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Hiring School District

123 School Road

Phoenix, Arizona 12345
February 22 2016
To whom it may concern,
I am applying for the 10th grade Biology teacher position at Mesa Unified School District. I am
a first year teacher, and very excited to get started with my first classroom. I graduated from the
Mary Lou Fulton college at Arizona State University. I am certified in Secondary Education
(Biological Sciences). My experience and love of Biology would make me a great candidate for
this position.
Although I am a new teacher I do already have a great deal of experience that could be a great fit
for this position. I did one day a week internships in secondary schools for three semesters while
attending Arizona State University. My last semester I did one full semester as a student teacher
in a high school Biology classroom. My mentor teacher and I worked together to keep the
material interesting and relevant for the students. This experience has helped me gain classroom
organization and classroom management skills. I have also worked as a teachers assistant in a
high school special education class, so I have experience in implementing accommodations for
children with IEPs.
Thank you for taking your time to review my resume and application. I am excited to hear from
you soon. I know I could be a very professional and creative teacher to help students succeed in
Biology in your district. For more information on me or my application please contact me at or (480)123-1234.
Amanda Felio

February 22, 2016

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express my excitement for working
with your student this year. I am alumni of Arizona State University with a Bachelors degree in
Secondary Education (Biological Sciences). I love the study of life (Biology) and am confident
that your student will learn a lot this year. I plan on using case study and hands on lessons, and
labs to advance your students knowledge on the digestive system, cells, ecosystems and much
Additional information is available on the syllabus attached in this email for your connivence.
Because this is a science classroom, I have also attached a lab safety sheet, please print, review,
sign and have your student return it to me by Friday February 26, 2016. Your student will also
be required to take and get at least a 75% a quiz on lab safety before they are able to start
working in the lab. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns via email. I am also
available for meetings or phone calls before or after school if you would like to meet face to
I am very excited to work with your student this year! If you have any concerns please dont
hesitate to email me.
Thank you,
Mrs. Felio
(480) 123-1234 (classroom phone number)

February 22, 2016

Dear Mrs. Doe,

I would like to take this time to touch base with you and address a pattern I
have been noticing with your son John. John is a delightful student to have in
class he is a social butterfly. He really gets a lot with all of his classmates.
However, I have noticed he has a large amount of missing assignments
lately. He tends to turn in his in class work, but his homework is sparsely
turned in. He has nine homework assignments missing already this quarter
and I am concerned with his grade. John is a bright student and always does
well on my tests.
I have attached a list of missing homework assignments, could your please
encourage him to turn in the missing work, I am willing to allow give 60% of
the points allotted if he turns them into me by 2/29/2016 . I am always
available to help him before or after school if there is something he is not
understanding with the assignments or wants tutoring. I know once John
puts his mind to something he can achieve greatness. Once John is back on
track with his homework I know his grade will reflect the work he puts into
my class.
Thank you,
Mrs. Felio

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