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________________________ and Ikalahan Travel and Tours, a partnership
represented by Debraliz S. Gabol and Gina F. Gavino on the 16 th of March 2016.
The contract states that ______________________ has made an investment with
Ikalahan Travel and Tours. This investment is being made for Ikalahan Travel and
Tours cash equity.
Amount of Investment: Php 50, 000 in cash
Details of the Partnership:
Official Name: Ikalahan Travel and Tours
Name of First Representative: Debraliz S. Gabol
Contact No.: 0916-827-0901
Name of Second Representative: Gina F. Gavino
Contact No.: 0929-665-0094
Official Address: __________________________
Details of the Investor:
Name: __________________________________
Contact No.: _____________________________
Address: ________________________________
Period of Contract:
This contract shall be effective from ______________ to ______________.
Terms and conditions:
1. The investor must be paid due interest charged at the rate 30% of the annual
total net gain of Ikalahan Travel and Tours. The payment must be made after
one year from the date of signing this contract.
2. The investor is required to give an advanced notice of 90 days prior to
withdrawing the investment.
3. The investor is allowed only to withdraw the investment after 120 days from
the date of signing this contract with a pre-termination fee of 25% of the total
amount invested.
4. In the event that the company has to be dissolved due to bankruptcy or
declared with supporting documents that there was no net gain before or after
the end of this contract, the investee shall release the amount of the capital
investment except for the 30% interest charge.
5. The investor shall agree that the 30% interest of the capital investment is not
guaranteed and will be based solely on the annual net gain of the company.
6. The investor shall have the right to request a copy of book of accounts every
end of the month.

Debraliz S. Gabol
Ikalahan Travel and Tours Representative
Gina F. Gavino
Ikalahan Travel and Tours Representative
Name of Investor

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