Learning Plan

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Running head: LEARNING PLAN

NURS 1020 Learning Plan

Melissa Friskney
Trent University


Learning Plan # 1
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Name: Melissa Friskney
Course Number: NURS
Course Name: Clinical Practice in a Residential Setting
Area of Practice: Long-Term Care
Competency Category
o Professional Responsibility
Competencies 4, 5 and 6 (CNO, 2014)
o Knowledge-based Practice
o Ethical Practice
o Service to the Public
o Self-Regulation
1. By April 4, 2016, I will demonstrate a professional presence and
model professional behavior during my clinical placement by
wearing my proper uniform including clean scrubs, hair tied back,
white shoes, a watch and name tag. I will also be punctual and
well prepared for my placement by having all the necessary
supplies such as pens and paper.
2. By February 23, 2016, I will achieve my goal of correctly
identifying myself to residents and the health care team by
always introducing myself by my first and last name and
3. I aim to work collaboratively throughout the duration of my
clinical placement with both my peers and the staff of the LongTerm Care facility. I will accomplish this goal by April 4, 2016.
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?
Goal One:
The Saturday before each of my clinical placements I will wash
my uniform ensuring it is clean for my shift on Monday. This will
also help to prevent my scrubs from being contaminated with
pathogens that may have been on my scrubs from my last shift.
The Sunday night before my clinical placement I will set out my
clean uniform and pack my bag with all the supplies I require for
that day to ensure that I do not forget anything and that I have
everything I require in order to have a successful day at my
clinical placement.
The Sunday night before my clinical placement I will set an alarm
to help me get up at an appropriate time. This will help me to
make it to the taxi on time and arrive at my clinical placement 15
minutes before my shift starts.


Goal Two:
By the end of my first clinical placement I will introduce myself
by stating my full name and my position to my resident and my
residents health care team.

Learning Plan # 1
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Every Monday when I go to my clinical placement I will make

sure to introduce myself again to my resident, the health care
team and any visitors of my resident such as family or friends to
help them become familiar with me and to start to build a
relationship with them.
By February 5, 2016, I will Read Chapter 9: Professional
Relationship Issues from the Ethics and Issues in Contemporary
Nursing (Burkhardt, Nathaniel & Walton, 2014) for strategies on
how to appropriately introduce myself to residents and health
care providers in a professional manner.
By February 12, 2106, I will review the RNAOs Health Work
Environments Best Practice Guidelines: Intra-professional
Collaborative Practice among Nurses (2016) to help me
understand how to better work as a team with the other students
and the health care staff at my clinical placement.
By February 5, 2016 my peers and I will come up with three ideas
on how we can improve our collaborative practice. This will help
to improve the therapeutic nurse-resident relationships we have
with our residents.
By February 12, 2016, I will gather information about
collaborative practice from the Canadian Fundamentals of
Nursing by reading chapter 10 Nursing Leadership, Management
and Collaborative Practice (Duncan, 2014).

I will know I have achieved my goals when I show up to each of
my clinical placements in a clean, complete uniform with all the
required supplies.
I will know I am effectively introducing myself in a professional
manner when members of my residents health care team are
able to identify who I am.


I will have achieved my goals if I receive positive feedback from

my clinical instructor, peers and from members of the health
care staff.
My goal of working with my team collaboratively will be achieved
if my team can effectively communicate with each other.
If the team that I am a part of is able to work well together to
critically solve problems and take care of our residents then I
know I have achieved my goal.
If I am able reflect back on my practice and identity my strengths
and weakness when it came to achieving my goals.

My learning plan addresses:

o Self Reflection
o Course Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives 1, 5
o Consideration to previous evaluation
o Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level
Signature: Melissa Friskney
Date: February 1, 2016

Learning Plan # 2
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Name: Melissa Friskney
Course Number: NURS
Course Name: Clinical Practice in a Residential Setting
Area of Practice: Long-Term Care
Competency Category
o Professional Responsibility
o Knowledge-based Practice
Competencies 21, 33 and 39 (CNO, 2014)
o Ethical Practice
o Service to the Public
o Self-Regulation
1. By April 4, 2016, I will have established a therapeutic nurseresident relationship with my resident by using different
assessment tools to collect information about their life.
2. By April 4, 2016, I want to have developed a body of knowledge
of nursing in Long-Term Care and current health issues.
3. By February 23, 2016, I want to identify with my resident what
three of their health and wellness goals are and come up with
ways in which my resident can achieve these goals.
Activities, Necessary Resources and Timeframes to achieve my goal?
Goal One:



