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Gabriela Rivera


DATE: 4/15/2015

The purpose of this evaluation is to use self-reflection and goalfuture semesters of employment.

course of

Step 1: The RA Reviews each focus area and reflects on their performance based on the description of the area.
Step 2: The RA completes the RA Reflection block of each section, explaining how they believe they have performed, providing examples of areas of
excellence and areas of improvement. Your reflection should comprise at least two to five complete sentences.
Step 3: The RA develops at least 2 goals and with each goal, two action items/plans for the goal. Goals should be job related, specific, accurate, and
concrete. Keep the goals SMART -- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. Goals should also have a time frame. Focus on measurable
performance such as "deliver, develop, produce, increase, or improve."
Step 4: The RA sends the evaluation document to the RD/RLC for review at least 3 business days prior to the evaluation meeting.
Step 5: The RD/RLC completes section 6 and provides additional relevant comments on Sections 1-5 and the goals for each.
Step 6: The RD/RLC then meets with the RA and reviews the evaluation. The RD/RLC, during this meeting, provides feedback on their reflection and
any additional comments (areas of excellence/growth) the RD/RLC had for each section. The RD/RLC reviews each of their goals with the action items
and makes adjustments as necessary. The RD/RLC should be checking to ensure the RA has indicated how the goals will be measured.
Step 7: The RA has an opportunity to provide comments then signs and dates the evaluation.

The RA Performance Evaluation contains 6 sections:

1. Support of the Office of Housing & Residence Life
2. Administrative Responsibilities
3. Role Modeling/Professionalism
4. Programming/Community Development
5. Front Desk Services
6. General/Overall Performance

Section 1: Support of the Office of Housing & Residence

Develops and maintains effective working relationships with
supervisors, staff co-workers, and others (e.g., deals effectively with
interpersonal problems at work, consults with peers, demonstrates
loyalty, collaborates with peers and is able to maintain

RA Self Reflection:
I believe I have performed well in this section. I think I excelled in establishing an
effective working relationship with my supervisors and co-workers despite the
obstacle of being hired in the middle of the semester. I always consulted with my
interpersonal problems during my short time as an RA this semester.

RD/RLC Comments: Gaby has done a great job supporting both the overall housing department and the needs of The Groves RA Team.
Goals for Next Semester
Goal 1:Develop effective working relationships with the entire team during fall semester
o Action Items
One: Participate in team builders and be present at meetings held and go to programs that are not my own.
Two: Reach out to co Goal 2: Collaborate with peers during the fall semester
o Action Items
One: Develop programs with battle buddy and other team members
Two: Ask for advice and express concerns when needed
Section 2: Administrative Responsibilities
Understands and consistently enforces FGCU and OHRL policy and
procedures as well as effectively explains them to residents.
Completes all tasks requested on-time and does not submit late
work. Does work that is neat, accurate, and thorough. Attends all
one-on-one and team meetings and actively participates in both.
Attends and participates in training and in-services.

RA Self Reflection: If work was submitted late it was usually due to confusion or lack
of knowledge about the rules. However, my submitted work was done to the best of
my ability. I attended all meetings required of me.

RD/RLC Comments: Gaby has done an excellent job with completing all administrative tasks by the stated deadline and staying organized.
Goals for Next Semester
Goal 1: Improve on attendance at inservices
o Action Items
One: Manage time by noting when all inservices are and then attending the inservices that fit with my schedule
Two: Increase knowledge about the importance of inservices
Goal 2:Improve on submitting paper work
o Action Items
One: Increase knowledge about when papers are due and what papers need to be completed
Two: Delegate tasks if collaborating with another co-worker.


Section 3: Role Modeling/Professionalism

Shows compassion and support for residents and peers. Develops
an atmosphere of concern, support, and cooperation amongst the
team and on the floor. Positively portrays the Office of Housing &
Residence Life and is aware and sensitive to differences within the
residential community.

RA Self Reflection:I was always available and attentive to questions and concerns.
Always portrayed myself positively at all times in my professional and personal life.

RD/RLC Comments: Gaby has excelled within this area of the RA position. Gaby communicates appropriately and professionally at all times.
Goals for Next Semester
Goal 1:Encourage residents and peers to develop an atmosphere together.
o Action Items
One: Encourage others to express concerns right away and in a positive manner
Two: Encourage myself to reach out for help if needed
Goal 2:Develop an atmosphere of support within the team
o Action Items
One: Attend all meetings to develop a strong reputation of reliability
Two: Express that I can be trusted with all matters, personal or professional.
Section 4: Programming/Community Development
Has actively worked to develop a sense of community among
residents. Has used a variety of methods to identify interest areas of
residents and developed programming based on the information
obtained. Utilizes available resources to enhance residential
experience, completed the Socio-gram thoroughly and on-time,
and is able to effectively identify and help resolve roommate
concerns. Programs are creative, completed in advance, with
thoughtful advertisement, and well attended.

