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Megan Jo Weimer

March 31, 2016

Dr. Gentry

Investigator Role Sheet

By: Megan Jo Weimer
Role of investigator:
The role of the investigator is to dissect and investigate the book or text that you
are reading. The investigator may summarize, make predictions, draw conclusions,
compare and contrast, and identify important detail and main idea. The goal is to make
sure to comprehend the materials being read and to think about your opinions on the

What are the main parts of the passage?
What happened in the story?

Make Predictions
What will happen next?
Why do you think that will happen next?

Draw Conclusions
Use the clues from the text and what you know to tell about the story.
What the author tells me + What I already know = My Conclusion

Compare and Contrast

What is the same?
What is different?
What are similarities?
What are differences?

Megan Jo Weimer
March 31, 2016
Dr. Gentry

Identify the Main ideas and Details

What was the passage mostly about?
What details support the main ideas?

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