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J. Weston Walch, Publisher Portland, Maine JJ. Weston Walch, Publisher, grants o individual purchasers ofthis book petmission to make enough copies of material in it fo satisy the needs of thelr own students and classes. This permis- sionis intended fo apply to individual ‘sachersandinet to-entire schools or school systems. Copying of this book or its parts for resole is expressly prohibited. 01-6046 Copyright © 19789 J. Weston Walch, Publisher P.O. Box 658 + Portland, Maine 04104-0658 Printed in the United States of Americ Dedication To my wife, Dorothy, whose encouragement and help brought this book from an idea 10. reality, and my children, Joel and Erika Leonard Saland is chairman of the Physical Science Department at Louis D. Brandeis High School in New York City. Contents To the Teacher Lab Features . oe Equipment and Supplies for the Labs . . Safety Rules for the Chemistry Lab (Reproducible) . ‘Suggested Format for Lab Reports (Reproducible) ‘Sample Completed Lab Report (Reproducible) . Lab Safety Test (Reproducible)... First Aid in the Laboratory (Reproducible) . LAB NO. TITLE 10 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 21 Chemical Apparatus The Bunsen Burner . . Measuring Length and Weight Measuring Volume ... Density . ‘The Chemistry of Photography Chemical and Physical Change .. Energy and Physical Reactions ‘The Electrical Nature of Matter Flame Tests «. Metals vs. Nonmetals .....0.c.cesees The Activity of Metals Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures. ‘The Law of Conservation of Matier ........ ‘The Percent of Water in Cupric Sulfate. Filtration . Distillation Solubility Curves. 5 Boiling Point. cece cb - 85 Freezing Point Solution Rates. Crystal Growing .. eee 49) eee ee ee 38) vi Practical Chemistry Labs B 24 28 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 42 a 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 st 52. 33 54 55 56 Acids and Bases... Neutralization Salt Hydrolysis. 108 Indicators. 112 Hydrogen ...... 116 Acetylene... eeeee 121 Half-life .... epooasoceco . 124 The Electrochemical Cell. - 130 The Storage Cell ......0eeeeeeeeeee ee Lime and Mortar. - 138 Plaster of Paris and Gypsum a2 Blueprinting Ponce soe seen 14S Glass Manipulation . . ooo) Reduction of Copper (M1) Oxide ....+..++++ = 155 Preparation of a Low Melting Point Alloy -. 159 Copper Plating . ceeeees = 162 Construction of Molecules and Isomers... = 166 Fermentation - 170 Esterification .....+++++ 1B Destructive Distillation .. - 1B Peanut Metabolism «4... 182 Testing for Iron in Food... se 186 Nutrient Testing se 190 Testing for Vitamin © .....s6eeeee0 194 Protein Coagulation .......ees0ee08 198 ‘The Metallurgy of Lead... Boyle's Law. Factors Affecting Combustion ‘The Chemistry of Combustion Oxygen vee Carbon Dioxide. Water Analysis. Soap ..... Hard Water .....c00c65 57 Ammonia . 58 Making Paper 59. Tie-dyeing . 60 Cold Cream... Appendix A Periodic Table of the Elements Appendix B_ The Chemical Elements... Appendix C. Comparative Strengths of Acids in Water at 25°C Appendix D Activity of Metals . Appendix E Solubility Curves... ..s6esceeeeeeesees Appendix F Table of Solubilities in Water = 242 . 247 = 252 . 256 = 260 «261 ++ 262 = 263 264 - 265 Contents vi O To the Teacher This lab resource manual is intended to make chemistry more meaningful to ‘your students. There are 60 different exercises, all in convenient reproducible form, ready to be photocopied. You have complete flexibility to select labs most suited to ‘your program. ‘The labs are designed to be simple and pertinent. They require the use of ‘common pieces of apparatus and materials. The experiences are planned to mi ize the hazards inherent in lab exercises while maximizing the outcomes. In order to ensure a smoothly running lab program the following procedures are recommended: 1, The labs should correlate with current classroom topics. They should reinforce the theory being taught. 2. Classes should be familiarized wit the lab problem, the apparatus to be used, and the procedures to be followed. Show the class the apparatus, and how it should be used, but do not prejudice the students by performing the lab as a demonstration. Allow the students to make their own discoveries. ‘Warn the class of safety hazards and precautions that should be taken for each lab at hand, 3. Lab exercises should be followed up with a review of procedures, observa- tions, and conclusions. All questions and the defined problem on the lab sheet should be answered. The quizzes accompanying each lab are designed to be administered after the lab is performed. 4. Students should write their lab reports using a well-defined and structured format. A suggested format is provided in this manual. It is further suggested that each student keep a notebook for all reports. Lab Features ‘The labs reinforce the steps of the scientific method. Each lab expresses its aim in problem form. This directs students end their teachers to the main idea of each lab without the necessity of reading through the lab sheet. The definition of the problem is recognized as the fist step in the scientific method. Information is gathered from observations. The Procedure section leads the student step by step to the pertinent observations. Lab sheet questions are designed to make students trained observers. They ‘must reason and draw conclusions based on observations. x Practical Chemistry Labs To challenge advanced students rigor may be introduced into reasoning skills by requiring a statement of reasons, based on observations, for each conclusion. ‘The last conclusion should be the answer to the lab problem. Each lab is followed by Teacher Notes that provide the answers to questions ‘on the lab sheet and pertinent notes. ‘The five-question postlab quizzes measure student understanding of the lab content. The quizzes also serve to establish a serious academic atmosphere for each lab session. Overall, this manual has been designed to ensure successful laboratory exper- iments for you and your students. We would like to hear your questions and com- ‘ments about these labs. Address them to Science Editor, J. Weston Walch, Pub- lisher, Box 658, Portland, Maine 04104. User response will help us evaluate our success in supplying a useful, practical lab resource. Equipment and Supplies for the Labs Item acetic acid air pressure gauge alum (chrome) alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) ‘aluminum strip aluminum chloride ammonia (dilute solution) ammonium chloride ammonium hydroxide (dilute solution) ammonium nitrate ammonium oxalate ammonium sulfate amyl (pentyl) alcohol apple juice ball and stick molecular model kits balance (beam) ‘barium chloride (solution) barium nitrate (Solid, in a vial) basin, large rectangular beaker (100 mL) beaker (250 mL) ‘beaker (400 mL) beeswax bell or buzzer Benedict's solution blender blowpipe (brass) xi Lab Number 11, 23, 41, 54 49 2 2 30 25 26 37 23 8 34 7 4 45, 46 39 3, 5,8, 14, 15, 18, 28, 5 4 10 58 36, 60 2,3,5, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 30, 31, 38, 41, 47, 55, 60 22, 40 60 31 45 58 48 xii Practical Chemistry Labs Item Lab Number blueprint paper 4 borax 60 bottles (collecting, with stoppers) 14, 27, 52, 53 bread 45 Bunsen burner 2,7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 26, 32, 33, 35, 36, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 60 ‘buret (clamped in stand) 24, 46 cabbage (purple) 26 calcium bicarbonate 56 calcium carbide 8 calcium chloride 8,54 calcium chloride (solid, in a vial) 10 calcium hydroxide 23, 36, 40, 57 calcium sulfate 36 candle 53 candy (hard) 7 carbon black 36 carbon (charcoal) block 48 carbon (graphite electrodes) 30, 38 chalk 35 charcoal sticks 52 cheesecloth 59 clay (powdered) 16 coal (soft) 42 cobalt glass 10 comic pages 58 commercial dyes (red, blue, green, etc.) 59 copper strip 7,12, 30 copper wire 11,49 cork stopper (for test tube) 7,13 cork wire holder 10, 50 cotton 34 Ttem cotton cloth cottonseed oil resol red crucible (and cover) crucible tongs cupric chloride (solution) cupric oxide (powder) cupric sulfate deckle deflagrating spoon delivery tube delivery tube (containing a thistle tube) dish towel dry cells dye pots egabeater egg white (hard-boiled) eggs (raw) evaporating dish ferric chloride ferric sulfate (solution) ferrous sulfate (solution) filter paper flashlight bulb (3V) and socket flask (distillation) flask (100-mL Erlenmeyer) flask (125-mL Erlenmeyer) flask (400-600-mL Florence or Erlenmeyer) flasks (volumetric) flour flowers forceps Equipment and Supplies for the Labs xitt Lab Number 59 55 26 15,37, 44 2,7, 11, 15, 28, 37, 43, 50, 51,52 38 36 12,15, 21, 25 58 7 40, 52, 57 53 58 11, 31, 38 59 58 45 47 24,47 54 25,34 34 6, 16, 26, 42, 56 1 17,19 4 46 2 4,49 47 58 32,47 xiv Practical Chemistry Labs Item fructose funnel funnel (long-stem) satlic powder lass covers (for bottles) slass cylinder (1 liter) alass-marking pencil lass plate lass rods lass tubing glucose graduated cylinder (10 mL) graduated cylinder (100 mL) graph paper gravel gypsum hydrochloric acid (dilute) hydrogen generator hydrogen peroxide hypo (Sodium thiosulfate) ice cubes ink iodine iodine (aqueous solution) iron (filings and strips) iron (household) iron iodide iron-tich foods jar (small screw-cap) key ot coin laundry starch lead lead nitrate (solution) Lab Number 40 16, 19, 24, 56 17,19 16 53 4,19 60 28, 60 9 17,35, 50 45 18, 54, 60 2,3,4,5,8, 18 18, 28 16 3B 23, 24, 26, 27, 44, 47, 53 2 82 6 20 16,17 B 6 13, 30 58 13 44 0 33, 34, 38 58 30, 31, 37 12,14 Item lead oxide limewater lipstick light bulb (Nashlight, in socket) lithium chloride (solid, in a vial) litmus paper ‘magnesium ribbon ‘magnet (permanent-bar) ‘manganese dioxide ‘marble chips matches ‘medicine dropper ‘mercurous nitrate (solution) ‘methyl alcohol ‘methyl orange methyl red metric ruler milk (whole) mimeograph paper mineral oil mortar (and pestle) negative or drawing newspaper nichrome wire nickel nitric acid olive oil orange juice oxalic acid (solution) pan Paper paper (black) paper (brown, unglazed) Equipment and Supplies for the Labs xv Lab Number 48 43,53 60 ul 10 23, 25, 26, 57 WU 13 52. 