Oa Self Assessment

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Dachia Butler
Organizational Analysis Self Assessment
Wayne State University


This Organizational Analysis is probably one of the most extensive and detailed papers
that I had to write, outside of my policy papers, since being the the Bachelors of Social Work
program at Wayne State University. This paper was also the most interesting because we had to
asses our internship agency with the help of my field supervisor. Because of this paper, I was
exposed to some of the critical happenings that are currently taking place at my internship.
My agency is going through a very rough patch right now because of lack of funding. If it
was not for this assignment, I do not think I would have a full understanding of exactly what is
going on at my agency. Upon entering the BSW program I wanted to open a non-profit
organization on my own. After analyzing and researching the problems that my agency is going
through it made me reconsider opening a non-profit. A non-profit takes more time, energy,
staffing, funding, cooperation, and help from other agencies than I ever imagined. In addition to
this assignment I also had to create a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis helps determine the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within and surrounding the agency. The SWOT
analysis was very helpful in completing this paper and my field supervisor thought it was helpful
in helping her make some changes at the agency.
This paper taught me how to use tools and skills that can be used at any agency, business,
organization, or establishment. If I could redo this assignment the only thing I would do
differently is get the input of other people involved in the organization to get more details and
different perspectives on the problems and how they can be resolved. Because of this assignment
I am now able to become a part of any organization, evaluate the agency overall, and present
resolutions to the head of the agency. I have an advantage that many people may not have and I
look forward to using it in the future to help come up with solutions to problems.


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