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Sarah Hicks

10 Notley Court Samson, WA 6163 Phone: 0427 887 126 E-Mail:

Office Manager, Paterson & Cooke

July 2014 May 2015

As the inaugural office manager at Paterson & Cooke, a consulting engineers firm, I established and
maintained their accounting, human resources, and document control processes.
Further I set up, managed and took minutes at meetings, maintained office supplies, designed and
implemented office aesthetics, and completed all administration tasks as set by my manager.

YMCA Vacation Care Child Educator & Private Nanny

January 2012 present

During my years at YMCA I have worked as part of a team to deliver fun and interactive experiences for
children ranging from ages 5 12. (Including experience with children with disabilities especially Down
Syndrome and Autism).
I have gained invaluable experience organizing sports games, craft activities and general entertainment
for children, ensuring children are well cared for in body, mind and spirit.

The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle

Masters of Education, 2015 present

Having completed my Bachelors degree and gained employment I quickly realized the corporate world did
not match my goals in life. I have a love of children and a passion for education which when combined lead
me to education. Notre Dame was an easy choice being the most respected university for training in
education, in Western Australia.

University of Western Australia

Bachelor of Arts, 2014

I completed my Bachelor of Arts at UWA in June 2014 with majors in Political Science and International
Relations, and Business Management. I studied French at an advanced level and Italian at a beginners
level. I participated in Student Mentoring, was the Secretary for the University Catholic Society and
mentored with Ignite Mentoring (targeting education inequality) for two years.

University College Dublin

Exchange Program, January June 2013

I attended UCD for a semester exchange program while studying at UWA in my third year. I became
involved with the local pro-life movement, attending a photo shoot of young pro-life women for mass
distribution. I participated in a service-learning project in Romania, volunteering with the Missionaries of
Charity for two weeks at their orphanage for abandoned, disabled boys.

Iona Presentation College

Certificate of Education, 2010

During my secondary education I was an active participant in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities
from sporting to cultural to service and volunteer opportunities. I was Liturgy Prefect in my final year,
coordinating special minister roles for weekly masses and aided in the co-ordination of whole school
masses and liturgies.

Proficient in Xero accounting software and
basic business accounting skills
Administrative skills including Word processing
and Excel

Advanced French language skills

Asthma and Anaphylaxis Management
National Police Clearance

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