32, 53 13, 27, 28, 43, 50, 52, 53 4, 16, 17, 23, 24, 26, 28, 47 2 4 26 26 4,5 a 34 60 7,21 34 58 2,10, 50 23,45 45 46 34 42, 51, 57, 60 3,46 6 45 xvi Practical Chemistry Labs Item Lab Number peanuts a pencil 3, 11, 16, 22, 29, 54 perfume (optional) 0 petrolatum 60 phenolphthalein solution 24, 26 photographic (print) paper 6 pipet (10 mL) 4 plaster of paris 32 plastic bag 9 plastic object (eg., pen or comb) 9 pneumatic trough 21, 52,53 porcelain dish 55 potassium chloride (solid, ina vial) 10 potassium ferricyanide 34 potassium hydroxide (dilute) 2 potassium iodide (Solution) 4 potassium nitrate 18 potassium sulfite (solution) 25 potassium thiocyanate 44,54 power supply (6 volts) 31 pressure tubing 19 quart bottle 4 rag (wool or fur) 9 resin rods 9 ring 16, 17, 55 ring clamp 16,17 ring stand 9, 16, 17, 19, 32, 33, 36, 40, 42, 44, 45, 55, 56 rubber tubing 17,49 ruler (10-inch metrio—English) 3 salicylic acid 4 salt (unknown) 10 sand 16, 32 Ttem silver nitrate soap (liquid) sodium bicarbonate sodium carbonate sodium chloride (solid, in a vial sodium chloride (salt-NaCl) sodium hydroxide sodium sulfate (solution) spatula starch, starch solution (1%) ste! (rectangular block) steel object (eg, screw or bolt) steel wool stirring rod (glass) stoppers straw strontium (salt of, in a vial) Styrofoam® cup sucrose (sugar) sugar (cubes) sulfuric acid (dilute) suspended support test tubes test tube clamp (for ring stand) test tube holder test tube stand thermometer thistle tube thread Equipment and Supplies for the Labs xvi Lab Number 6,54 55,56 46 25,37 10 6, 20, 25, 30 23, 24, 26, 55, 57 14,25 8, 28, 48, 60 45,58 46 4 45 30, 51, 52 23, 25, 55, 60 18, 19, 21, 27, 49, 52, 53 43, 53 10 8, 16 7 29 23, 26, 30, 31 9 6,7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,60 40, 42, 56 13, 50, 57 23, 28, 56 2, 8, 18, 19, 20 32 22 xviii Practical Chemistry Labs Item thymol blue tin tincture of iodine tomato juice triangle (pipestem) triangular file tripod tubing (see glass, pressure tubing) tubing (rubber) vegetable vials vitamin C pills voltmeter (0-2 volt; DC) ‘warm water bath ‘waste pan (steel) watch glass water (distilled) wax wax taper ‘weighing paper weights ‘wing top (for Bunsen burner) wire wire gauze ‘wooden block ‘wooden splints, ‘wooden mold yeast zine (mossy) zine strips zine nitrate (solution) Lab Number 26 30, 37 45 46 15, 16, 37, 44 35 2, 15, 18, 21, 26, 37, 41, 47,60 17,49 16, 45, 55 10 46 30,31 40 42, 51, 57, 60 43,47 44, 54, 56 11, 60 27 8,18 3 35 11, 30, 31, 38 2, 17, 21, 26, 32, 33, 47, 50, 55 5 7, 13, 16, 27, 42, 52 58 40 23,27 12,30 12 ween 12. 13, 4, 15. 16. 1. 18, 19. 20. 21 Safety Rules for the Chemistry Lab Do not enter the lab without your teacher present. . You MUST wear safety goggles at all times when in the lab. Always work at your assigned place, ‘Wear a lab apron and tie back long hair when working in the lab. . Lab tables should be clear of student belongings. The only things that should be on your lab table are your lab instructions, your pen, the required equipment, and the chemical materials provided by your teacher. ». Never perform an experiment withcut your teacher's permission. . Do not use matches without your teacher's permission. . Avoid playful, distracting, or boisterous behavior. . Never eat or drink anything in the lab. ). Do not taste any chemicals, . If any chemical comes into contact with your skin, you should first wash it off under cool running water. Then you should report the accident to your teacher. Keep chemi- cals away from your face. Rinse your hands after your experiment is completed, especially before lunch. You may have chemicals on your hands or under your fingernails. Check all glassware for cracks. All glassware must be heat resistant if itis to be heated. ‘When heating a test tube, use your test tube holder. Be sure that the open end is not pointing toward anyone. Do not visit friends at another work station. Do not pour reagents (chemicals) beck into their bottles. Pour liquids down the drain or into the appropriate storage bottles «s directed by your teacher. Do not throw solid wastes into the sinks. ‘Clean up spills and accidents immediately. Never leave a heating container unsupervised. If you experience a problem with yeur experiment, stop and ask your teacher for help. Do not ask friends for help. Report all accidents to your teacher. Thave read and understand all of these ruies. ‘Student © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher air Practical Chemistry Labs Lab Report Name: Class: Chemistry Section: —__________ Date: Experiment Number: Title: Problem: Procedure Observation 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6. 6 6. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher x Practical Chemistry Labs Lab Report (continued) Conclusions Basis for Each Conclusion 4 servation # 2 servation a | servation # 4 Observation # 6 | servation # 6 —___ Observation # Conclusion # © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher xi Practical Chemistry Labs Sample Lab Name: Electrolysis of Water Date: PROBLEM: What is formed when water decomposes? 6-volt dry cell safety goggles aprons gloves ‘watch glass ‘CAUTION: Diluted sulfuric acid is added to water to ease the electrolysis of water. Wear your lab apron, gloves, and safety goggles when using sulfuric acid. Ifthe acid spills onto your skin, wash it of with plenty of cool water. Neutralize acid spills with sodium bicarbonate. Do not allow this acid to remain on your clothing. Procedure 1. Half fill a 600-mL beaker with water. Invert two water-filled test tubes into the beaker. Clamp the test tubes as shown in the ciagram. 2. Strip about 2 cm of insulation from both ends of two wires. Place them under the ‘mouths of the test tubes. 3. Attach only one wire to the battery terminal, Raise your hand to call your teacher for your inspection. Your teacher will carefully pour sulfuric acid into the beaker. Then you will connect the remaining wire to the open battery terminal. 4, After 10 minutes disconnect the wires. Insert a glowing splint into the test tube ‘with les gas (from the positive electrode). 5. Remove the test tube containing more gas. Hold it upside down. Insert a flaming splint into it 6. Bring the burning gas to a watch glass. Conclusions 1. Why doesn’t water flow out of the submerged, inverted test tubes? 2. Which gas forms at the positive wire? What accounts for the behavior of the glow- ing splint in this gas? 3. Which gas forms at the negative electrode? What accounts for the behavior of the slowing splint in this gas? 4. Why is there a larger volume of one of the gases? Write the chemical equation for the decomposition of water. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher ail Practical Chemistry Labs Lab Report SAMPLE ‘Name: Class: ‘Chemistry Section: Date: ‘Experiment Number: — Title: Electrolysis of Water Problem: What is formed when water decomposes? Procedure Observation 1, Beaker and test tubes were | 1. The water stays in the inverted in beaker 2, Insulation was stripped from Under the mouth of eadn beakew 4, Oo 4, Li d splint was inserted into the and_inflamed test tube of gas fromthe positwe. Clectode - s, Aflaming splint was inserted | 5, The flame went out inside the i er be. tube, but the gas burned ot 6. The burning gas was brought -near the watch glass. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Practical Chemisiry Labs Lab Report (continued) Conclusions Basis for Each Conclusion 1 Observation 1 __ 2, Oxygen forms at the positive electrade.| Observation # 2. Hydrogen forms at the negative electrade.| Observation’ 6 4. There are two molecules of hydeagen foc each| Observation# 3 __ 5 ‘Observation # 6 Observation # 7. Answer to Problem: Hydrogen and oxygen — | Conclusion 2,3+4 decompose: © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher univ Practical Chemistry Labs Name: Date: Lab Safety Test ‘Are you ready to work in the chemistry lab? Where the statement is true mark it T. If the statement is false, ‘eliminate or change the bold word(s) to make it true. 10. L 12, © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher You may enter the lab if your teacher is NOT present. ‘You MUST work at your assigned station in the lab. It is important to wear SAFETY GOGGLES and a lab apron in the lab. |. Long hair MAY BE worn loose in the lab. Do not store your books and coats on the LAB TABLE ‘where you are working, . ALWAYS perform your experiment without your teachers permission. . Do NOT use matches in the lab without your teacher's permission. .. The lab is an UNSAFE place for playful and boisterous behavior. ). ALWAYS eat and drink in the lab. If chemicals get into your eyes, first flush your eyes with water, THEN tell your teacher. ‘There is NO need to wash your hands after each lab, espe- cially before lunch or dinner. You may USE CRACKED glassware to heat liquids a Practical Chemistry Labs Name: Date: Lab Safety Test (continued) 13, When heating a liquid in a test tube you should NEVER point the ‘open end of the test tube at anyone. 14, You may NEVER visit friends at their work station to discuss the experiment without your teacher's permission, 15, NEVER pour excess chemicals back into the reagent bottle, 16. Throw all SOLID wastes into the sinks. 17. Do NOT clean up any spills. Leave them for the next class. 18, ALWAYS watch heating liquids or solids in the laboratory. 19, NEVER ask your teacher for help in the lab. Ask your friends instead, 20. NEVER report any acciderts to your teacher. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher xi Practical Chemisry Labs Name: Date: First Aid in the Laboratory Report all accidents to your teacher. Burns Ifthe bum is slight, apply cold water. If the bum is painful or blisters, report the accident and see the school nurse or your doctor. ‘Acid Burns Flush the area with plenty of water. Ifthe burn is painful, ‘wash the area with sodium bicarbonate solution after rinsing ‘with water. See the school nurse or your doctor. Alkali Burns Flush the area with plenty of water. If the burn is painful, wash the area with vinegar after rinsing in water. See the school nurse or your doctor. Eye Burns Flush the eye with lukewarm tap water at the eye wash sta~ tion, See the school nurse or your doctor. Cuts Remove dll foreign matter. Clean the area with soap and water. If there is heavy bleeding, apply direct pressure with a sterile gauze pad, See the school nurse or your doctor. Poisoning If any chemicals (other than acids or bases) are swallowed, induce vomiting by drinking warm salt or soap solution. If an acid was swallowed, drink milk, milk of magnesia, or limewater. Ifa base was swallowed, drink vinegar or lemon Juice. Call your nearest poison control center. See the school nurse or your doctor. Breathing Fumes Open windows. Remove the victim from the room, Breathe fresh air. If the poisoning appears to be serious, call your poison control center. See the school nurse or your doctor. Of course, the best fist aid is prevention. For a comprehensive guide to laboratory safety procedures, see Improving Safety in the Chemistry Laboratory. J.A. Young, editor (John Wiley and Sons, 1987). © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher oil Practical Chemisiy Labs Lab #1 ‘Name: Chemical Apparatus Date: PROBLEM: What kind of apparatus does the chemist use in the laboratory? Materials a variety of laboratory equipment Procedure 1. Lab apparatus will be displayed at different locations on the lab tables. Each piece of apparatus is numbered, 2. Visit each location in the lab, and examine each piece of apparatus. 3. Draw a diagram on the worksheet for each piece of equipment, Name it, and sug- ‘estat least one use for it. Use the apparatus chart to help you. Conclusion ‘Why is it necessary to have many different kinds of equipment in a laboratory? