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Fertility Traditions In Christianity

The Tyrian witch Jezebel is mentioned at Rev. 2:20.

(Izabel, meaning virgin of Bel, alt. not exalted, figuratively impure)

Her teachings are the source of the pagan practices seen in

The most cherished symbols and ideas behind them we see
everywhere are her witchcraft.
The sexual immorality mentioned at Rev. 2:20 is the mixed worship
we see in so many symbols of fertility that Yahuah hates, such as
wreaths, trees, steeples, eggs, rabbits, domes (Google: Shiva-lingam).
If we mix our worship of Yahuah with forbidden fertility traditions,
the teachings of Izabel, the figurative meaning of her name
becomes clear - impure.
What caused us to reject the Truth?
The answer is tradition. A tradition is any habit handed-down from
a former generation. The wineskins (hearts, thought processes) are filled
with traditions, the teachings of men (old wine).
Are we to continue teaching and acting in error because most
people are already familiar with the error were teaching?

One reason people find it much easier to keep doing what they
have always done is: everyone expects it of them.
Theyre invested in their behavior so much, its too painful to stop.
The festival of Yahuah called Unleavened Bread (Matsah) points to
the removal of the leavening (men's teachings) which corrupt the pure
instructions of love. We are to live by every word that proceeds
from the mouth of Yahuah," but instead the leavening of human
traditions overshadows and strangles the Truth, replacing it with
bunnies, trees, wreaths, and other fertility behavior.

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