In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

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In what ways does your media

product use, develop or

challenge forms and
conventions of real media
• My magazine front cover compared to a
real NME front cover has similar media
products. Starting with the mast head, I
have used a nice clear mast head so
people know what magazine it is, just like
NME has done. Also NME has their
masthead on the left hand side of the
cover so I decided to have it more to the
left hand side.
• If I didn’t have a masthead then it wouldn’t
sell at all, it wouldn’t be recognised. I have
used a medium close up shot for my main
image, just exactly like NME has done for
this issue. I wanted to get the writing on
his top in as well, that’s why I have chosen
a medium close up.
• For my main heading I have used a large
yellow font to fit in with the colour of the
masthead. It also fits right across the page
so that people can see it from a distance
and it will catch their eye with the
contrasting colours used. I have it going
across my page and over the main image
because it is also related to the main
• NME have also done the same, they have
used the main cover line to fit across the
main image, and also their colours are a
good choice to that it stands out. When
readers look at the magazine, the main
things they look for are the Masthead to
make sure they have got the right
magazine and the masthead because if it
is something very popular, then they will
want to read it so they will then buy it.
• Now, I have only used two cover lines that
stream down the left hand side of the front
cover, this is because I don’t like the page
to be filled up, I wanted my main image to
stand out because it can spoil a magazine
front cover if you have too many cover
lines on it or more than one image. So I
have only used two cover lines and the
NME magazine has used 5.
• For one of my cover lines I have used,
WIN V.I.P style tickets, this is to draw the
readers into buying the magazine and also
to get feedback from them when they
submit to the draw for a chance to win
V.I.P tickets. Unlike NME, I have chosen
to put a banner on the bottom of my music
magazine front cover, this says Massive
poster inside.
• I have done this because it gets the
readers attention once again and if it is a
poster of their best band or artist then they
will buy it just for the poster. They will then
read everything else and if they do take an
interest to the magazine they will start
buying it regularly.
• The free poster inside is basically classed
as a free-bee. The last thing we have in
common is the barcode; it is common with
every magazine front cover as for
magazines are bought in shops. They way
to buy them in shops is to scan them,
using the barcode. The issue and the date
are just underneath the barcode. The
issue and date are either under the
masthead or underneath the barcode.

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