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher I Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #1 Name: Chemical Apparatus Date: Laboratory Apparatus Worksheet L Name; —_____ | 6. Name: Use, —____ Use: 2 Name; _______ | 7. Name: Use: Use: 3 L Name —______] 8. Name; —_____ — | = iS Use, y Use, —___ 4. Name —_____ | 9. se Name: Use, Use: 5. — —_ | 90 Name; —_____ Use, J Use: © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #1 Chemical Apparatus ey Date: Laboratory Apparatus Worksheet (continued) IL. ‘Name: 16. q Name; —____ Use: ‘Use: 12, ‘Name: 17, Name: — WW __ ys — aoa Name: 18. Name: | Name: 19, Name: abs ‘Name: 20. ‘Name: © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #1 ‘Name: Chemical Apparatus Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best completes the statement. 1, The apparatus used to heat liquids is a a. condenser. b. ring stand. . beaker. 4. funnel. 2. The apparatus used to grind solids into powder is a a. retort ». mortar and peste c. triangle. pair of tongs. 3. A bottle used to collect gases and which cannot be heated is a 1. wide-mouthed bottle, b. funnel. . beaker flask. 4, When heating a crucible, it should be placed on a a. ring ». wire gauze tripod. triangle, 5. Liquids should be heated to dryness in a(n) a. Mask ». crucibe. . beaker. 4. evaporating dish © 1989,J, Weston Walch, Publisher 4 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #1: Chemical Apparatus Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM 10. 1B. 14. A variety of laboratory equipment is necessary because of the many different opera~ tions that the chemist must carry out in the lab. [Names and uses of laboratory apparetus: |. Beaker Bunsen burner Condenser Crucible Deflagrating spoon Delivery tube Evaporating dish Flask Forceps Funnel Mortar and pestle . Pipestem triangle Retort Ring stand A thin glass vessel used to hold and heat liquids. It is usually placed on a wire gauze when heated. A heating device used in laboratory work. A long glass tube surrounded by a water jacket. Itis used in the distillation process. A porcelain cup used to heat solids to high temperatures, A device that allows the experimenter to insert burning objects into bottles. A device used to transfer gases from a generator to a collect ing bottle. ‘A porcelain dish that can be heated to a high temperature. A thin glass vessel in which liquids can be heated. A device used to pick up small objects. ‘A device that allows you to pour liquids through a small opening. I is also used in filtering. Items used in the laboratory for grinding solids into a powder. ‘A device placed on a ring or tripod to hold a crucible when it is heated. ‘A glass vessel that has its own all-glass delivery tube. It is used to distill and deliver liquids corrosive to rubber fittings, An iron stand on which clamps and rings may be placed to hold apparatus. 5 (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) 15. Test tube AA small glass tube used to contain most chemical reactions. 16. Test tube holder A device used to safely hold a test tube as itis being heated. 17. Crucible tongs A tool used to hold hot crucibles and objects. 18, Tripod An iron ring standing cn three iron legs, used to support laboratory apparatus. 19, Widemouthed bottle A bottle used to collect gases. It cannot be heated. 20. Wire gauze with A metal mesh used when heating beakers and flasks. It is ceramic center placed on tripods and rings to ensure the even distribution of ‘heat to prevent breakage. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Le a a 3 4e 5 Lab #2 The Bunsen Burner Name: Date: PROBLEM: How can we operate and control the Bunsen burner? Bunsen burner (with gas hose) nichrome wire crucible tongs 250-mL beaker © 1989 J. Weston Wale, Publisher Materials tripod wire gauze thermometer graduated cylinder Procedure 1, Examine the burner and learn the names of its parts (see Figure 2.1). Take it apart by revolving the needle valve and barrel. Look through the center of the burner and notice the hole running through it. This is for gas. What is the purpose of the air holes, needle valve, and barrel? 2. Assemble the burner by turning the needle valve and barrel into place until it stops. 3. Unscrew the needle valve seven or eight turns. Connect the burner to gas outlet with a hose. Look at Figure 2.2 and notice how to turn the hhandle so that the gas will be on. Light the ‘burner. This produces a yellow flame that is ‘unsuitable for heating because it forms soot (car- bon). To eliminate the soot, open the air holes until a nonluminous flame is produced, 4, The room should be darkened for the following procedure. Open the air holes completely by turn- ing up the barrel and reduce the size of the flame with the needle valve. Notice that two cones have been formed. Test the inner cone by holding an iron wire on the top of the barrel for a moment. Now raise the wire slowly into the outer cone. Which cone gives more heat? Where is the flame hottest? Why? Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #2 Name: The Bunsen Burner (continued) Date: 5. Pour 150 ml of cold tap water into a 250-ml. beaker. Measure and record the temperature of the water. Place the beaker on a wire gauze on a tripod. Heat the water over a blue flame for 2 minutes. Measure and record the new temperature, 6. Repeat Procedure 5 using a yellow (luminous) flame. Compare the results. Which flame generated more heat? Why? 7. Shut the gas off by turning the handle of the gas jet at right angles to the pipe. See Figure 23. Fig 23 Conclusions Copy the diagrams into your notebook. Explain how to adjust the burner for different types of flames. ‘Compare the flames for heating. ‘What is the purpose of the needle valve? How would you adjust the Bunsen burner to obtain a luminous flame? How would you adjust the Bunsen burner to obtain a nonluminous flame? Compare the two types of flames for heating purposes. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 8 Practical Chemistry Labs i Quiz #2 ‘Name: The Bunsen Burner Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the statement. 1. A Bunsen flame is sooty and yellow in color. The reason for this is a, no oxygen is mixing with the gas. b. no gas is mixing with the oxygen. ¢. insufficient oxygen is mixing with the gas. 4, insufficient gas is mixing with the oxygen. 2. The hottest part of the Bunsen flame is located 1. inside the inner cone, b. at the upper tip of the outer cone, t the edges of the inner core. at the upper tip of the inner cone. 3. The temperature of the Bunsen flame is regulated by a. the needle valve b. the air hotes. . the barrel 4. the gas handle, 7 4, Inside the barrel of a burning Bunsen burner ri a. air and gas begin to burn. i ’. gas cannot burn due to the lack of air, ©. gas cannot burn because the temperature is too low. 4. the gas cannot burn due to the lack of fuel. 5. The gas is tured off at a. the gas handle. », the air holes ¢. the barrel. 4, the needle valve. © 1989 J. Weston Welch, Publisher 9 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #2: The Bunsen Burner Teacher Notes Procedure 1 Bunsen Burner Purpose Part ‘Air Holes Regulate the amount of air mixing with gas, thereby Controlling the flame temperature. Needle Valve | Regulates the gas flow, thereby controlling the size of the Bunsen flame. Barrel Directs the gas flow upward. 4, Which cone gives more heat? Heat is produced in the outer cone because this is where the gas mixture is burning, The inner cone consists of a nonburning air gas mixture. Gases begin to burn at the ‘edges of the inner cone. Supporting evidence for this theory (explanation) is that the wire glows more brightly in the outer cone than it does inside the inner cone. Where is the flame houest? Why? ‘The hottest part of the Bunsen flame is located just above the tip of the inner cone. The reason for ths is that heat, generated where the gas burns, rises and focuses at the upper tip of the inner cone. 6. Which flame generated more heat? Why? ‘The temperature of the water rose faster and to a higher temperature in two min~ ‘utes with a blue flame, as compared with a yellow luminous flame. The blue flame {s hotter because the gas burns more completely due to the abundance of air (oxygen). The luminous flame, produced with a limited air supply, is cool due to the incomplete burning of the gas. The yellow color is caused by hot glowing pieves of unburned carbon from the gas. 10 Teacher Notes (continued) Conclusions 2. Sce Procedure | and Procedure 4 answers above. 3. See Procedure 4 answer above. 4, See Procedure 1 answer above. 5. To obtain a luminous flame we must close the air holes. 6. To obtain a nonluminous flame we must open the air holes. 7. See Procedure 4 answers above. L4B Quiz ANSWERS Le .d u Lab #3 Name: Measuring Length and Weight Date: PROBLEM: How is the metric system used in measuring length and weight? Materials ruler (10 inches minimum) with weights inches on one edge and nickel millimeters on the other edge 250-mL beaker paper and pencil 100-mL graduated balance cylinder Procedure 1. Draw a line ten inches long on a page in your notebook. 2. Measure the line with a metric ruler to the nearest millimeter (tenth of a centime- ter), Record your measurement below. 10 inches = __cm 3. Check to see that your balance is adjusted to vero weight on a level table top. Weigh a standard 10-gram weight on the balence, Does your balance confirm the known weight? 4. Weigh the 250-mL beaker (empty). Carefully measure 50 mL of water in your sraduated cylinder and add the water to the beaker. Weigh the beaker with the added water (see Figure 3.1). Record the weights below. Weight of a beaker with 50 mL of water ——, ‘Weight of the beaker (empty) Weight of 50 mL of water (a-b) —3 5. Weigh a nickel (five cents). nal Exercise) (Op 6. Weigh 50 mL of oil. Compare the weight of oil with water. Explain why oil floats ‘on water. © 1989.3. Weston Walch, Publisher 12 Practical Chemisiry Labs Lab #3 Name: Measuring Length and Weight (continued) Date: Conclusions 1. How many centimeters equals one inch? 2. List two advantages of the metric system over the English system. 3. What isthe weight of a nickel? 4. (Optional Exercise) Compare tke weights of equal volumes of oil and water. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 13 Practical Chemisry Labs Quiz #3 Measuring Length and Weight Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word, length, or weight that best completes the statement, 1, The metric unit of length is the a. foot. b. meter. . centimeter. 4. inch, 2. A nickel weighs about alg b 3g «5g 4.78, 3. The metric unit of weight (mass) is the . pound. b. gram. ©. stone, d. slug. 4, The number of centimeters in one inch is a. 1.00 om. b. 10.00 cm. ¢. 0.40 om. 4. 2.54 em. 5. The weight of one milliliter of water is a. 1008. b, 10.008. ©. 2548, 4. 0.402, © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 4 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #3: | Measuring Length and Weight Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM The metric system measures length in terms of meters. While the metric unit of ‘mass is the gram, it is used in this book as the metric unit of weight. This is a common practice throughout the world. Since balances measure weight directly (they depend on gravity to work), we follow common practice and consider weights to be measured in grams, Procedure 2. 