Biopsychosocial Assessment Plan of Change

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Biopsychosocial Part B (Plan of Change)

Michal Goldberg
Wayne State University
SW 3020


Biopsychosocial Part B (Plan of Change)

This is the second meeting I am having with Sally Smith. During our first session, Ms. Smith
was made aware of confidentiality procedures and mandatory reporting. In addition, we
confirmed what role she expects the agency to play while she is receiving its services. Ms. Smith
stated that she would like help regarding her anxiety, depression, and overeating habits. When
asked which issues she felt needed to be addressed immediately, Ms. Smith said that dealing with
her anxiety and eating habits are her priorities. In order to manage her anxiety, Ms. Smith would
like to develop calming techniques. In regard to her eating habits, Ms. Smith would like to
improve her self-control.
Plan of Change:

Ms. Smith will increase her calming techniques

A. Ms. Smith will attend meditation classes
1. Ms. Smith will sign up for the meditation class offered at her gym by
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
2. Ms. Smith will attend her first meditation class on Thursday, March 19,
B. Ms. Smith will increase her knowledge of various calming techniques
1. Ms. Smith will purchase the book From Panic to Power by Saturday,


March 21, 2015

2. Ms. Smith will finish the book before June of 2015
Ms. Smith will increase her self-control
A. Ms. Smith will delay immediate satisfaction of eating impulses
1. When Ms. Smith has a desire to eat between meals, she will wait at least
five minutes before doing so
2. Ms. Smith will spend the five minutes of delayed eating by journalizing
her thoughts and feelings of that time
B. Ms. Smith will increase her knowledge regarding various self-control


1. Ms. Smith will do research on the internet regarding self-control

techniques by Thursday, March 19, 2015
2. Ms. Smith will write down three self-control techniques that resonate with
her by Saturday, March 21, 2015


Contract for Plan of Change

Client Name: Sally Smith
1. Description of the problem:
Ms. Smith has issues with anxiety and overeating.
2. Primary Goals:
Ms. Smiths goals consist of increasing her calming techniques and self-control.
3. We, the undersigned, agree to the objectives in the following plan:
A. Ms. Smith will attend meditation classes. She will register for classes at her gym by
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 and attend her first class on Thursday, March 19, 2015.
B. Ms. Smith will increase her knowledge of various calming techniques by purchasing the
book From Panic to Power by Saturday, March 21, 2015. She will complete the book
before June, 2015.
C. Ms. Smith will delay immediate satisfaction of eating impulses that occur between meals
by waiting five minutes before eating. She will spend that time journaling her thoughts
and feelings of that time.
D. Ms. Smith will increase her knowledge regarding various self-control techniques through
doing research on the internet by Thursday, March 19, 2015. She will write down three
self-control techniques that resonate with her by Saturday, March 21, 2015.
Sally Smith

Michal Goldberg

(Signature of Client)

(Signature of Worker)

March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015


Biopsychosocial Assessment

History to Include:


Sally Smith is a 21 year old single European American female who is recently divorced and is
currently living at home with both parents and five younger siblings. She currently works as a
nanny and is attending some classes at Oakland Community College. Ms. Smith is coming to see
a social worker because of her anxiety, depression, and overeating habits.
Family of Origin History:
Ms. Smiths mother and father were both 25 years old when she was born. Her parents were
married at the time of her birth. Ms. Smith has one older sister named Sarah who is 22 years old,
married, and works as a secretary. Sarah obtained a Bachelors degree in psychology. Ms. Smith
has three younger sisters: Katherine, Sue, and Jenna. Katherine is 20 years old and single. She is
currently pursuing a dental hygienist degree at Oakland Community College and does not have a
job. Sue is 15 years old, single, in tenth grade, and does not have a job. Jenna is seven years old,
single, and is in second grade. Ms. Smith has two younger brothers: Josh and Jim. Josh is
seventeen, currently dating, in twelfth grade, and works at a pizza shop. Jim is six years old,
single, and in kindergarten. Ms. Smith does not know which of her siblings pregnancies were
planned due to the fact that her parents never divulged that information. Ms. Smiths parents,
Kim and Carl, are both living and still married. Both Kim and Carl are 46 years old. Kim has a
bachelors degree in history. Carl never received any college degrees. Ms. Smith states that while
she was growing up the atmosphere in the house was fun and lively despite the occasional
tension due to financial issues. Holidays were celebrated with family and in accordance to the
clients religion, Judaism. Ms. Smith states her parents and siblings are relatively healthy.
However, both parents smoke cigarettes and have unhealthy eating habits. In addition, her father
and her brother, Josh, smoke marijuana. There have been no deaths in Ms. Smiths immediate
family. Ms. Smith was sexually abused three times between the ages of 13 and14 years old. None


