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Development Journal: Unit 3: Language

Write about your students future

Think about three students in your class. Make notes about what you think they will do in the future, 15
years from now. Look at the example to help you.

Their future?


Hakimi b Mohd

Fathin Afifah
Binti Firdaus

Haikal Hafizi b


Go to university, get good grades,

maybe be a politician

Hes hardworking, very clever and loves


Go to Universiti, get good grades, maybe

be a doctor

He's hardworking, very clever, helpful,

caring and loves watching medic
programmes on tv

Go to Universiti, get good grades, maybe

be a lecturer

She's hardworking, clever, talkful, patiens,

Go to Universiti, get good grades, maybe

be a doctor

He's hardworking, clever, loves science

subject, caring

Write about your students. You can use this structure to help you. Remember to be careful with the future
forms you use. Write 150 words.
Introduction paragraph
In this essay I will talk about (topic).
Three of my students are (names).
This essay is about their future.
Body paragraphs (x3)
First, ...
Another student of mine is...
Finally, ...
Conclusion paragraph
In conclusion...
To conclude.

Add your text to the box below:

The British Council, 2011
The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Introduction paragraph
In this essay I will talk about my student's future. I have choosen three of them as my
respondences. They are Hakimi b Mohd Zuki,Fathin Afifah binti Firdaus and HaikalHakimi B Zakaria.
My first student is Hakimi b Mohd Zuki. I think, he will be going to a university and be a doctor. This
is because he is a hardworking student, very clever, helpful, caring and loves watching medic
programmes on tv.
Another student of mine is Fathin Afifah bt Firdaus. She is a hardworking, clever, talkful and patiens
student. In my opinion, I stronglybelieve that she might go to a university and will be working as a
Finally, the third person is Haikal Hakimi b Zakaria. He is hardworking, clever, loves science subject
and caring to the others. In my mind, he will be working as as doctor after he will have completed his
study with flying colours at university.
In conclution, three of them will have been getting best future if they managing to studyhard.

The British Council, 2011

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

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