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Anecdotal Record # 1

Childs ID: T
Date of Observation: 2-6-2015
Learning Tree




Location of observation: The

and classroom
Time began: 9:15 am
1. Note

Time ended: 10:30am

the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Centers (free time while waiting for others to arrive)
Circle Time
Choice center (children picked which center they wanted
to go in)

2. Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is

doing and/or saying:
Climbs ladder to get to top of reading nook (gm)
Hops and jumps while in class playing (gm)
Pats legs like drum roll at circle time while waiting for
next childs turn (gm)
Puts string through basket (fm)
Stacks blocks (gm) to make greatest machine ever and
put string through blocks (fm) to make wire. He says
its very hot (c/l)
Plays and interacts with others (s/e). plays with another
little girl in reading area and then later plays with
another little boy in block area (s/e)
During center time he sits quietly and waits (c).
Another child takes an item from him during show and
tell and he whines a bit (s/e)
Another child touches and accidently kicks him and he
was a little upset but quickly got over it .(s/e)
Talked to teacher about monkey (l)
During play he says I need peanuts (l)
When he first went to block center he play independently
(c), then when another child started to play he said no,
not like that(l) and then played together without
T listened and followed directions and decided what
center he wanted to play in (c)

3. Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s)

and the child:
Told teacher about a monkey and he needed peanuts.
Listen to teacher with she talked to him and answered
questions when asked
4. Note significant interactions between the child and other
Talked and played with girl in book area
Talked and sat beside same little girl during circle
Talked and played some with another boy at block area
5. Code observation notes (SE=social emotional, FM=fine motor,
GM=gross motor, L=language, C=cognitive)
Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis
1. What did I learn about the childs development from todays
T used a lot of his gross motor skills playing today with
blocks, jumping, climbing and patting leg. He also used
his fine motor skills string beads.
Today during circle time, he sat quietly and listen to the
other children. He did whine a bit when someone took his
show and tell item without asking.
During center time, he choose what center he wanted and
built greatest machine ever he used string for wire,
which was very hot. He play independently and got upset
when someone touch his machine.
He seemed very comfortable talking with his teacher.
2. What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?
Talking one on one with child.
Getting some writing samples or drawings.
3. What questions do I have regarding the childs development
and learning?
Ask the teacher who he plays with? One person or many?
Is there any particular thing he likes to do?
The teacher told me a few things about T. She said he
had problems with expressive language. When he said I
need some peanuts, she said he says that when he
needs more energy.

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