Vampiresheet Revised1-10-09

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Vampire History:
The first Vampire was called Nesser. He was a knight of the rose sworn to protect the royal family. Upon
meeting with the Source he was tricked into becoming the first vampire. He was received back in the castle a trusted
knight. Where, he promptly killed Queen Amber and most of the royal family. Nesser realized what he had done only
after his blood lust wore off. He roamed the castle doing the will of the Source, killing everyone. Until he came across
his squire, a young girl who had caught his eye and willingly gave up her life in the city to serve him. Nesser cried tears
as he approached her. She stood with out fear of him. It was her faith that saved her, True faith. This sent Nesser
stumbling back down the halls of the castle. She followed him begging for him to renounce the Source or kill her.
Fleeing he left the castle and slipped out into the countryside. The source hounded him for weeks. Showing
him visions of what he had done. Then late one night, his squire found him. She sacrificed herself to break the bond
between the Source and Nesser. Nesser escaped the control of the Source and passed from the Veil to the world of man.
There he could hide from the Source.
Cast out and lost in a strange new world he hid away. Learning to control the powers the Source had given
him. With each day he grew stronger. He learned to feed on people without draining them so they did not die. Sunlight
did not affect him. Only true faith was he powerless against.
He went to live in Romania with a royal family there and told them his dark secret. They gave him refuge. It
wasnt until the day he was overcome with remorse that he learned his greatest secret. He went and fed on a servant of
the family and was overcome by the taste of her blood. Nesser drank all of her blood. He panicked and cut his own
wrist dripping blood back into her. For this was the turning of the first vampire.
He would create other like him. People, like him, that would live forever without aging. Carefully he planned
and created 30 children. This is what he called the people he embraced. He chose those who were sick and the
embrace healed them. Those who were weak became strong. Choosing brilliance over brawn he found thirty people
who were willing to become vampires. Looking at a map he sent them all across the world. Far from each other so they
wouldnt over feed an area and kill off the people living there. He instructed them to each embrace ten people. This
would give him 330 vampires all over the world. Vampires would build cities to help man. Heal the sick and feed the
hungry was his plan. He could journey from city to city meeting the new race of vampires. For this was the plan.
Nessers children embraced the smartest, bravest and the gifted. They followed Nessers rule and created only
ten each. These people called themselves the son of the son. This new generation saw only weakness in the generation
that created them. Among themselves they created a pact. Blood bound to the vampire who made them they could not
harm him. They learned they could attack the sires brother and they did. The sons of the son rose up and in under a
month killed the original 30 vampires. This created 300 bloodlines. To the benefit of man they fought among
themselves for a long time before turning their attention to the world. The sons of a son had created only one rule for
them all to follow. Tell no one about themselves. There would be more fear in not knowing who was taking their
children in the night.
Nesser had failed. He sent word to these new vampires laying down more rules. The first rule was to keep
the existence of vampires a secret. Breaking this rule was punishable by death. The second was that only one vampire
shall hold control of a percale of land at a time. Meaning only one ruler in an area with ultimate authority. There is a
Vampire leader in each city. He is referred to as the prince. Only this prince vampire has the ability to call for a blood
hunt on another vampire. A blood hunt gives other vampires permission to kill the hunted vampire by any means
necessary. The prince can demand that other vampires in the city drink his blood. This creates a blood bond. The
prince also controls hunting grounds, areas of the city that are off limits, and handles disputes between vampires in the
city. The Prince is also the only vampire who can give permission for another person to be embraced. The third rule is
of hospitality. If a person requests asylum from the Prince it must be given. If it is not, the Prince is no longer
recognized as the authority for that area and he cannot request asylum for anyone for 10 years. The prince can appoint a
sheriff. The sheriff carries out the princes orders and acts as enforcer for the prince.
Nesser informed them that these were his laws. If not followed he would hunt them down and wipe out all
three hundred of them. And he would do so all in one night if need be. To show his sincerity he killed one vampire in
each city on the first night. Since the night of ashes, as it is called today, the vampires have followed his rules.
As time passed Nesser wanted revenge on the Source. For what it had done to him and now the deaths of his
children. He found the legend of the woman Lilith who had created the Veil and sought her out. Learning she had gone
deep into the Veil he crossed the veil leaving behind the sons of the sons.


