Unholy Faith Revised1-10-09

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Unholy Faith

Just as there are two sides to every coin, there is a dark side opposite True Faith. Unholy Faith isnt a version
of Twisted powers, rather a third party attempting to gather power for themselves. As true faith is a higher power
manifesting itself threw a person for the good of themselves and other. Unholy Faith is a dark power focused by a
People with Unholy Faith are generally out for themselves. Not evil or corrupted like Twisted powers but
more self centered. This dark power comes from a dark creature whose power doesnt lay in what it can do but rather in
what people believe it can do. There is more fear in the unknown speculation of what could happen then in knowing
what will happen.
Most people having unholy powers have only a few powers from below. You earn powers by attempting
them like skill checks (on a D100 or D20) and being successful. Once the power is learned it can be trained in like any
other skill.
Plus 5 EP per every 2HP spent to boost powers. Unholy Faith users can cannibalize their own HP for extra
EP. These EP disappear in 24 Hours. A living sacrifice can also be made to add EP to a person with Unholy Faith. The
total EP gained is the EP in the sacrifice when killed and they last only 24 hours.
EP= Unholy Faith score
Priest Class
Unholy Faith Abilities
2 Primary Skills +6
3 Secondary Skills +3
1 Secondary Combat Skill +3
CON M xD6 for HP

Faith Powers:
1EP =

Create Shadows Hide in Shadows Skill +6 /Fright check if within 5

Touch of Decay 4D4 Damage by touch
Detect Undead Detect Undead know direction, distance. 50
Dark Blot Cold attack 20 4D4 Damage, Then jumps to D4 targets for Damage of first strike.
Unholy water 1 gallon of water to acid sludge. D10 Damage. 2 area.
Probe Mind Read mind with a WIS score check. Must touch the target to read the mind.
Alter Cohesion Sticky = +6 to climb skills
Slick = +6 to swim and escape skills

2EP =

Grow Claws D4 Damage.

Phantom state - like a ghost.
Mind Attack D4 Damage plus -1 to INT score permanently.

4EP =

Teleport From one location to another within 10 miles.

Great Statue STR and CON act as if one level higher. DEX acts as if one level lower.

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