Facilitation Sheet - Revised 1

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Thomas Flaherty
Art 344
Spring 2016
Kryssi Staikidis
Northern Illinois University
Title: The illusion was to think she had any control over her life
Author(s):, Lampela, L Chapter 14.
Source/Date: Lampela, L., & Check, E. (2003). From our voices: Art educators and
artists speak out about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered issues. Dubuque, Ia.:
Kendall/Hunt Pub.
Main Idea/Purpose (2-3 sentences):
The main idea of this chapter was to help express the strength that can come from
being an LGTBQ. This chapter helped follow the work of a very strong and accomplished
Lesbian. It severed as a way to document her emotional and artistic prowess.
Short Overview (including any important quotes):
This article starts of with a quote stating that Fear no art (Lampela pg 142) this
really helped to capture the readers and my attention. The chapter then goes on to explain
that that is incorrect. That there is some art, most notably the art that is done on heavy,
violent, serous, or very strongly emotional issues, should be feared. The chapter tells us
that there is allot of art out there that should invoke fear, darkness, and upset. It explains
that that is why these types of art were created in the first place, to invoke this strong
negative reaction which brings the viewers attention to the issue. The chapter then uses
this to introduce pedagogy. Critical pedagogues take risks. The practice of critical
pedagogy is not the easiest way to teach, but It can be the most rewarding. With critical
reflection as a part of regular visual culture education, tenacious metal images, beliefs,
and a stereotypes are examined for their validity and service to intellectual and social
growth. (Lampela pg 143). This is an important step to understanding the world around
us. By integrating the education of systems such as this one in which our youth our taught
about the social and political issues in society is a big step on our way to forward motion
and understanding the world around us. At the end of this chapter there are numerous
works of art done by the artist referenced in the chapter to give in idea of the strong
artwork done by this woman and her strong use of negativity in her work.
Response/Critical Reflection (Include applications to future teaching):
I believe this is a good point that has been made. Even in my own personal
lesson there are many topics considered taboo and unreasonable when taken into the


consideration of showing them to the children we are supposed to be educating. In

addition I believe that the only way to get children actively to change the world they live
in is to have them properly educated on numerous aspects of it. The world must be seen
for what it reality is. Even through art we can teach a better concept in dealing with what
things are like, rather than what things look like


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