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KVC Social Studies

Opportunity and Success

Level: 4 Year/s: 7

Date: Term 1,

Lifes a Beach

Focus: Develop an understanding and awareness of the challenges associated with the beach
environment and identify what we can do to help preserve this natural wonder.
Integration of Mori and/or
Pasifika Dimension: state the ways

Curriculum links Health, English

Unit Title:

in which you will integrate the teaching

and learning about the bicultural
nature of NZ

Strands (Highlight one)

Continuity and Change
Place and Environment
Identity, Culture and Organisation
The Economic World

Place names
pronounced correctly.
Use reading resources
with a Maori or
Pasifika theme.
Greetings and praise
in te reo


Identified Priority Learners &


Gifted&Talented Extension-


Achievement Objectives

Understand how the ways in which leadership of groups is acquired and exercised have consequences for communities and
Understand how people pass on and sustain culture and heritage for different reasons and that this has consequences for
Understand how exploration and innovation create opportunities and challenges for people, places, and environments.
Understand that events have causes and effects.
Understand how producers and consumers exercise their rights and meet their responsibilities.
Understand how formal and informal groups make decisions that impact on communities.
Understand how people participate individually and collectively in response to community challenges.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify and describe factors that have a positive and a negative impact on the beach environment.
2. Demonstrate an awareness of human interventions that help preserve the beach environment.
3. Recall and explain safety rules to be used when at the beach (Health cross curricular link)

Assessment Overview: Coastal processes poster, Surf Safety and Beach Awareness Ads, Lifes a
Beach Formal written assessment

KVC: Opportunity & Success for All

Our Values:

NZC Vision:




Actively Involved

Learning Support -

NZC Principles:
High Expectations
Treaty of Waitangi
Cultural diversity
Learning to learn
Community engagement
Future Focus

Lifelong Learners

NZC Values Focus: highlight

Excellence aiming high, persevering
Innovation, Inquiry and curiosity critical, creative & reflective thinking
Diversity culture, language, heritage
Equity fairness and social justice
Community and Participation as actively involved members of society
Respect for themself, others, and human rights
Ecological sustainability care for the environment
Integrity accountability, honesty, acting ethically

Key Competencies Focus: highlight

Managing Self self-motivation, personal goals, appropriate behaviour, resourcefulness,
sense of self, importance of heritage
Relating to others active listening, recognise different POV, negotiate, share ideas
Participating and contributing balancing rights, roles & responsibilities, responding to others
Using language, symbols and text interpreting language and symbols, using ICT,
recognising how language symbol choice affect peoples understanding
Thinking using creative, critical and metacognitive (learning to learn) reflection, drawing on
personal knowledge

Evaluation and Next Steps: Teacher Reflection:

What impact did my teaching have on student learning?

What evidence do I have?

What worked well?

How could I improve this unit for next time?

Next steps for students -

This is your opportunity to think about what happened and why (see Teaching Inquiry on page 35 of the Curriculum) and to make comments about what needs to be covered in your next unit of work. You should be aware
of individual students (or groups), as it is rare that a whole class with need the exact same next steps. Your comments should be a reflection of the feed forward you give students.

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