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Chapter 3A Culture Questions

Answer the questions on your culture sheets using a book

Buenos Aires (p.128)

Who painted Buenos Aires?

What style of artwork did he use in his creations?
How is the city of Buenos Aires described?
Where did a lot of immigrants in Buenos Aires come from in 18501945?

El Palacio de Correos (p.135)

1. Where is the Palacio de Correos located?
2. When was it built?
3. Who designed it?

Las farmacias (p.137)

1. In Spanish-speaking countries do you have to have a prescription to
get antibiotics and/or medicine?
2. Who commonly gives antibiotic and medicine recommendations to
3. What can you buy in their pharmacies?

Los barrios (p.144)

1. What is the oldest neighborhood that was originally Jewish in Spain?
2. What is in the neighborhood?
3. What are the people there very proud of?

Los sellos, la tradicin, y la comunicad (p.145)

1. Where are the stamps pictured in this section from?
2. What is the theme?
3. When are traditional clothing worn?

La unidad en la comunidad internacional (p.146-147)


Chapter 3A Culture Questions

Answer the questions on your culture sheets using a book


Why is the International Sister Cities program important?

What is necessary in order to have a sister city?
Why is the economic exchange important? The culture exchange?
If your city has a sister city, what can you do to become a young
5. What is the sister city of Phoenix, Arizona? Of Atlanta, Georgia? Of
Toledo, Ohio?


Chapter 3A Culture Questions

Answer the questions on your culture sheets using a book

Buenos Aires (p.128)

Who painted Buenos Aires? Julio Alpuy

What style of artwork did he use in his creations? constructive
How is the city of Buenos Aires described? international
Where did a lot of immigrants in Buenos Aires come from in 18501945? Europe Italy, Germany, Spain, France, and other

El Palacio de Correos (p.135)

1. Where is the Palacio de Correos located? Mexico
2. When was it built? 1902-1907
3. Who designed it? Adamo Boari

Las farmacias (p.137)

1. In Spanish-speaking countries do you have to have a prescription to
get antibiotics and/or medicine? no
2. Who commonly gives antibiotic and medicine recommendations to
patients? pharmacist
3. What can you buy in their pharmacies? beauty and personal
hygiene products

Los barrios (p.144)

1. What is the oldest neighborhood that was originally Jewish in Spain? El
Barrio de Santa Cruz
2. What is in the neighborhood? narrow streets and historical
monuments (la Catedral).
3. What are the people there very proud of? traditions, architecture,
and history of the neighborhood

Los sellos, la tradicin, y la comunicad (p.145)

1. Where are the stamps pictured in this section from? Spain


Chapter 3A Culture Questions

Answer the questions on your culture sheets using a book

2. What is the theme? traditional clothing
3. When are traditional clothing worn? annual festivals

La unidad en la comunidad internacional (p.146-147)

1. Why is the International Sister Cities program important? It
constructs bridges between people and helps with the
comprehension between different cultures.
2. What is necessary in order to have a sister city? You have to find
another foreign city that has some relationship. You also have
to fill a form for the organization.
3. Why is the economic exchange important? The culture exchange? It
helps establish a cooperation between countries. It helps
people learn about other cultures.
4. If your city has a sister city, what can you do to become a young
ambassador? You can travel to another city to represent the U.S.
You can also stay with a family and learn a lot about the sister
city culture.
5. What is the sister city of Phoenix, Arizona? Of Atlanta, Georgia? Of
Toledo, Ohio? Sonora, Mxico. Salcedo, Repblica Dominicana.
Toledo, Espaa.

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