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Mayra Martinez
Journal 7
First of all, the thing that impress me the most was that they did not include everything
about the earth. When I say everything, I mean wars, disease, injustice, war, etc. (Bell, 2015, p.
53). As Bell explained (2015), even though the dark side of humanity exist, it wasnt the part that
they wanted to share. Thats because the director of the project though that include that events
could have another meaning to the receptor of the record, for instance a threat. Additionally, they
thought that could be better for them to avoid topic related to politics and certain events, because
the meaning of this message was giving hope to the community, and to remember that specific
periods would have a negative feeling in the project (Bell, 2015, p. 53).
Related to the final question, if I believe there is life outside of the earth, I said it depends.
I supported my response with a research focused in the like hood of unearthing evidence of the
existence of life elsewhere in the Universe (Jheeta, 2013). To find answers, they explained that
several investigations are using astrobiology, so they can determinate if in other environments
outside of the earth, the life is possible. Also, they found life in inhospitable and extreme places
imaginable on Earth (Jheeta, 2013), so that could mean the possibility of life exist in other
places outside of the Earth.
Nevertheless, several investigations are based in detections of biomarkers that are
produced for living organisms; such as oxygen, methane, nitrogen oxide, etc. Consequently this
event is not a determining factor, because this biomarkers can be produced abiotiacally too. Also,
we can not support our agreement with the existence of life outside of the Earth in just researches
related of microorganisms capable of live in extreme environments, because to agree completely

with the statement is necessary more evidence. Even though, the universe is still infinite and the
actual technology is not enough to make explorations far away (Jeeta, 2013).

Curtis, N. R. (2015). Bell, J. The Interstellar Age: Inside the Forty-Year Voyager Mission. New
York: Dutton.
Jheeta, S. (2013). Final frontiers: the hunt for life elsewhere in the Universe. Astrophysics &
Space Science, 348 (1), 1-10.

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