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Guidance lesson plan:

School Counselor: Heather Min_________________________________ Date: 2015-16___
Activity: Read David Gets in Trouble, I did and Im sorry activity, worksheet
Grade(s): 3rd
ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):
Learning Objective(s):
1. Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility
Materials: David Gets in Trouble, worksheets, ball
Procedure: First, students will review the expectations. Next, ask students, What
are some common excuses that students use when they dont do their
homework? Tell students, Sometimes we make excuses for our actions. Like in
the hall, if the teacher asks who is talking students might say, It wasnt me.
Sometimes students even make excuses even if it was their fault. Tell class that
you have a book about that. Read the book David Gets in Trouble. Read book. Tell
the class that it is much better to say, I did and Im sorry if they make a
mistake. Taking responsibility is an important way to show that you are a
professional student. Ask for a volunteer and have them come to the front of the
class. Take out the ball and throw it to the student and tell them to say I did it
regardless of if they catch it or drop it. Have that student throw the ball to
another student. They need to say I did it whether or not they drop it or not.
Discuss how sometimes saying I did it is difficult for some. Distribute
worksheets to students. Have them write different excuses in the boxes. Have
them choose one box to write I did it in colored marker and excuses in pencil.
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
Process Data: all 3rd graders will participate in learning about how to take
Perception Data: pre-tests and post-tests will be compared for their perception
Outcome Data: Ultimately SIRS data will show a decrease in office referrals for

Follow Up: the lesson will be reviewed and students will learn more in depth
about responsibility during their 4th grade year.

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