10 inche 15.4 centimeters 3. The balance should confirm the weight placed on it 4. Weight of a beaker with 50 mL of water varies __ ‘Weight of the beaker (empty) Varies Weight of 50 mL of water (ab) —0__¢ 6. 50 mL of oil should weigh less than 50 mL of water. Conclusions 1, 2.540m = 1 in 2. Two advantages of the metric system over the English system are: . Units are related in multiples of 10. ’b. The metric system is used throughout the world. 3. A nickel weighs about 5 grams. (Optional Exercise) Oil weighs less than water. Since oil and water do not mix, the lighter oil floats on the water. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb 1s Lab #4 Name: Measuring Volume Date: PROBLEM: How can we measure the space occupied by objects? Materials rectangular stel block 100-mL. graduated cylinder an irregular steel object (eg,a #858) screw or a bolt) pipet (atleast 10 mL.) Irlter graduated cylinder volumetric flask (glass) medicine dropper guart bottle metric ruler Procedure Volume Calculation ater. Carefully pour the water into a I-lter graduated ters is one quart equal to? 1. Fill your quart bottle wit cylinder. How many mi 1 quart = ___mL. Note: iter equals 1,000 mL ‘How many quarts equals 1 liter? How much more isa liter than a quart? 2. Find the volume of a small block of steel. Mea- sure the length, width, and height of the small stzel block to the nearest millimeter. Calcul volume in terms of cubic centimeters (ce or mL). 1 om w= —em h=—___em ‘Volume = [length] * [width] [height] Volume = (em) (em) (___ em) Record your result. Volume = __ om? (or mL or ce) Verification of the Calculated Volume. 3, Tie a string around your steel block. Fill a 100- nL. graduated cylinder to the 40-mL mark, Care- fully submerge the steel block into the water (see Figure 4.1). Record your results in Table 1 below. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 16 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #4 ‘Name: Measuring Volume (continued) Date: Table 1: Volume of a Steel Block Volume of the water with the submerged block a= mL. Volume of the water alone b-__40 _ mt Volume of the steel block a-b=___mL ‘Volume of the steel block measured in Procedure 2. __ mL 4, Repeat the steps in procedure 3 with your irregular steel object. Record your results in Table 2 below. Table 2: Volume of an Irregular Object ‘Volume of the water with the submerged object. a= mL. ‘Volume of the water alone be mL Volume of the stel object a-b=_____ mL Transfer of Measured Volumes 5. Fill your pipet with water to the mark indicated (see Figure 4.2). What is the capacity of your pipet? ___mL Fig. 42 © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 7 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #4 ‘Name: Measuring Volume (continued) Date: Transfer the water to your 100-mL graduated cylinder. Do not blow out any ‘water that remains in the tip of the pipet. Compare the water level in the graduated cylinder with the marked volume of the pipet. ‘The Volumetric Flask 6. Fill the volumetric flask with water to the mark. Carefully pour the water into your ‘graduated cylinder. Compare the water level in the graduated cylinder with the volume of the flask. Volume of a Drop 7. Fill your medicine dropper with water. Carefully add water, drop by drop, to your ‘graduated cylinder until you have exactly 10 mL. Repeat this process two more times to verify the number of drops needed to make 10 mL. How many drops of water are in 10 mL? drops = 10 mL = ____drops= 1 mL 1 drop = ___ mL. Conclusions 1. Which volume is larger, one quart or one liter? 2. How can we calculate the volume of a rectangular block? 3. How can we measure the volume of an irregularly shaped object? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 18 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #4 Name: Measuring Volume Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1, A metric unit of volume is a a. cubie foot. b. liter. . pint, . quart, 2, The volume of an irregular object is found from 4. its length, width, and height. b. its weight ©. its weight divided by length. 4. its displacement of water. 3. The volume of a rectangular prism can be found a, by adding its length, width, end height b. by subtracting its length, width, and height. . by multiplying its length, width, and height, 4. by dividing its length, width, and height. 4. ‘The most accurate way to transfer measured volumes of liquids is by using a a. graduated cylinder. ». pipet. c, medicine dropper. 4. beaker. 5. When measuring the volume of water, we always read 1. the bottom of the meniscus. ». the surface tension. ©. the top of the meniscus. 4. the average between the top and bottom of the meniscus. © 1989 J. Weston Waleb, Publisher 19 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #4: Measuring Volume Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘The volume of regular objects can be determined from their dimensions. Volume can also be determined by their displacement of water. Procedure 1, 1 gt= 946.3 mL. There are 1.056 quarts in alter. (1 L = 1.056 qt) 2. Volumes vary with the dimensions of the block used. 3. Volumes should confirm those found in Procedure 2 within an experimental error. 5. Volumes transferred should give exact confirmations 6. Volumes transferred should give exact confirmations. 7. The size of a drop will vary with the opening of the dropper. Approximate results should be: 200 drops = 10 mL 20 drops = 1 mL, Conclusions 1. A liter is a larger volume than a quart. 2, The volume of a block can be calculated by multiplying its length, width, and height. 3. The volume of an irregular block can be determined by measuring its uid displacement. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb d 2, Be 4 5. 20 Lab #5 ‘Name: Density Date: PROBLEM: How can we determine the density of materials in metric units? Materials 250-mL beaker block of wood balance ‘metric ruler (with one-mil- 100-mL graduated cylinéer limeter divisions) small steel object (large nut or bolt or equivalent) Procedure The Density of Water 1. Carefully weigh a clean dry beaser. Record its weight in the table below. 2. Measure exactly SO mL of water in your graduated cylinder. Pour it into your ‘weighed beaker. 3. Weigh the beaker and the water. 4, Record the weights in Data Table 1 ‘5. Calculate the weight of the 50 mL of water. What is the density of water? (Density = weight/volume or grams/mL) Data Table 1 ‘Weight of the beaker + water a= 8 ‘Weight of the dry beaker b= ‘Weight of 50 mL of water a-b= g ‘Weight of 1 mL of water —_-s ‘What is the density of water? —___e/mi © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #5 Name: Density (continued) Date: The Density of a Steel Object 6. Measure 30 mL of water into your gradu- ated cylinder. Weigh a steel object and record its weight in table 2 below. Carefully ower the object into the water in the grad- uated cylinder (see Figure 5.1). Record the increase in the water volume in Table 2. ‘Why is the increase in water volume equal to the volume of the steel object? Calculate the density of the steel, Data Table 2 ‘Water level with the submerged object Volume of the steel object ‘Weight of the steel object in air Density = weight/volume ‘The density of steel is _ g/mL. ‘Water level before submerging ——0_ The Density of a Floating Object 7. Weigh a block of wood (not to exceed 200 g). Record its weight in table 3 below. ‘Measure and record the length, width, and height of the block. Complete table 3. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #5 Name: Density (continued) Date: Data Table 3 ‘Weight of the wooden block Length of the wooden block ‘Width of the wooden block Height of the wooden block ‘Volume = [length] x [width] x [height] Calculate the volume of the block Volume = — cubic centimeters (cc). ‘The density of your wooden block is __g/ec. cm cm aw bene Conclusions How is density defined? How is the density of water, stee, and wood determined? Compare the densities of wood, water, and steel, How is density related to whether objects will sink or float? ‘Why do steel ships float? ‘Why is the rudder on a large ship small in comparison with the rudder on a small airplane? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher B Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #5 Name: Density Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the density or words that best complete the statement. 1. In this experiment we found the density of water to be about a. 1 o2/f oz b. 1 g/mL, ©. 7.7 g/mL. 4. 1 Ib/pint. 2. A cube has a volume of 8.0 mL and a weight of 24.0 g. The density of the cube is closest to a. 3.0 g/mL. b. 0.33 g/mL. ©. 32.0g/mL. 4. 160 g/mL. 3. In order to float on water, an object must have a density of a. 7.7 g/mL. b. 11 g/mL. ©. 0.9 g/mL. 4. 3.3 Ib/qt. 4, In this experiment we found the density of stel to be about a. Lor/flor. b. 1 g/mL. © 77 e/mL. 4. 1 tb/pint. 5. The density of each solid was determined by 4. adding the weight to its volume. ». dividing the volume by its weight. ‘©. multiplying the weight by its volume, 4. dividing the weight by its volume. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 4 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #5: Density Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Density is determined by dividing the weight of an object by its volume. ‘The result from Table 1 should show that the density of water equals 1 g/ml. ‘The result from Table 2 should show that the density of objects that sink in water, like steel, is more than 1 g/mL, The results from Table 3 should show that the density of objects that float on ‘water, like wood, is less than 1 g/mL. Conclusions 1. Density is defined, in this experiment, as weight per unit volume. 2. The densities of wood, water, and steel are determined from their weights and volumes. 3. The density of wood is less than 1 g/mL. ‘The density of water equals 1 g/mL. ‘The density of steel is greater than 1 g/mL. 4, See the Data Table Answers atove. 5. Steel ships float because they weigh less than the weight of water they displace. 6, Since water is about 800 times more dense than air, diving planes on submarines and the rudder on a large ship can be small but equally as effective as the compara- tively large control surfaces required on aircraft. LAB Quiz ANSWERS oe da Be 4c sd 25 Lab #6 Name: The Chemistry of Photography Date: PROBLEM: How is energy involved in chemical reactions? Materials 0.1 M (17 g/liter) silver 2 test tubes nitrate 0.5 M (30 g/liter) sodium chloride 25% solution of hypo (sodium thiosulfate) black paper filter paper photographic print paper CAUTION: Silver nitrate is poisonous and wil stain your skin and clothes. Wear gloves, an apron, and goggles when using this chemical. If any gets on you, wash it off your skin imme- diately with plenty of water and tell your teacher. Procedure The Effect of Light on Silver Chloride 1. Filla test tube ' full with sodium chloride scution, Add a few drops of silver nitrate solution and stir. What kind of substance forms? What is the color of the ‘new material? Record your observations. 