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Whooooooooooa, hvala ti na ovome - Terrence Malick ultimativna je inspiracija.

I enigma, ba zato
(ovjek jednostavno odlutao, nitko nije znao gdje se nalazi, ak ni njegova obitelj. I onda se odjednom
pojavi ("Tanka Crvena Linija"), novinari ga u udu pitaju: Pa gdje ste vi, ovjee, punih 20 godina??? A
Terrence im odgovori: etao sam po Aziji, spavao po poljima i promatrao ptice (!!!)
Za mene
apsolutni Car, Gospodar svemira, jedan od najboljih (ako ne i najbolji) redatelj svih vremena. Nda, nikad
ne odlazi na filmske festivale/ne sudjeluje u promociji svojih filmova, ne daje intervjue/ne slika se za
novine... I Sean Penn je u vie navrata izjavio da e u njegovim filmovima glumiti za jedan cent
honorara... Malick, the man, the legend. Hebo ja Spielberga i Lucasa...

Video interview: Shawn Lawrence Otto

"In the end, you're left with your life. Your own life is the most important asset that you have, the most important creation that you have. And I didn't
want to come to the end of mine and think, 'What if I didn't try to do what I loved and what I should be doing.'"
Those are the words of screenwriter Shawn Lawrence Otto in this interview re the movie he wrote >House of Sand and Fog (2003). Words about why he
was drawn to writing. Otto is working on another movie he wrote Dreams of a Dying Heart which he plans to direct.

House of Sand & Fog (Shawn Lawrence Otto) interview

WEB 2.0
Interesting Vancouver-based website called MovieSet. From their description:
MovieSet brings the authentic behind the scenes experience of working on a film set directly online to fans in exciting new ways. Follow the creation of
movies from development through production, right up to their release and beyond. Keep track of the latest movie news, watch exclusive video and read
blogs from the movie's creators.
It's a cool website, tracking a movie's genesis from Development, Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, and Distribution. Bumping around the
blogsite, they seem to have most of the movies covered. For example, here is their webpage re Tron. They provide all the above-the-line people attached
to the movie, along with links to their bios (here's a link to producer Jeff Silver, who I got to know with a couple of Burg & Myers projects at ******
They also have a blog and from 3/16-3/18, they are providing a live stream online from the set of Death Warrior. Definitely worth checking out.

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