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Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of

Name: Noora AbdulRahman Abdullah
ID: H00227403

21 March 2016
12:40 to 1:25 PM
Information Security


Grade 3 - 4
Mariam Al Raeesi

Prior Knowledge (What prior knowledge are you building in?)

- They know the basic things in computer and some programs.
- They know how to use Microsoft Word in a basic way.
- They know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint.

Lesson Objectives: (What will students be able to do by the end of the lesson?)
- Respect, students should respect each other, give their friends the chance
to talk or work during the class, for example when I ask them a questions in
front of the other students, they should get the chance and think about it and
the students should not laugh on them if they say something wrong or didnt
know how to do it.
- Co-operate, Students are able to co-operate together and work together
when I will give them the pictures and the sentences to discuss about them,
plus they should learn to not fight for who will do the thing and who will read
it for example.
- Internet Interaction, Students will be able to understand and define the
meaning of internet interaction by answering the teachers questions and got
the idea of the wool yarn. According to Blooms taxonomy, students will be in
the comprehensive level.
- Social Networks tools, students will be able to know and compare

Bachelor of Education

between the social networks tools and the usage of each one of them, by
using their own experience in using them, According to Blooms taxonomy,
students will be in the comprehensive level.
- Social Networks positives and negatives, students will be able to
classify and give examples about the bad and good things of using the social
networking tools by predicting what does the pictures and the video that I
will show them in the presentation talk about, According to Blooms
taxonomy, students will be in the analyzing level.
- Behaviors in using Social Networks, Students will be able to
demonstrate what is the behaviors that they should have to use the social
networks in a right way by discus in groups and analyze the picture that I will
give it to them. According to Blooms taxonomy, students will be in the
analyzing level.
- Dealing with the information in social Networks, students will be able
to know how to deal with any information that they read and they want to
resend it to other people by linking it with their real life, According to Blooms
taxonomy, students will be in the comprehensive level.
- Compare : students will be able to compare between the social networks
tools and the usage of each one of them.
- Analyze : Students will be able to analyze the positives and the negatives,
plus the behaviors that they should have to use social networks from the
pictures and the video that I will show it to them.
- Discuss : Students will be able to discuss about the picture and the
sentence that I will give them about what behaviors we should have while
using the social networks.
Evaluation / Assessment: (How will you know your students have achieved the
lesson objectives?)

After I explained everything in lesson to the students, I will keep time in the last
to ask them some questions about some parts of it (by groups), and I will ask
them if they prefer me to use the online wheel picker or ask them group by
group, I will ask them the questions to be sure that the students got the ideas of
the lesson and can explain the information.
Personal focus (relate to your PDP, state the goal and explain your actions specific
to this lesson):

In this lesson I am working on my PDP goals,

which is using eye contact and body language with the students, I will try to not

Bachelor of Education

give them my back for long time, I will be smiling and giving them right face
expression. Moreover, I will be moving around them while Im giving the an
activity. Also I will let the students use the signals that I asked them to use
during the lesson, such as raising their hand to talk. Furthermore, I might use
the bell to inform them about what I want from them or the if the time started or
finished for an activity.
Teaching Competencies focus (relate to specific competencies, state the
competency area, explain your focus and actions)

In this lesson I am working on my professionalism, in the area of communicate

with stakeholders about students progress, teaching and learning. I discussed
with my MST before the lesson about what is the best way for the students to
understand the lesson, and the content of it by link it to their real life.
Furthermore, Im working on implementing and managing learning area, by
applying a questioning techniques and some strategies to maintain or motivate
an effective classroom.

Teaching Strategies: (these are important to define so you create an positive and
supportive learning environment during the lesson)

Teaching strategies:
- Active Learning: students will have some activities to work with and explain
things to the students
- Cooperative Learning: students will collaborate and work together in the
activity that I will ask them to do.
Classroom management strategies:
- I will tell them the rules in the beginning of the class
- Let the students using signals,
if they want to talk or answer
- Using the bell to inform the students about specific thing
Behavioral management strategies:
- I will warn them to not talk while Im teaching by stop talking and looking at
- They should be organized,
Enter and leave the lab without running and each group should sit on their
- I will be setting up a group leader for each group, it will help the lesson to be
more smooth and organized.
Feedback strategies:

Bachelor of Education

- Most of the feedbacks will be orally and I will have a reward board also.
Materials & Resources: (What do you need for teaching & learning?)

Wool yarns
Envelops with pictures and sentences
Badges (social networks logos) \ Coats for the leaders
Reward board

Technology integration:
- Computer
- Presentation
- Video (about using the social networks in a wrong way)
- Pictures
What the Teacher does.
What the Students do.

Lesson connection
to PDP goals
and/or Action
Research Focus

ENGAGE -Introduction: \ 8mins

I will start the lesson by asking them to set in the groups, I will say the leader
name then I will give them their badges. Then I will ask them what do they
remember from the previous class, then I will tell them my rules for this class.
After that I will tell them what is the title of the lesson and what they should
know in this lesson and my expectations from them.
PHASE ONE (Explore) \ 12mins
A- I will be going around and ask
the students to hold the wool
yarn which I means its like the
Internet Network.
B- I will show the students a
pictures of the positive and the
negative sides of the social
C- I will give each group an
envelope with a picture and a
sentence in it about the
behaviors that they should have
while using social networks.

Students should hold the wool

yarn and try to predict what does
the teacher mean by this action.

and body

Students should say what do they

think is the positive or the
negative point from the pictures.
Students should work as a group
and discus about the point that
they have.

PHASE TWO (Explain) 12mins


Bachelor of Education

A- After I they tell me their

predictions about the wool yarn,
I will explain to them what does
it mean and the definition of the
internet interaction.
Ask the students to list some of
the social networks tools and the
usage of them.
B- I will explain to the students
what do each picture mean and I
will ask them to give me some
C- I will ask the students to
understand their points and I will
give them 2 mins to discuss,
then they should presented.
PHASE THREE(Elaborate) 3mins
I will clarify to them the negative
side social networks and what
they should do if they faced this
problem, it will be by showing
them a short cartoon video
about a small birds are sending a
picture of their friend and
laughing on him. Moreover, I will
talk to them about how they can
deal with the information that
other people send to them.
To be sure that the students
understand the lesson, I will ask
them some questions, and I will
ask them if they prefer me to
use the online wheel picker, or
ask them group by group. Every
group will answer the question,
they will get a sticker on the
reward board.

Students should listen to the

teacher and understand what is
internet interaction.
Students should say some of the
social networks tools and from
their experiences, they have to
compare between each one of

and body


Students should say some

examples that relate to the
pictures that we talks about.
Students should work as a group,
understand their points, then
presented, read it or explain it to
the other students.

Students should focus on the

video and tell the teacher what is
happening on it and how we
should deal with this situations,
how they can deal with the
information that other people
send it to them and they can give
some examples.


Students should focus and

understand the questions to
answer the teacher to get the
biggest number of the stickers.

and body

Bachelor of Education


- Having difficulties in understanding some words.
- Having a very long discussions because of saying their experiences.

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