2. Pour half of the contents ofthis test tube into another test tube and wrap it with paper to block out light (see Figure 6.1). Expose the unwrapped test tube to sun- light or a strong lamp for five minutes. Observe any changes that take place in both test tubes. Compare the colors of the exposed silver chloride with the unexposed ‘material. Record your results. 3. Add 1 mL of hypo solution to each test tube. Stir them and note the results. ‘Making a Negative Picture 4, You will be given two pieces of paper coated with silver chloride. The shiny side has the silver chloride. Place it shiny side down on the table top to prevent expo- sure to light. Have two coins or keys ready for step 5. 5. Tum your papers shiny side up and place a coin or key on each paper. Expose them to light for about four minutes. While tks is going on pour about /2 inch of hypo into an evaporating dish © 1989.1. Weston Walch, Publisher 26 Practical Chemisiry Labs Lab #6 Name: The Chemistry of Photography (continued) Dae: —___ Fig 6.1 6. After four minutes remove the objects from the paper. Notice the photographs that ‘were made, Place only one paper into the hypo solution. After three minutes remove the paper from the hypo solution and wash it under running cool water. Dry the photograph between pieces of mimeograph paper. Compare the photo- ‘graphs. Which one is permanent? Photographs are called prints and the specially treated paper is called “print paper.” Why is this photograph called a “negative”? Save the print for your lab report, ‘Making Print Paper 7. Soak a piece of filter paper in silver nitrate solution. Then soak the paper in sodium chloride solution. Dry the paper by pressing it between blotting paper or filter paper. How does the paper look? Record your observations. 8. Cut the paper into two equal parts. Place a key or a coin on both papers for five ‘minutes. Expose them to strong light (sunlight or near a lamp). Remove the objects, Soak only one paper in hypo solution for five minutes. Then wash both papers in water for ten minutes. Dry the papers with blotters or between filter pap- es, Examine each paper. Record your observations. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 2 Practical Chemisiry Labs Lab #6 Name: The Chemistry of Photography (continued) Date: Conclusions 1, What is a chemical change? 2, What effect did light have on silver chloride? 3, How was energy involved in the chemical changes in this experiment? 4, What is the black deposit found on negatives? ‘5. Why is the picture you made called a “negative”? 6. What does hypo dissolve from a negative? 7. Complete the following equation. AgNO, + NaCl —> —____ + © 1989.3, Weston Walch, Publisher 28 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #6 Name: The Chemistry of Photography Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. All of the following are chemical changes except a. the decomposition of AgCl by light. », the darkening of photographic paper due to light. . the dissolving of hypo to make a solution of hypo. 4. the formation of AgCl by NaCl and AgNO3, 2. Hypo “fixes” a photographic print or negative by a. dissolving unexposed silver chloride. ’. dissolving deposited silver particles. . preventing the formation of silver chloride 4. helping the reaction of sodium chloride and silver nitrate. 3. Ona negative light areas appear light, and dark areas appear dark. ». light areas appear light, and dark areas appear light. light areas appear dark, and dark areas appear light. 4. light areas appear dark, and dark areas appear dark. 4. On a positive (photographic print) a. light areas appear dark, and dark areas appear dark. b. light areas appear light, and dark areas appear light. . light areas appear dark, and dark areas appear light. 4. light areas appear light, and dark areas appear dark. 5. The form of energy absorbed in this reaction was a. heat, b. light. ©. chemical, 4. potential. © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 29 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #6: The Chemistry of Photography Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Energy is offen needed to start a reaction. In some chemical systems, energy is absorbed. In other systems energy is released. The energy forms vary with the reactions. Procedure Solution Preparations: The silver nitrate solution is prepared by dissolving 17 grams silver nitrate per liter of water. Store the silver nitrate in a brown bottle and away from heat and light. The salt (NaCl) solution is prepared by dissolving 30 grams of table salt ina liter of water. Filter the salt water solution if it appears to be cloudy. Twenty-five percent hypo solution is prepared by dissolving 250 grams of sodium thiosulfate (hypo) ina liter of water. 1. A white precipitate (silver chloride) forms when silver nitrate reacts with sodium chloride. 2. The exposed silver chloride begins to darken in color. The unexposed silver chlo- ride remains white. 3. Hypo solution dissolved the silver chloride precipitate. A clear solution results. ‘Where the silver chloride was exposed to the light, small black specks of colloidal silver may be observed. 6. The photograph that was treated with hypo is permanent. The untreated photo ‘continues to darken. The hypo dissolved out (removed) the unexposed silver chloride. ‘These photographs are called negatives because they appear to be the opposite of the object. The negative is light where no light fell, and it is dark where there ‘was much light exposure, 8, The solution reacted on the filter paper to deposit silver chloride. The filter paper darkens where light fell on the silver chloride. An outline of the object appears on. the filter paper as a negative. The hypo fixes the negative to prevent further darkening. 30 (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) Conclusions 1. A chemical change is one in which a new substance is produced. nave . Light caused the decomposition of silver chloride. Black, colloidal particles of metallic silver resulted. Light or radiant energy was absorbed in the breakdown of silver chloride. . The black deposit is colloidal silver. See the answer in step 6 above. 5. Hypo dissolves unexposed silver chloride. 7. AgNOs + NaCl — NaNOs + AgCl LaB Quiz ANSWERS © 1 2. 3 4, 5, 31 Lab #7 ‘Name: Chemical and Physical Change Date: PROBLEM: What kinds of changes can matter undergo? Materials hard candy ‘wooden splint mortar and pestle copper strip test tube ‘magnesium ribbon cork stopper (for the test tube) crucible tongs Bunsen burner sugar less active metals from their compounds. CAUTION: Reactions with mercurous nitrate liberate mercury. Mercury is poisonous! Wear loves, an apron, and goggles when using this chemical. Do not inhale vapors! Work only in a well-ventilated area. Procedure 1, Place in separate test tubes about 1-2 inches of each solution listed in the table below. Then add a strip of zinc to each test tube (see Figure 12.1). Do not disturb them for five minutes. If no reaction takes place write NR under the observation. rent © ry © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 3 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #12 ‘Name: The Activity of Metals (continued) Date: Solution Observation ‘Complete Each Equation zine nitrate Za(NO,), + Zn — cupric sulfate x80, + Zn — lead nitrate ‘Pb(NO;)» + Zn — ‘mercurous nitrate HgNO, + Za — 2. Repeat the procedure in step 1, but use your copper strip in place of the zinc. ‘Solution Observation ‘Complete Each Equation zine nitrate Za(NO,), + Cu— cupric sulfate ‘CuSO, + Ca — lead nitrate Pb(NO,); + Cu— ‘mercurous nitrate HgNO, + Cu—> Conclusions 1, Which metals were deposited on the zine strip? 2. Which metals were deposited on the copper strip? 3. Make a list of the metals in their order of activity. 4, Check your answer (conclusions) against your chemistry reference tables. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 54 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #12 Name: The Activity of Metals Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1, Metals are materials whose atoms accept valence electrons and replace less active metals from their compounds. ’. donate valence electrons and replace less active metals from their compounds. . donate valence electrons and replace more active metals from their compounds. 4. accept valence electrons and replace more active metals from their compounds. 2. The most active metal is a. lead. b. mercury. . zine, d. copper. 3. The least active metal is a. lead. . mercury. . zine, copper. 4, The reaction that will take place spontaneously is a. Zn + Het. b, Cu+ Cur. Hg + Zn. 4. P+ Zn. 5, When metals ionize a. they gain electrons and become negative ions. ». they lose electrons and become negative ions. . they gain electrons and become positive ions. 4, they lose electrons and become positive ions. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 35 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #12: The Activity of Metals Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM See the Note on the student lab sheet. Zinc strips yield the following results: ‘Solution ‘Observation Complete Each Equation zine nitrate NR Zn(NO;)2 + Zn — No Reaction ‘cupric sulfate R CuSO, + Zn — ZnSO, + Cu Tead nitrate R Pb(NO,), + Zn — Zn(NO3)o + Pb ‘mercurous nitrate R 2HgNO, + Zn — Zn(NO;), +2 Hg Copper strips yield the following results: Solution Observation ‘Complete Each Equation ine nitrate NR Za(NO;); + Cu— No Reaction cupric sulfate NR ‘CuSO, + Cu— No Reaction Tead nitrate NR Pb(NO), + Cu — No Reaction ‘mercurous nitrate R 2HgNO; + Cu ——~ Cu(NO3) + 2 Hg (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) Conclusions 1. Copper, lead, and mercury were deposited on the zine strip. This indicates that zinc is more active than the metals deposited. 2. Only mercury was deposited cn the copper strip. 3. zinc, lead, copper, mercury LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb 2. 3 4 5. 7 Lab #13 ‘Name: Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Dal PROBLEM: How can we distinguish elements, compounds, and mixtures? iron filings iodine iron iodide 3 heat-resistant test tubes corks for the test tubes Procedure 1. Add a splint full of iron filings (element) into a test tube and cork the tube. 2. Add a splint full of iron iodide (compound) into a second test tube and cork this tube also, 3. Repeat this procedure in the third test tube with half a splint full of irom filings and hal a splint full of iodine. Cork the tube. 4, Look at the materials in each test tube and describe them below and in your lab report (see Figure 13.1). Fig. 131 © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 58 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #13 ‘Name: Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Date (continued) 5. Bring a magnet to the bottom of each test tube and move it half way up the side of the test tube. Record your observations. 