What started as a loose alliance between the vampires and the Lupines soon turned to slavery. The vampires
setting up large castles protected by their Wolf solders. Man learned of the vampire and a war started between man and
vampire. The Lupines caught between them lost large numbers before learning the vampires had started the war to thin
the herd of Lupines in the world. The lupines rise up and demanded the vampires step down from their places of
power. When they did not they were force from power by the Lupines. During this fight the vampires lost over half
their numbers. All vampires were cast out of the Veil never to return and live there by Lupine decree.

Vampires do not age. They acquire Blood Points (BP). They use one blood point each day just to be alive.
Vampires bite does D4 + STR Modifier. A vampire may lick any bite he has caused to close the wound. One Min of
drinking blood does 2D4 damage. For every 5 points of damage the vampire adds one blood point to a max of 25 Blood
Points. Vampires receive no benefit from eating normal food. Physically they can allow food to pass through their
system. Vampires do however find the act of eating repulsive.
If a vampire drinks the blood of another vampire and kills him by removing all his blood points it is called
Diablerie. Gaining blood points this way leaves black veins across the vampires skin that can be detected only when a
vampire detects a bloodline. The vampire gains all of the blood points that he has lost and any extra blood points are
temporary and are added on top of his normal points. When these temporary points are gone they are lost. All blood
bonds are transferred to the drinker at the present status. Vampires may also learn one Discipline from the killed
Vampires have night vision of 60 always active.

Each Vampire has its own set of powers called Disciplines. Each vampire starts with three from the discipline
One BP=

Vampires receive one Blood Point for every five HP they spend. (Up to25BP)
Heals 20HP on self-only. The vampire can do nothing more strenuous than walking while
Can be changed into 2 Essence Points for Discipline use.
Used to detect bloodline. (Sense Vampires or Lupines) (1 Turn, 15 area)
Create a ghoul. Giving one Blood Point to a living creature Ghouls them to that Vampire.
Create another Vampire by giving one Blood Point to a dead creature. The target looks
like they did at the moment of death.
Cause Frenzy in self with no WIS score check to start or stop. They may attempt to
Frenzy without using Blood points by making a WIS score check to start AND stop.
Three BP given to any vampire from a single vampire will cause a blood bond. A vampire
must make a Wisdom score check to act against the vampire he has the blood bond with.
Even with this check the vampire can not directly harm the vampire he is bound to. This
blood bond will last one year.



Faith = Normal damage.

Direct sunlight = D10/ Turn exposed. The skin burns leaving red welts.
Prolonged exposure has different effects on different vampires. Some melt,
sizzle, ignite or burn.
Stake = Torpor. The Vampire cannot move or take physical action until
removed. No check to avoid.


Beheaded = Death
Indirect sunlight = D4/ Hour exposed.
Vampires must be rested. If a vampire becomes fatigued all BP costs double.
A Vampire that enters Holy ground with out being invited in bleeds out all but
three BP.

Most Vampires are attempting to get to the Enlightenment. Any Vampire who achieves this state no longer has to
pay one Blood Point each day to survive. Sunlight can only do one HP of damage to the Vampire a day. All costs
in EP for Disciplines are cut by . True Faith and holy ground have no effect on the Vampire. No one has ever
met a Vampire who has achieved this level of development. There are stories that the first Vampire, Nesser
achieved this state and hides in the world of man.
A cure? If a Vampire is changed and somehow changed back into whatever they were, they would retain the
ability to detect Vampires and Lupines. As well as their healing ability. They lose all other disciplines and other uses
for their EP.
Vampires like to play games to drive away the boring moments of their lives. Use your imagination for night
games to disrupt you game setting. Try racing cars on the freeway. Try playing rugby when you can just heal after a
broken arm or leg. Horse racing is fun inside a zoo or mall. Or dump a vampire out next to a lupine camp just before
sun rise.
Every year at Mardi-gras vampires sponsor their candidates to be approved to become vampires. Usually 1525 new want to be vampires are chosen to be tested over the week long ordeal. Out of which 4-6 are embraced and
made into vampires. The tests are given by others in the vampire community and reported back to the sponsors who
make the final choice of whom gets bitten.
When a vampire is created the process takes between a few minuets and a day for the body to adjust. The
heart stops beating. Breathing slows then stops causing many to gasp for air. All the internal organs slow and stop
working as the skin grows cold. With in seconds of the body shutting down an instinct starts in the new vampire. This
is called Blood lust.
The vampire is over come with an urge to drink blood. Unfortunately no amount of blood will satisfy this
need. The blood lust lasts from sun down to sun up, about 12 hours. A new vampire is the child of the vampire who
created him. The creator is responsible for teaching the vampire how to be a vampire. When a vampire is created he has
an unbreakable blood bond to the vampire who created him.

