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201 - WEEK 6

What I learnt was that the implications of the humanist

approach. The first implication is that learning should be
personalized. Each learner is unique so a teacher should find
ways to meet the individual learner’s needs in the classroom.
The second one is to become self-actualizing. In order to
achieve this, teachers should be flexible and their students’
choices. And the last one is that the map is not the territory.
That is. Teachers should be open-minded and should
empathize with their learners. We also got the information
about humanism in ELT. Humanism has some messages for
the language teacher: encourage self-esteem and self
evaluation, minimize criticism, involve the whole person,
develop personal identity etc. Also, the silent way,
desuggestopedia and community language learning have
arisen from humanism.

What I had difficulty in figuring out was almost nothing

everything was clear enough to understand.

I suppose I need to focus more on again improving my


I believe I may use humanist approach in my teaching.

Because I think it would be very useful in understanding our
students and thanks to this learning occurs more easily. We
should behave our students as individuals and try to find ways
in which they make sense of the world. In my opinion the
most important point is that as a teacher we shouldn’t
impose our own ideas on our students. Every learner is
unique so we should let them make their own choices.

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