RA Self Reflection:I felt like I was lacking in community development because by the
time I was hired in March the community was already developed. Therefore, I
information. I was never approached for roommate concerns and did not identify
any cases of concerns. The two programs I did do were well attended but not

RD/RLC Comments: Gaby is encouraged to utilize her strong creative nature within her programming work to further build strong community.
Goals for Next Semester
Goal 1:Develop creative programs
o Action Items
One: Research and ask around about what has been done in the past and put my personal touch on it
Two: Have these program proposals completed well in advance so it can be thoughtful.
Goal 2:Develop a community the first 6 weeks of school next year
o Action Items

One: Advertise dinner dates well and in creative ways. For example, utilizing social media.
Two: Gather information based on their interests and develop programs based off of that information

Section 5: Front Desk Services

RA Self Reflection:

Provides effective customer service (e.g., delivers quality service in

an attentive, friendly and professional manner. Ensures that
completed work tasks and answers to questions have no errors).
Completes and submits timesheets accurately and in a timely
manner to Gulfline.

always try to refer them to the right person. I need to learn how to work the phone
more properly because I messed up a couple times.

RD/RLC Comments: Gaby has a strong understanding of proving excellent customer service to residents at our front desk operation.
Goals for Next Semester
Goal 1:Learn how to use the phone
o Action Items
One:Ask desk shift partner for help
Two: Ask Laurie for training
Goal 2:Always be friendly and attentive
o Action Items
One: Put away technology on a busy day
Two: Ask other RAs not to hang around the desk when I am trying to attend to a resident
What I need from my supervisor to reach my goals
Comments here might include how supervisor could better assist the RA in effectively performing job duties, what the RA needs in terms of feedback and timely communication with
supervisor, concerns about confidentiality, objectivity, etc. This section should either be bulleted or well thought out sentences. Identify 4-8 things you will need from your supervisor.

I really like being part of a team and the biggest thing I am looking forward to next year is being part of a team that can really get to know me and I can
get to know them. I would want it to be a goal that when we are all together (meetings) we can do something fun to start off and get to know each other
instead of going straight to business so we can all get out early. Therefore, I can rely on them more because I trust them more if I know more about them. I
love verbal feedback of how I am doing in my job. It keeps me motivated and encouraged to do better. Communication is very well. I trust Brad with
professional or personal matters if it came down to it.

How I plan to contribute to my future team

Comments here might include how you plan to utilize your role as a returning staff member, skills or knowledge you will contribute to the team, or how to foster a positive team dynamic.

I will be open and include all members of the team, especially if I notice they are being left out. I was very nervous about being left out but the team this
year welcomed me. Whatever I have experienced with my short time as an RA this semester I want to offer insight to any new RAs since my experience

might be well remembered compared to the other returning staff members on our team. I want to foster a positive team by not saying negative criticism,
letting conversation flow naturally at meetings (eg interruptions or being on technology), and fostering creativity by welcoming ideas.


Section 6: General/Overall Performance
This section is intended to provide a space where RDs can discuss items that are not necessarily covered in the above five sections. This can be used as a summary area for
the RAs overall performance.

RD/RLC Comments:
Gaby has done a tremendous job transitioning into the RA position during the spring semester. Gaby takes great proactive m easures within her
daily work and continually communicates appropriately with her supervisor. Gaby has been an excellent team player and routine ly offers
assistance to her teammates when necessary. Gaby has strong critical thinking skills and has the ability to take charge of difficult roommate
conflicts. Gaby is encouraged to further her knowledge of the housing department, community guidebook, as well as how to both confront and
document situations according to our student conduct practices. Gaby will fur ther acquire this knowledge as she moves forward with
completing Fall RA Training in preparation for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Overall/General Performance Goals for Next Semester

Goal 1: See Above

o Action Items
Goal 2: See Above
o Action Items

See Above
See Above

See Above
See Above




At the conclusion of the performance evaluation meeting, RAs are encouraged to make comments about the evaluation. RAs should submit a typed response

By signing, the Resident Assistant agrees that he or she has read and understands the content of the evaluation. However, signing does not indicate that the
Resident Assistant agrees with the content of this evaluation and those items will be outlined in their typed comments. The Resident Assistant understands
that this document will be transitioned with their personnel file to the area they will work in during the semester which these goals and actions plans will be
Resident Assistant Signature


RD/RLC Signature:





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