What Is Brand and How Does Branding Work

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t is brand, and how dose branding w

By Sanket Badhe

What is a

Brand ?

Brand is a name, term,

Symbol, or design, or a
combination of Them,
intended to identify the
goods Or services of
one seller or group And
to differentiate them
from those of

The Earliest signs of branding in

Europe were the medieval Guilds
requirement that craftspeople put
trademark on their Products to protect
their customer against inferior quality.

fine arts, branding began with artist signing their wo

The Role Of Brands

1. Brand for consumer

2. Brand for Firm
3. Brand for product

2. Brand for firm

They simplify
product handling
Or tracing.
brands help to
Inventory and
A brand also
offers the firm
Protection for
unique feature or

1. Brand for consumer

Consumer may
evaluate the identical
product Differently
depending how it is
branded. They
Learn about brands
through past
experiences with the
product and its
marketing program,
finding out which
brands satisfy their
needs and which do

3. Brand for Product

A credible brand
signals a certain
levels Of quality so
that satisfied buyers
Can easily choose the
product again and
again. In this sense,
branding can be a
powerful means to
secure a competitive
advantage .

One research study

that provoked about
The effects of
marketing on children
showed that
preschoolers Felt
identical McDonalds
food items-even carrot,
Milk, and apple juice
tasted better when
wrapped in McDonalds
familiar packaging in
unmarked wrappers

The Scope of

For branding strategies

to be successful and
brand value to be
created, Consumer must
be convinced there are
meaningful differences
Among brands in the
product or services
category service category

Brand difference often relate to

attributes or benefits of the product

Others Brands create competitive

advantage through nonproduct-related

Created by Sanket
Badhe, IIT Roorkee,
during an internship
with Prof. Sameer
Mathur, IIMLucknow,

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