iv Fe8Y fought for right, assuring every law, every process, or ruling made is within i's bounds and for the good of the people through judicial review. ‘They created a supreme law of the land, one that holds the overlaying power to run a nation in the right direction They boldly created a now government, one whose focus no longer held to power, money, or influence, but a government whose undying focus was and is maintained to the bettermentoFits people, for holding pi is was the constitution released to the citizens of the newly formed county, with the signatures of 39 of the brightest of their day, asserting that this was the most effective government attainable. They signed because they believed they had created a government of good- a government based on virtue, one working for the better of mankind. “Thought they knew they couldn't please everyone, they strove for compromise, hoping to attain the best possible solutions for all, a compromising attitude we must continue today. ‘Though they were the brightest of ther time, they had the humility to emphasize the flexibility of the government, allowing it to adapt over time to reach the best possible answers. ey bolaly left behind a government from, by, and for the peopl, striving forthe progress of humanity, that will be remembered forever. ‘The fight for this bold new government started before the convention. he declaration of independence, and all throughout America's colonial history. The constitution Tepresents us and our purpose. When in the course of history, man is subjected to inequality, when he is not respected, when others seek {0 take his freedoms, this is when the need for the Constitution is exemplified }2 Conettution has stamped itself in history as the means of solving worlds of hurt, and of creating a re perfect union of mankind. ‘The constitution stands for equality for freedoms and rights to every man and woman, undeniable in nature It stands fr representation, for having @-voice'@nd _fuencing the world around you. {land {0% justice, for ensuring every action taken is for good, 'e Constitution above all stands for the progression of right, The first ofits kind, the constitution stood \ for virtue, for pursuing right answers in the multitude of voices, for refining our ldsale apd creating a \\ society on these very ideals, creating a world of ‘acceptance and peace. Creating a world where a person no matter their race. their religion, their background, the color of their skin, every person is valued, is given hope and acceptance. Because this is what is right, this i what will push us forward, ursuing right also begs for perfection, begs for effectiveness and efficiency, and thus the constitution iso stands for a strong government, one who has the powers, the offices, and the abilty o pursue what right. C The constitution stangs for safety and regulation, freedom and prosperity, for compromising the ideal rid whereas a. ‘can succeed. And here's wht allthis matters, because now as look at the diversity and life, the equality, the justice in gu word | know what helped make it possible, and what continues to fight everyday for progress. ‘The hope and foundation of today's world was built on a document creating an effective repciie for me and for you document created io form a more perfect union, este:sish justice; insure domestic tranqullly, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of liberty to cursehves end ur posterity A document to create today's America. me Gonstilution provides the backbone of society and represents movement ofthe word in the right direction. Neo today’s America must look to the constitution o build our actions and policies, searching for the true purpose of freedom and right behind the words within, us hold to civic virtue and right. Let us hold to courage, respect, and humilty Let us debate the world around us and take action, 6 5 Note, let us spread integration, and let us promote the forward action of humanity. © hold as citizens under the constitution the undeniable power to make a diference, to promote what is ht over what is aocepted, to stand over oppression, and to create the perfect union of mari [te be found in the hearts of the men opposing the British in Lexington, in the minds of the writers of t

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