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Art and Exploration Analysis

Artist: Edvard Munch

Born: December 12, 1863 at Adalsburk, Norway
Died: January 23, 1944 at Oslo Norway at age 81
Type of Artist: Painter and Printmaker
Art Period: Expressionism, Symbolism, Modern Art

Important Facts
1. Munch played a great role in German expressionism
and the art for that later followed.
2. Throughout his life, his mother, two of his sisters, and
his brother all died due to certain typed of illnesses.
3. Munch is most known artwork of the Scream which
was sold for $119 million and broke a new record.

Well Known Artwork

1. The Scream
2. Puberty

3. Jealousy
What makes this artists artwork great is that a lot of
his work is expressed with intense color and mysterious
subject matter.
I choose this artist because I knew about his artwork of
The Scream and also I was curious if all his other works
were similar to the Scream.

Be an Art Critic

Title: The Scream

Artist: Edvard Munch
When I look at this artwork, I believe that Munch was
trying to express the reaction and the way he felt with the
nature behind him. In the background it seems to have a
red and orange color which may be showing a sunset.
The way the man is screaming may show his reaction to
the scenery.
The element that sticks out the most is the color used
in the painting. There are many different colors used
whether its the orange sky, the blue water, or the brown
man on the deck.
The mood for this artwork to me is curious. I have this
mood because I am not sure of the reason this painting
was made. I also cannot figure out why Munch choose to

paint a man screaming and also with a painted someone

with a weird looking face.
I think Munch is trying to send a message that nature
has its surprises as shown on the mans facial expression
with the red sky behind him.
I choose this artwork because I knew that the Scream
was one of the most famous paintings of all time, but
never really understood why Munch painted what he did.

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