Vampire Child:
A vampire child can be born when the vampire has sex. There is a 1% chance (needing a 01 on D100) that the
female will become pregnant. In this rare case the Vampire is born not made. These Vampires start as babies and grow
normally until reaching puberty. This happens around age 15 give or take 1-2 years either way. When the change
happens, the heart stops beating and breathing stops. Sometimes the child is declared dead found with no pulse. This is
an extremely frightening change for the child.
Blood lust does not occur in a vampire that was born. The craving of blood is there commonly as a hunger for
something while food loses all taste and allure. When the change happens the child will no longer age and will be a
vampire as if they were embraced.
If two vampires have a child (Both rolling a 01) the child will age normally until puberty then age one year
for every 5 that pass. They will have all the powers of an enlightened vampire.
Vampires growing up to puberty have several vampire powers but not all. First their blood is not strong
enough to create other vampires unit the change. They have night vision 15 always active. This causes sunlight to be
too bright and almost painful. Direct sunlight itself does D4 points of damage to the child in the form of sunburn. This
happens if the child is exposed for a lengthy period. (About 4 hours or longer.) Indirect sunlight has no effect.
These vampires dont store blood points for use. Instead they can spend HP. Five HP equal one Blood point.
For the cost of one blood point the vampire can:

Heal 10 HP


Change the BP into 2 EP for disciplines use. (Creating a maximum of 4 EP in any 24 hour period.)
Detect a vampire or Lupine with in 5.

Vampire children can comfortably go without food or sleep for 48 hours. After 72 hours they need to make a
CON check if they make the check they can continue to go without with not effects. If they fail they become fatigued.
A second failure causes them to become exhausted. A failed CON check after that and the child collapses unable to
keep going on. If they fail all the CON checks they can still go up to five days nonstop.
Disciplines for a child do occur. They may not be under the control of the child as they grow up. The
disciplines a child has do not change as they grow up. They get three disciplines to grow in to. These powers start off
weaker than a full vampire.

1 EP allows the vampire child to summon 2 animals of one type. They still need to roll a reaction roll to
ask the animals to do anything for them.
For 4 EP the child can send its thoughts to another person. The person receiving the thoughts believes
that the thoughts are their own.
2 EP give the Vampire child an extra action the next turn or they can add 5 to their movement for one turn.
2 EP will allow the child vampire to give a one word command. The Target gets a WIS check to ignore.
For 2 EP the child vampire gets a damage reduction of 15 HP. These HP are used first and last 12 hours
after activated.
This Discipline does not work for the child vampire.
For 2 EP the child vampire gets an additional +2 to any damage they cause.
When the vampire child spends an EP, any reaction rolls get +/- 3.
For 2 EP the child can see with night vision for 90
This Discipline does not work for the child vampire.
This Discipline does not work for the child vampire.
This Discipline does not work for the child vampire.

Hidden vampire disciplines do not work for a child vampire.


Crimes and Evidence:

Vampires are often the subject of investigation. With modern Crime solving techniques catching someone
from crime scene evidence isnt hard. Except when it comes to a vampire. A vampires skin, fluids and hair returns to
its true age after 5 min from leaving its body.

Radiation poisoning: Some power sources are unstable and leak lethal energy either when discharged or in worst
case scenario while stored. For each minuet a person is exposed they take 5 damage minis their CON M. A burst from
a weapon counts as a one turn exposure (6 Seconds). For every 10 shots they would take 5 damage CON M.
radiation causes blisters, burnt skin and hair loss in vampires. Damage begins after four minuets of espouser as the
vampires skin is saturated with radiation. This damage is treated like sunlight for the vampire. Also the vampire loses 1
COM for every 25 points of damage. This damage to COM is permanent.

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