6. Geatly heat your test tubes for no more than one minute. Stop heating as soon as a reaction starts or after one minute. Record your observations. Data Table Appearance of the Material Test tube 1 Test tube 2 Test tube 3 Reaction to a Magnet Test tube 1 Test tube 2 ‘Test tube 3 Reaction to Heat Test tube 1 ‘Test tube 2 Test tube 3 Conclusions 1. How do elements, compounds, and mixtures differ? 2. Why did the magnetic property cf iron change in the compound? 3. Which element undergoes sublimation? 4, List two other examples of sublimation. ‘5. Can you depend on appearances :o di iguish elements, compounds, and mixtures? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 59 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #13 Kame: Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the statement. 1. All of the following are mixtures except a. salt and sand, ’. sugar in water. ©. iton and iodine, 4. iron iodide, 2. Iron was no longer attracted to a magnet as a irom filings in a test tube, b. a mixture of iron and iodine. . a compound of iron and iodine. the free element, 3, Elements, compounds, and mixtures can be recognized by a. their appearance, ». their physical state. ©. their melting point. 4. their properties. 4, Sublimation took place with a. elemental iron. b. elemental iodine. the mixture, 4d. the compound. 5. Al ofthe following are examples of sublimation except a. ice cubes in iced tea. b. dry ice keeping ice cream frozen. ¢. vaporizing moth balls in your closet. , snow flake formation in the atmosphere. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 60 Practical Chemistry Labs | Lab #13: Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures , Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM | Elements, compounds, and mixtures are distinguished as follows: - ‘An element yields no substance other than itself. It is a material whose atoms have the same atomic number. Compounds can be broken down to yield the elements that compose them. Mixtures are a composite of substances that are independent of each other. “Appearance of the Material l Test tube 1 (element) Iron filings are gray-black and solid. Test tube 2 (compound) Iron iodide is dark gray and solid. Test tube 3 (mixture) Iron + iodine is a dark solid. ud Reaction to a Magnet AS Test tube 1 Attracted to magnet, Test tube 2 No response to magnet. u Test tube 3. The iron, in the mixture, was attracted to the magnet. Reaction to Heat Test tube 1 No reaction to heat. U Test tube 2 No reaction to heat. Test tube 3 The iodine, in the mixture, sublimated. a] 61 (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) Conclusions 1. See problem answer and tables above, 2. Iron and iodine lost their properties when they combined to form a compound. They retained their properties in a mixture. 3. Todine undergoes sublimation (under room conditions). 4, Examples of sublimation are dry ice, snow flake formation, and the sublimation of moth balls. 5. Appearances cannot be depended upon to distinguish elements, compounds, or mixtures. LAB QUIZ. ANSWERS Ld 2c ad 4b Sa Lab #14 ‘Name: The Law of Conservation of Matter Date: PROBLEM: Can matter be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction? Materials solutions of barium chloride, bottle with a stopper sodium sulfate, potassium tl sae ead nate small test tube balance Procedure 1. Pour one inch of barium chloride solution into a bottle. Pour one inch of sodium sulfate solution into a small test tube. Carefully stand the test tube inside the bottle, making sure that the solutions do not mix. Stopper the bottle tightly and weigh the whole thing (see Figure 14.1). Record the combined weight of the bottle, test tube, stopper, and two solutions. ‘The total weight is ______grams before the reaction. © 1989 J, Weston Wale, Publisher 6 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #14 Name: The Law of Conservation of Matter Date (continued) 2. Tum the bottle, with its contents, upside down. Allow the solutions to mix. Des- ccribe what happens. Weigh it again. Reoord the new weight. ‘The new weight is _____ grams after the reaction. By how much did the weight change? 3. Clean the bottle, test tube, and stopper. Repeat this procedure using potassium iodide in the bottle and lead nitrate in the test tube. Refer to Figure 14.1 again if you need to. ‘The total weight is _ grams before the reaction. The total weight is __ grams after the reaction. By how much did the weight change? Conclusions 1, State the law of conversation of matter. 2. Complete the following equations: BaCl, + Na,SO, — —___+ 2 KI + Pb(NOs)p — 3. How does this experiment verify the law of conservation of matter? © 1989 1. Weston Walch, Publisher 6 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #14 Name: The Law of Conservation of Matter Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the answer that best completes the statement. 1. The law of conservation of matter says that a. the chemical form of matter can not change and the amount of matter can not change in a chemical reaction. ». the chemical form of matter can change but the amount of matter can not change in a ‘chemical reaction. . the chemical form of matter can not change but the amount of matter can change in a chemical reaction. 4. the chemical form of matter can change and the amount of matter can change in a chemi- cal reaction. 2. The precipitate in the barium chloride + sodium sulfate reactions has the formula a. BaCh, b. Na,SO,. ©. NaCl. 4d. BaSO,. 3. In the reaction A + B — C, if 10 g of A react completely with 6 g of B, the weight of C is a 10g. b 6g © 16g. dag 4, Steel wool increases in weight when itis burned because ‘4, matter is created when iron burns. b. matter is destroyed when iron burns. ¢. additional matter is added to the burning iron. 4. there is an increase in the total amount of iron. ‘5. When iron burns there is an increase in weight because 1 the iron combines with oxygen in the air, and oxygen has weight. . the iron absorbs heat, but heat has no weight. ©. iron has weight, but the oxygen has no weight. 4d. the iron absorbs heat, and heat has weight. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 65 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #14: The Law of Conservation of Matter Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Procedure 2. and 3, The weight did not change because the amount of matter remained the same, Conclusions 1. Matter can be neither created nor destroyed. 2. BaCl; + Na,SO, — BaSO, + 2 NaCl 2 KI + PO(NO;): —+ 2 KNOs + Poly 3. This experiment verifies that matter is not created or destroyed by the fact that ‘weight does not change asa result of chemical changes. LaB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb 2d Be 4c Sa _ Lab #15 Name: The Percent of Water in Cupric Sulfate Date; PROBLEM: 1. What happens to blue cupric sulfate when itis heated? 2. How can we determine the percent of water in blue cupric sulfate? Materials porcelain crucible with cover balance wire-ceramic triangle crucible tongs tripod Bunsen burner blue (hydrated) cupric sulfate Procedure Record all data in the table below. 1, Weigh an empty crucible and cover to the nearest 0.1 gram. 2. Add 5 grams of blue cupric sulfate to the crucible. (Hint: Set the scale to 5 grams plus the weight of the crucible until the scale balances.) 3. Place the crucible and cupric sulfate on a clay triangle on a tripod or a ring stand (Gee Figure 15.1). Place the cover partially on the crucible. Heat the cupric sulfate moderately for about eight minutes in the hottest part of the Bunsen burner flame, © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher a Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #15 Name: The Percent of Water in Cupric Sulfate Date: (continued) CAUTION: Use the tongs to handle the hot crucible. 4, Allow the crucible to cool for a few minutes, Use the tongs when handling the cru- ible. Place the cool crucible, with the cupric sulfate, on the scale and weigh it again. Determine the final weight of the cupric sulfate in the table below. How has the appearance of the cupric sulfate changed” Data Table ‘Weight of the crucible, cover, and blue cupric sulfate 8 ‘Weight of the crucible and cover 8 ‘Weight of the blue cupric sulfate a-b 8 ‘Weight of the crucible, cover, and cupric sulfate (after heating) d= ___g Weight of water lost a-d-e 8 Calculate the percent water as follows: The Weight of Water (e) ‘Weight of Blue Cupric Sulfate () Extra Credit Determine the formula of hydrated cupric sulfate from your data; ie, find X in CuSO,.XH,0 % 100 = % Water (Hint: M.W. CuSO, =160) Conclusion 1. Answer the questions in the problem. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 68 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #15 Name: The Percent of Water in Cupric Date: Sulfate Directions: Circle the letter in front of the answer that best completes the statement. 1, The data below was obtained by a student in order to determine the percent of water in a hydrate: Mass of the hydrate 50g Mass of the anhydrous compound = 3.2g The percent of water in the hydrate is a. 64%, b. 56%, ©. 36%, 4, 22%, 2. The formula for hydrated cupric sulfate is a. CuSO, 6H,0. b. CuSO,5H,0. ©. CuSO,.10H,0. 4d. CuSO,4H,0. 3. The weight of the crucible must be taken when itis a. empty, dry, and hot. '. empty, wet, and hot, c. empty, wet, and cool. . empty, dry, and cool 4, The final mass of the anhydrous cupric sulfate will be a. less than the mass of the hydrated cupric sulfate. ', greater than the mass of the hydrated cupri . the same as the mass of the hydrated cupric sulfate. 4. independent of the mass ofthe hydrated cupric sulfate, sulfate, 5. Cupric sulfate 1. is light blue when hydrated. ». is dark blue when anhydrous. turns blue when heated. 4. is dark blue when hydrated. © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 0 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #15: The Percent of Water in Cupric Sulfate Teacher Notes ANSWERS TO PROBLEM 1, When blue cupric sulfate is heated, it loses its water of hydration (water of crystal- lization), As a result it tars from a rich blue color to a pale blue. 2. We can determine the percent of water in the hydrated (blue) cupric sulfate by di ‘ding the water los, in grams, by the total weight of the hydrated salt. The result is then multiplied by 100. ‘The formula for blue copper sulfate is CuSO,.5H,O %6H,0 = 90/(160 + 90) x 100 =36%. Blue copper sulfate is 36% water. Extra Credit Given 36% water in cupric sulfate, find X in CuSO,XH,O. F.W. for CuSO, is 160 and the M.W. for H,0 is 18, Isx Therefore: 36% ~ idl tex Solve for X: 18X = 0.36 (160 + 18K) 18X = 57.6 + 6.48X 11.52X = 57.6 X= 576/152 X=5 CuSO,5H,0 LAB QUIZ ANSWERS = 2. 3. 4 5. 