of the perpetrators were relatives. The first time Ms. Smith was forced to be physical by a male
who was around 17 years old. The second time Ms. Smith was forced to be physical by a 24 year
old. The third time the age of the perpetrator was unknown, but she was once again forced to be
physical. Ms. Smith states that she is extremely sexual and she cannot control it. She feels her
sexual desires are attention based and are a result of being forced to be physical at a young age.
Developmental History:
Ms. Smith was born in the 38th week of pregnancy. She was born vaginally and did not have any
issues at birth. She weighed a little over four pounds. She was breast fed and weaned by six
months. She had no feeding issues. Ms. Smith walked by 11 months and was talking at around
18 months. She was potty trained by the age of three. Ms. Smith was diagnosed with Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD) at nine years old. In first grade, she was told she had the reading level of
a sixth grader.
Health History:
Ms. Smith was healthy at birth. As an infant, she was prone to ear infections and strep. As a
child, Ms. Smith had no surgeries, accidents, or broken bones. Ms. Smith was diagnosed with
ADD at the age of nine. She had her first menses at the age of 12. As an adult, Ms. Smith has not
had any serious illnesses or sexually transmitted diseases. Her only surgery as an adult was her
wisdom teeth extraction. She is somewhat overweight due to overeating. Ms. Smith is not
allergic to any medications. She is currently on birth control and fluoxetine, a generic brand for
Prozac. Her maternal grandmother and great grandmother both had pancreatic cancer. Her
paternal grandfather has heart issues.
Relationship/Sexual History


Ms. Smith did not have many solid friendships as a child. Currently, she says she has seven
friends. Four of her current friendships are with females and have lasted around nine years. Three
of her current friendships are with males and began around five years ago. Ms. Smith began
dating at the age of 14 and is heterosexual. Her first sexual experience was forced at the age of
13. She has no issue enjoying her current sexual experiences. Ms. Smith currently has an
exclusive sexual relationship with a male, although there is no long term commitment. In
addition to taking birth control, Ms. Smith makes sure a condom is used during intercourse. Ms.
Smith has no sexually transmitted diseases.
Family of Creation History:
Ms. Smith is not currently involved in a committed relationship. When she was 14 years old, she
dated Henry, who was still in high school. Around a year into the relationship, Ms. Smith broke
the relationship due to religious differences. At the age of 17 Ms. Smith married Bob, who was
19. Bob did not have a college degree and worked a number of jobs throughout the marriage,
including working on a construction site and making estimates over the phone regarding tiling
and carpeting. Ms. Smith says Bob and her got married because they loved each other. Ms. Smith
was dissatisfied with her marriage and divorced Bob at the age of 20. They did not have any
children together. Ms. Smith states that she was unhappy during her marriage because Bob was
addicted to video games and marijuana. In addition, he had emotional issues that he was not
willing to work on. Ms. Smith did not adopt or foster any children and has no future plans of
doing so. Ms. Smith has an exclusive sexual relationship with an individual, although there is no
long term commitment.
Substance Use/Abuse History:


Ms. Smith has been smoking marijuana since the age of 17. Her most recent use of marijuana
was a couple of puffs on January 31, 2015. She reports smoking marijuana on a daily basis.
Ms. Smith started abusing alcohol at the age of 20. The last time she had alcohol was January
14th. She does not remember the amount ingested due to the fact that she blacked out. Ms. Smith
states that she is trying to drink less. No official treatments have been sought for marijuana or
alcohol abuse.
Mental Health History:
Ms. Smith had been seeing a therapist since the age of 19. She started seeing a therapist to help
her with her anxiety and overeating. Her therapy sessions were provided by and located at Jewish
Family Services. She was diagnosed with borderline bipolar disorder. Ms. Smith reports that she
stopped seeing her therapist in middle of January, 2015 because things were getting repetitive.
She feels that the therapy sessions were helpful because they made here aware of what she needs
to change. She was prescribed Fluoxetine to help manage her anxiety.
Military History:
Ms. Smith has no military history.
Financial History:
Ms. Smith grew up in a financially unstable home. She is currently employed as a nanny and
spends her money often. Although she does not have a lot of extra money, Ms. Smith feels that
her income is adequate enough to fulfill her needs.
Legal History:
Ms. Smith does not have any legal history.


Immigration Issues:
Ms. Smith is an American born citizen and does not have any immigration issues.

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