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Human Service Committee:

I am very impressed with Michals tenacity and her indomitable spirit to become an aspirational
social worker. She is not satisfied just providing responses to questions asked. She has
demonstrated an ability to learn making the information hers.
Michal has demonstrated exemplary steadfastness in her quest for knowledge related to the field
of social work. I particularly enjoy her ability to exhibit critical thinking when presented with
scenarios which not only require her to fuse knowledge learned but to demonstrate intentionality
and challenging information to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion.
Michal has demonstrated her ability to communicate in both written and oral form, she is clear,
cogent, and is able to connect with her intended audience. Michal has the ability to challenge
information in a very thoughtful and respectful manner which is quite refreshing.
I highly recommend Michal for any program or position for which she applies. I have no doubt
Michal will become an asset to the profession of Social Work.
Should you have specific questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be
reached at (313) 577-4433 or

Cassandra J. Bowers, PhD, LMSW

Coordinator BSW Program
Wayne State University School of Social Work

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