7) Lab #16 Name: Filtration Date: PROBLEM: How can filtration purify water? ‘Materials ‘wooden splint Styrofoam® cup powdered clay gravel vegetable oil sand garlic powder sharpened pencil 2 test tubes 2 beakers ink ring stand ‘medicine dropper ring clamp funnel ring filter paper clay triangle Procedure 1, Using a wooden splint, put a pinch of powdered lay and an equal amount of garlic powder into a test tube, Half fll the test tube with water. Add inch of vegetable oil. Add three drops of ink. Stopper the tube and shake it up. Does the clay dissolve? What happens to the oil? What does the ink do? Is this a solution or a mixture? Why? Oil Water Separation 2. Support the funnel above a beaker with the ring stand and clay triangle as shown in Figure 16.1. Hold your finger over the opening of the funne!’s stem and pour the mixture into the funnel. Wait until two liquid layers form, Which liquid is on top? 3. Carefully allow the water to pour into the beaker. Stop the flow with your finger again when the oil is atthe end of the stem of the funnel. Collect the oil ina separate beaker. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher n Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #16 Noe ee Filtration (continued) Date: Separation of Suspended Matter 4, Fold a piece of filter paper into quarters. (Filter paper is a form of thin blotting paper, and itis very porous.) Grasp three of the quarters together, open the paper to form a cone, and fit it into your funnel (see Figure 16.2). Wet the paper in the funnel. 5. Place the stem of the funnel into a clean test tube in the support rack. Carefully pour the clay-ink-garlic-powder suspension onto the filter paper. Be careful not to allow the suspension to reach over the edge of the filter paper. (Why?) 6. If the filtrate is not clear at first, then filter the suspension again through the same filter paper. What happened to the suspended solids? Is the filtrate clear? Does the filtrate have a color? How does the filtrate smell? Deodorizing Water 7. Place a fresh piece of filter paper into the funnel. Fill % of the filter paper with activated (deodorizing) charcoal, Filter the suspension again. How does the filtrate look? How does it smelt? Filtration with Sand and Gravel 8. Place 4 inch of gravel on the bottom of a Styrofoam® cup. Cover the gravel with 1% inches of sand. Cover the sand with ¥ inch of gravel. Poke three holes through the bottom of the cup with a sharp pencil point (see Figure 16.3). Place the cup on a small beaker. Make another clay-ink suspersion and pour it over the top gravel. Record your observations. At the end of this exercise, do not pour your sand or gravel into the sink. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisber n Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #16 Name Filtration (continued) Date: Conclusions ' 1. How could you change muddy water into clear water? 2. How can odors be removed from water? 3. Why didn't filtration remove the ink? |. Explain the process of filtration. 5. Identify the residue and the filtrate. . Why does the filtrate become clearer when the filtration is repeated? . Why is gravel placed above and below the sand? Fig. 163, Dottom of cup. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher B Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #16 Name: Filtration Date Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words tat best complete the statement. 1, Filtration is a method for a. sterilizing water. b. separating the solute from the solvent. . separating out suspended material. d. forcing out dissolved gases from solutions. 2. Filter paper placed into a funnel is made wet 4. to open the pores in the filter paper. b. to make the paper stick to the sides of the Funnel ©. to hold back the suspended materials. 4. to pass the suspending medium, 3, Several fltrations ‘a, make the filter paper finer but slower. 'b, make the filter paper finer and faster. c. make the filter paper pores more open but slower. d. make the filter paper pores more open but faster. 4, The filtrate ‘a, accumulates on the filter paper. ’. comes through the filter paper. ¢. remains in the suspension. 4. is pure. 5. Ink particles could not be filtered because a. ink particles clog the pores. », there is no relationship between the pore size and the particle size, . the particles are too large for the pores. 4, the particles are too small for the pores. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher ™ Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #16: Filtration Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Oil and water do not mix. They can be separated by allowing the oil to “settle” to the top for removal. We can remove lerge suspended particles from water by filtration Water can be deodorized by use of a charcoal filter. The charcoal absorbs the odor molecules on its surface. Small particles cannot be removed from water by filtration. Ink forms colloidal-sized particles, Distillation is required to remove the ink particles. Procedure 1. Clay, oi, and garlic powder do not dissolve in water. The ink colors the mixture. This is a mixture because no new substance is formed. Each component in the mix- ture continues its independent betavior. 2. The funnel is effectively used as a separation device. Oil floats on water. 5. If the suspension reaches over the edge of the filter paper, the suspended particles will bypass the filter paper. 6. The clay and garlic powder remain on the filter paper. The ink-colored water passes through the pores of the fiter paper. The filtrate still has the smell of garlic ‘The odor molecules pass through the pores of the filter paper. 7. Ink passes through the charcoal, but the garlic odor molecules are absorbed onto the surface of the charcoal. The filtrate is odorless, but remains ink colored. Ink in water forms a colloidal solution, 8, The gravel-sand filter should hold back the clay, but the ink will still pass through. This shows that dissolved poisons cannot be removed from water by simple filtration. Conclusions 1, Muddy water can be cleared by filtration, 2. Odor molecules can be removed from water by fit mn through a charcoal filter, 3, Filtration did not remove the ink because its particles were too small for the pores of the filter. They pass through the filter. See the distillation lab. 4, Filtration is a process in which insoluble large suspended material is separated from its suspending medium. The suspended particles must be larger than the holes (pores) in the filter. 'S. The residue is the material trapped on the filter. The filtrate is the liquid that passes through the filter. 15 Teacher Notes (continued) 6. Repeated filtration causes the large pores to tecome clogged. The result is that the filter becomes finer. The process becomes slower, but more thorough. 7. The bottom gravel will not wash through the holes in the cup, and it will hold ‘back the sand from above. The top gravel prevents the sand from churning up when the suspension is added, 16 Lab #17 Name: Distillation Date: PROBLEM: How can we separate the components of a solution? Materials medicine dropper Bunsen burner ink ring stand distillation flask ring 2-34 glass tube ring clamp J-inch rubber tubing (tocon- wire gauze rect glass tube to the flask) long-stem funne! test tube Note: lab it was seen that ink could not be removed from a solution by filtration. At times it becomes necessary to separate the components of a solution such as salt from water, gasoline from crude oil, or alcohol from water. The method used for this purpose is distillation. You will have the opportunity to distill a solution in this labora- tory exercise. Procedure 1. Add two drops of ink to a test tube % full with water. 2, Remove the stopper from the distillation flask, and insert a long-stem funnel. The stem must reach below the side arm, 3. Carefully pour the ink solution into the flask. 4, Rinse the test tube with clear water. Empty the rinse water into the flask until it is Ys full with the ink-water solution, ‘5, Replace the stopper in the flask and place a test tube at the end of the long straight glass tube (the air-cooled condenser) (see Figure 17.1). 6. Heat the flask gently by slowly moving your Bunsen flame below it. Then allow the solution to boil gently. A small amount of steam should come out of the glass tube and into the test tube. If tco much steam is formed, tum down your flame, CAUTION: The air-cooled condenser and test tube will be hot! 7. Continue heating until about one inch of water collects in the test tube. © 1989.1. Weston Walch, Publisher 1 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #17 Name: Distillation (continued) Date: CAUTION: Do not heat the flask to dryness! 8. Tum off your flame by turning off your gas at the handle, Conclusions 1. What does the test tube contain? 2. What happened to the ink? 3. Why are the air-cooled condenser and collecting test tube hot? 4, How can we make drinking water from sea water? 5, Place labels on Figure 17.1 to identify the disillate (condensate) and the 6. Define distil and tell how it is useful © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher B Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #17 Name: Distillation Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. Distillation 2, sterilizes water. ’. separates the solute from the solvent. . separates out suspended material. 4, forces gases into solution 2. Industrial poisons can be removed from water by a. filtration. », freezing, ©. boiling. 4. distillation, 3. Large suspended particles are separated from their solutions by a. freezing. ». filtration. boiling. |. distillation, 4, ‘The air-cooled condenser gets hot because 4. vapor releases heat when condensing . vapor releases heat on boiling, ‘vapor releases heat on melting. ae ‘vapor releases heat when vaporizing. 5. As distillation takes place the concentration of the residue remains the same. b. decreases. c. increases, 4. is independent. © 1989 J. Weston Waleb, Publisher 9 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #17: Distillation Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM The components of a solution are separated by distillation. The solvent is vaporized, separated from the solution, and condensed. The solute remains behind. Conclusions 1. The test tube contains the condensed solvent. 2. The ink (solute) remained behind in the distillation flask. As the distillation con- timued, the concentration of the ink increasec. 3, The air-cooled condenser gets hot because the condensing solvent loses its heat to the glass. 4, Sea water can be made drinkable (potable) ty distillation. '5, Students were instructed to label Figure 17.1, Check for correct labels. 