B1 - Zodiac Signs

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Capricorn (December 22January 19)

--Positive personality traits: responsible, disciplined, prudent
--Negative personality traits: pessimistic, conservative, shy
Aquarius (January 21February 19)
--Positive personality traits: inventive, clever, humanitarian
--Negative personality traits: aloof, unpredictable, rebellious
Pisces (February19March 20)
--Positive personality traits: romantic, devoted, compassionate
--Negative personality traits: indecisive, escapist, idealistic
Aries (March 21April 20)
--Positive personality traits: generous, enthusiastic, courageous
--Negative personality traits: quick-tempered, selfish, foolhardy
Taurus (April 21May 20)
--Positive personality traits: reliable, stable, determined
--Negative personality traits: possessive, greedy, materialistic
Gemini (May 21June 21)
--Positive personality traits: adaptable, communicative, youthful
--Negative personality traits: superficial, inquisitive, tense
Cancer (June 22July 22)
--Positive personality traits: intuitive, nurturing, cautious
--Negative personality traits: moody, self-pitying, touchy
Leo (July 23August 22)
--Positive personality traits: confident, generous, ambitious
--Negative personality traits: bossy, pompous, intolerant
Virgo (August 23September 22)
--Positive personality traits: analytical, sensible, reliable
--Negative personality traits: picky, fussy, perfectionist
Libra (September 23October 22)
--Positive personality traits: diplomatic, easygoing, sociable
--Negative personality traits: indecisive, unreliable, gullible
Scorpio (October 23November 21)
--Positive personality traits: passionate, resourceful, focused
--Negative personality traits: jealous, manipulative, suspicious
Sagittarius (November 22December 21)
--Positive personality traits: optimistic, adventurous, straightforward
--Negative personality traits: careless, tactless, irresponsible

Q1. I was born on __________________ (birth date).

Q2. I am a/an ____________________ (sign).
(Sample Answer: I was born on May 26th. I am a Gemini.)

Do you agree or do you disagree with these personality description words?

Read the strength keywords and the weakness keywords of your own sign. Read the third
and fourth questions on the worksheet. There are no correct or incorrect answers.
Q3. Which two traits do you think are true about you? List a reason for each.
(1) I am __________________.
Reason: _________________________________________________________.
(2) I am __________________.
Reason: _________________________________________________________.
(Sample Answer: I am creative. I hate old and repeated stuff. I love everything presented
in its unique and fresh style.)
Q4. Which two traits about you do you think are false? List a reason for each.
(1) I am not __________________.
Reason: _________________________________________________________.
(2) I am not __________________.
Reason: _________________________________________________________.
(Sample Answer: I am not tense. I always feel relaxed in my daily life.)

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