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Prepared Remarks of Attorney General

Alberto R. Gonzales
at the U.S./E.U. Troika Press
Vienna, Austria
May 3, 2006
Good morning.

It gives me great pleasure to be here in Vienna for this important meeting of the
United States and the European Union on Justice and Home Affairs issues.

I’d like to thank Minister Prokop, Minister Gastinger, and all of our Austrian hosts
for their hospitality this week and their leadership during the Austrian Presidency of
the European Union.

Austria’s leadership has been particularly important in advancing our shared Justice
and Home Affairs agenda. This nation contributes heartily to our common vision of
peace, freedom, and democracy throughout the world.

I would also like to express my appreciation for the opportunity to engage in today’s
discussions with my colleagues from the upcoming Finnish Presidency, and with
EU vice-president Frattini and the Council Secretariat.

We have just finished very useful talks regarding further enhancing the already
excellent cooperation between the EU and the United States on international
terrorism and transnational organized crime.

In the past few years alone, we have reached unprecedented agreements regarding
extradition and mutual legal assistance. We’ve also ensured practical cooperation
between Europol and law enforcement agencies in the United States.

I am convinced that, under the Austrian Presidency, we will continue to advance our
common goal of protecting our citizens from terrorism and organized crime.

Again, I’d like to extend my deep appreciation for the vision and leadership of
Ministers Prokop and Gastinger. I look forward to our continued partnership on
these important issues…and to the furtherance of our powerful and lasting

Thank you.


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