By January 29, 2016, I will review ways to build a therapeutic

relationship by reading chapter 24: Older Adulthood in the
Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing textbook (Duggleby,
By February 5, 2016, I will familiarize myself with the RNAOs
Establishing Therapeutic Relationships Best Practice
Guidelines (2002) to gain a better understanding of the
therapeutic nurse-resident relationship.
By February 23, 2016, I will have collected information about
my patient to help build our therapeutic relationship by using
skills including observation, interviewing and health history
Each week until April 4, 2016, I will watch the news every
Tuesday night to help keep myself updated and informed with
local and global stories and events.
By February 12, 2016, I will review my NURS 1001 notes from the
lecture Nursing in the Global Context to educate myself on
current health issues occurring around the world (Gilmer, 2015).
I will keep up to date with my readings in NURS 1002 and review
my lecture notes on healthy aging (MacLeod, 2016) to expand
my body of knowledge regarding older adults and nursing in the
Long-Term Care setting.

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Goal Three:
By January 29, 2016, I will have completed a literature review
using CINAHL and read the journal article Goal setting as a
shared decision making strategy among clinicians and their older
patients (Schulman, Naik, Bradley, McCorkle & Bogardus, 2006)
to educate myself on how to approach an older person about
discussing their health goals for the future.

By February 5, 2016, I will have worked with my resident to come

up with their health strengths and needs to work towards their
health-related goals.
By February 12, 2016, I will seek out advice from the health care
staff at the Long-Term Care facility regarding strategies that they
find effective when setting goals with residents.


I will know I have achieved my goal if I have a successful

therapeutic nurse-resident relationship.
If I was able to use different assessment tools such as
interviewing to collect information regarding not only my
patients physical health but their mental and spiritual health
If I feel comfortable talking with my resident discussing their past
history and their current health.
If I am aware of ongoing health issues on a global scale and the
impacts they are having on our health care system locally.
I will have been successful in achieving my goal if I have
expanded my body of knowledge of nursing in Long-Term Care
and I am successfully able to identify issues that occur within
nursing in Long-Term Care.
I will have achieved my goal if I can help my resident brainstorm
and work towards achieving three of their health goals.
My goal will be achieved if my resident and I have been able to
establish their strengths and needs regarding their health.
If I am able reflect back on my practice and identity my strengths
and weakness when it came to achieving my goals.

My learning plan addresses:

o Self Reflection
o Course Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives 1,2,3 and 6
o Consideration to previous evaluation
o Cumulative and Appropriate for educational level
Signature: Melissa Friskney
Date: February 1, 2016
Burkhardt, M. A., Nathaniel, A. K., & Walton, N. A. (2014). Professional Relationship
Issues. In Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing (Second Canadian ed., pp.
208-233). Toronto, Ont: Nelson Education.
CNO. (2014, January). Competencies for entry-level Registered Nurse practice.
Retrieved February 2, 2016, from


Duggleby, W., RN, PhD, AOCN. (2014). Older Adulthood. In Canadian Fundamentals of
Nursing (5th ed., pp. 374-395). Toronto, Ont: Elsevier Canada.
Duncan, S. M., RN, PhD. (2014). Nursing Leadership, Management, and Collaborative
Practice. In Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (5th ed., pp. 125-139). Toronto,
Ont: Elsevier Canada.
Gilmer, C., M.H.Sc.(N), D. Hlth. Sc. (2015, October 1). Nursing in the Global Context.
Lecture presented at NURS 1001 FA in Trent University, Peterborough.
MacLeod, A., R.N., B.Sc.N, M.P.H. (2016, January 6). Healthy Aging. Lecture presented
at Healthy Aging in Trent University, Peterborough.
RNAO. (2002, July). Establishing therapeutic relationships. Retrieved February 2, 2016,
from http://rnao.ca/sites/rnaoca/files/Establishing_Therapeutic_Relationships.pdf
RNAO. (2016, January). Intra-professional Collaborative Practice among Nurses.
Retrieved February 2, 2016, from http://rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/Intraprofessional_Collaborative_Practice_WEB_6.pdf
Schulman-Green, D. J., Naik, A. D., Bradley, E. H., McCorkle, R., & Bogardus, S. T.
(2006). Goal setting as a shared decision making strategy among clinicians and
their older patients. Patient Education and Counseling, 63(1-2), 145-151.

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