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Unit 9 Review Sheet

1. Define the following key terms:
population a group of organisms of the same species living in a specific area
gene frequency how often a certain gene appears in a population (ex. Number of students
who are left handed)
evolution (microevolution) change in the gene frequency of a population over time
evolutionary theory (macroevolution) all life originated from one common single
unicellular ancestor through natural selection and speciation
natural selection Conditions of nature decide what survives and reproduces
(environmental pressure)
acquired characteristics organisms desire to better themselves and can pass along
advantageous acquired traits to their kids.
artificial selection reproduction directed by humans for the purpose of promoting
specific traits for human desires/benefit
adaptation an inherited trait that increases an organisms chance of survival and
reproduction. Genetic variation that improves an organisms chance of reproduction can
lead to an adaptation
species An interbreeding population of organisms that can produce healthy, fertile
speciation evolution of one or more species from an ancestor species as a result of
geographic/reproductive isolation
vestigial structure a structure that is undersized and perhaps not used, but is homologous
with structures in other species, suggesting common ancestry.
homologous structure a structure with similar functions found in different species;
thought to be inherited from a common ancestor.
2. How are evolution (microevolution) and evolutionary theory (macroevolution)
different from each other?
Evolution deals with one population, evolutionary theory deals with every living thing on

3. Can individual organisms adapt/evolve? Explain why or why not.

No. To evolve or adapt requires a change in gene frequency, which by definition, an
individual cant do. A moth cant change from dark to light in color just because it will
avoid being eaten.
4. Why is genetic variation within a population important?
It allows for survival in different environmental conditions. If all giraffes had 2 necks
when the drought happened, all would have died. If all humans had the same DNA, a
disease could wipe all of us out easily.
5. Darwins theory of natural selection outlines several conditions needed for evolution to
occur. What are these conditions?
1. variation in a population
2. environmental change
3. those suited to the environment survive and reproduce
4. over many generations, most of the population now has the advantageous gene
6. You often hear the phrase survival of the fittest related to evolution and natural
selection. Is this accurate?
Eh. Fittest should mean best suited to the environment, not strongest overall. Perhaps
those with webbed toes will one day be the fittest and they will survive better & pass on
their genes. Also, both evolution and natural selection involve passing on genes over a
long period of time.
7. Compare and contrast Natural Selection and the Theory of Acquired Characteristics.
Which of these theories is widely accepted today? What is wrong with the one that is no
longer accepted? Acquired characteristics (Lamarck) stated that if an individual wished to
change his/her phenotype, s/he could, AND it would change his/her genotype also. This is
ridiculous. Just because I dye my hair blue doesnt mean that my kids would have blue
hair. Natural selection uses the variations we naturally have in each population and states
that parents can pass those on to their offspring.
8. Compare and contrast natural selection and artificial selection. Include definitions,
pros, cons, and examples of each. Natural is when the conditions of nature determine who
survives & reproduces. Goodall organisms are suited to their environment. Badcan
lead to extinction. Example: mammals were better able to survive in the changes brought
about by the meteor hitting earth, dinosaurs were not, they died.
Artificial selection is when humans decide what reproduces and try to magnify certain
desirable traits. Prouseful! ConNot suited to environment! Examples: GM plants,
dog breeding, horse breeding

9. What steps need to take place in order for speciation to occur? List and explain each of
these steps.
1. members of a population become geographically/reproductively isolated
2. population undergoes natural selection an develop different adaptations in their
respective environments
3. if populations are reunited, they do not mate to produce viable offspring because of
genetic, behavioral, or physical differences
10. Two organisms look alike. They mate, but their offspring is infertile. Are these two
organisms of the same species? Why or why not?
No. the definition of a species requires that its members can mate and produce fertile
offspring. Since their offspring is not fertile, they cant be members of the same species.
Now, if it is a fluke or if there is something wrong with the chromosomes of the parents
and their offspring SHOULD be able to reproduce, then they may be of the same species.
11. In your own words, define adaptation and explain how variation and natural selection
lead to an adaptation.
Adaptationgenetically inherited characteristics that make it easier to survive in a
certain environment. Because of variation within the population, when the environment
changed, some members of a population were better able to survive and reproduce than
others (natural selection in action). After many generations, nearly all members of the
population have these advantageous traits known as adaptations.
12. The four main lines of evidence for evolution are: Comparative Anatomy,
Embryology, and DNA, fossil record
14. Explain why the evolution of land plants is important to life on earth.
Only way to get free oxygen is through plants doing photosynthesis.
15. Identify a geological event that is important in the history of the earth. Why is this
event important?
Continents drifting apartallows for suitable land in different climates which leads to
much speciation.
16. How would you explain the diversity of life on earth as time went on from 4.6 billion
years ago to today?
Species have become much more diversenew habitats & environments plus billions of
years of evolution.

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