6. Distillation is defined in “Answer to Problem.” LAB QUIZ ANSWERS 1b 2d 3b 4a Sc Lab #18 ‘Name: Solubility Curves Date: PROBLEM: How can we construct a solubility curve based on experimental data? Materials thermometer balance 250-mL beaker 10-mL graduated cylinder tripod weighing paper test tube potassium nitrate rubber stopper raph paper Note: There are to be four groups of students for this lab: A, B, C, and D. Procedure 1, Weighing the Solute: Group A should weigh out 12 grams of potassium nitrate KNO), group B should weigh out 8 grams, group C should weigh out 6 grams, and group D should weigh out 4 grams, Record your data, Data Table ‘Weight of KNO, + weighing paper Weight of the paper alone Weight of the KNO Fig 181 2. Preparing the Water Bath: Fill a 250-mL. bbeaker about haf full with water. Place the beaker on a tripod. Heat the water to boiling, 3, Making the Solution: Accurately measure out 10 mL of water in a graduated cylinder. Add it to atest tube. Add the weighed potassium nitrate to the test tube. Gently agitate the mixture to dis- solve the solid, Do not allow undissolved solid to stick to the test tube. 4. Completely Dissolving the Solute: Remove the stopper. Place the test tube containing the solu- tion into the hot water bath. Insert a thermometer into the test tube and carefully stir the solution until all the solute has dissolved (see Figure 18.1). © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 81 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #18 Name; Solubility Curves (continued) Date) 5. Crystallizing Dissolved Solute: As soon as the potassium nitrate has completely dissolved, carefully place the test tube in the test tube rack. Allow the solution to cool. While cooling, shake the test tube frequently to prevent supersaturation. As soon asthe frst crystal appears in the test tube, record the temperature. Observations Weight of the solute 8 Volume of water in the test tube ———_ mt ‘Temperature of crystallization °C ‘Data Table (Summary) Weight KNO in ‘Weight KNOs in ‘Temperature of 10 mL water 100 mL water crystallization Celsius degrees A 120g B 808 c 608 D 408 Conclusions 1. Plot the solubility vs. temperature curve using the data from section A, B, C, and D. Your ¥ axis should be labeled grams of KNOs/100mL of HO, and your X axis should be labeled temperature (in Celsius degrees). 2. What information must be specified when a chemist describes the solubility of a solute in water? 3, What does the solubility graph show? 4, How does the solubility of KNO, change as the temperature of the solution increases? © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 82 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #18 Name Solubility Curves Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the statement. 1. Essential information needed to make a solubility curve includes a, solubility (g/100 mL) at one temperature b. solubility (g/100 mL) over a xemperature range. © molarity at lab temperature. 4. the heat of solution. 2. The solubility of most solids ‘increases with decreasing temperature. ». decreases with increasing temperature. increases with increasing temperature, 4d. is independent of temperature. 3. The solubility curve defines the temperature and concentration of a a, saturated solution. b. unsaturated solution. . supersaturated solution. 4. concentrated solution, 4, The solubility curve allows the user to find the saturated concentration at 4. higher temperatures than those measured. ’, lower temperatures than those measured. . temperatures between measured values. 4. none of the above. 5. The shape of the solubility curves for most solids are a. straight lines with positive slopes. b. straight lines with negative slopes. c. curved lines with positive slopes. 4. curved lines with negative slopes. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 3 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #18: Solubility Curves Teacher Noies ANSWER TO PROBLEM Solubility curves are constructed by determining various saturation temperatures ‘and concentrations and graphing the data. Conclusions 2. Temperature and concentration must be specified when describing solubility. 3. The solubility curve shows how the solubility is affected by temperature. It also tells the saturation level for the solute at a specific temperature. 4, ‘The solubility of potassium nitrate increases sharply with increasing temperature LAB QUIZ. ANSWERS Lb Lab #19 Name: Boiling Point Date: PROBLEM: How is the boiling point of a solution affected by external pressure? Materials distillation flask (clamped thermometer conto a ring stand) | holed stopper pres tubing to ft the side jong sem funnel ilter graduated cylinder (glass) 5 Procedure Normal Boiling Point (At One Atmosphere Pressure) 1. Insert a long-stem funnel into the distillation flask and add water to the flask until itis % full. 2. Invert the stopper containing the thermometer into the flask, The thermometer bulb should be level with the side arm of the distillation flask (see Fig- ure 19.1). 3. Carefully heat the flask until the water gently boils. 4, Observe and record the temperature of the boiling liquid. This is a normal boiling point. Boiling under Pressure 5. Attach the pressure tubing to the side arm of the distillation flask, CAUTION: The flask may be hot! 6. Insert the open end of the tubing into the bottom of your tall cylinder filled with cold water. 7. Resume boiling the water in the flask and record the new temperature. CAUTION: Do not heat to dryness, 8, Turn off the gas at the gas handle and remove the tubing from the cylinder. © 1989 J. Weston Wale, Publisher 85 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #19 ‘Name: Boiling Point (continued) Date: Conclusions 1. ‘The boiling point ofa liquid is that temperature at which its vapor pressure is equal to the external (outside) pressure. Explain, based on this definition of a boiling point, why the boiling point temperature increases when the outside pressure is increased, 2. Why were you directed to insert the tubing under the water in the cylinder? 3. Why did the cold water in the cylinder get hot? 4. What would happen to the boiling point if we reduced the pressure inside the dis- tillation flask with a vacuum pump? 5. Heat will destroy vitamin C. Suggest a way to make orange juice concentrate ‘without destroying the vitamin content. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 86 Practical Chemisiry Labs Quiz #19 Name: Boiling Point Date Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the statement. 1. The boiling point a, varies directly with the exteraal pressure. ». varies inversely with the external pressure, . varies directly with the internal pressure. 4. varies inversely with the intemal pressure, 2, The purpose of the water in the cylinder is to . act as a thermometer. ». prevent steam from escaping into the lab. ¢. lower the boiling point. 4. put the boiling water under pressure. 3. The thermometer bulb in the disillation flask 4, is level with the side arm and measures the temperature of condensation, ’, dips into the solution. c. measures external pressure and temperature, 4, measures internal pressure ard temperature. 4, The water in the cylinder got hot because a. the condensing steam absorbed energy. b. the evaporating water released energy. «. the condensing steam released energy. 4. the evaporating water absorbed energy. 'S. The greatest danger of scalding is from a. boiled water touching your skin. ». steam, under pressure, touching your skin. . water, boiling under pressure, touching your ski. 4. steam at the normal boiling roint touching your skin. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 87 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #19: Boiling Point Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM The boiling point varies directly with the extemal pressure. The greater the external pressure, the higher the boiling point. Conclusions ‘See “Answer to Problem” above. 2. ‘The tubing was placed at the bottom of a column of water in order to increase the external pressure. The pressure is increased by the weight of water pressing down on the tube. 3. The water in the cylinder heated up because the water vapor released its “heat of condensation” to the water. 4, Ifthe pressure inside the flask were reduced, the boiling point would also be reduced. 5. When making orange juice concentrate, the vitamin C can be preserved by disti- ling off the water from the juice under reduced pressure. In this way, the distillation will take place at a cool temperature. See Lab 46 for vitamin C. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS La 24 Ba 4c 5b 88 Lab #20 Name: Freezing Point Date: PROBLEM: How is the freezing point of a solution affected by dissolved impuritie Materials ice cubes thermometer 250-mL beaker salt (NaCI) Procedure 1. Allow a few ice cubes to stand in a container until they begin to melt. Why should you wait for melting? 2. Half fill a beaker with water and the ice cubes. 3, Stir the mixture, and insert your thermometer. Record the temperature after the reading has stabilized. 4. Empty your beaker and then add five ice cubes to it. For this step, the ice must come directly from the freezer. Pour 60 grams of salt onto the ice ccubes. Stir the mixture. When melting has begun insert your thermometer and record the tempera- ture (see Figure 20.1), ‘Temperature (pure ice-water mixture) ____°C ‘Temperature (salt-ice-water mixture) ____ °C. Conclusions 1. Why did you use the ice cubes after they began to melt? .. How did the salt change the freezing point temperature? Why does salt have this effect? . Why do road crews salt the streets before a severe snow or ice storm? Why do rivers and lakes freeze but not oceans? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 89 Practical Chemisiry Labs Quiz #20 Name: Freezing Point Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the statement. 1, When pure ice cubes begin to melt, they a, must have temperatures that are equal to 0°C. b. may have temperatures that are greater than 0°C. ¢. may have temperatures that are lower than 0°C. 4, have temperatures that cannot be determined. 2. Salt and dissolved impurities a. raise the boiling point and the freezing point. b. lower the boiting point and the freezing point. . raise the boiling point and lower the freezing point. 4. lower the boiling point and raise the freezing point. 3. Dissolved impurities like salt a. ease the crystallization of the solvent. b. interfere with the crystallization of the solvent. . help the escape of solvent molecules. 4. help the escape of solute molecules. 4. The oceans freeze at lower temperatures than lakes because a. fish and ship engines warm the ocean. », the oceans have moving water and can't feeze. «. the lakes are fresh water and do not have waves. 4d. the oceans contain dissolved salts. 5, Road crews prepare the streets before a heavy snowstorm by a. salting the streets, b. plowing the streets c. clearing the streets, 4. none of the above. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 90 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #20: Freezing Point Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘The freezing point of a solution is reduced by dissolved impurities (please refer to Lab 37 for more details), Procedure 1. The ice cubes should begin to melt before using them to assure that they are at 0°C. Otherwise, they could be at a lower temperature. 3. The temperature of the pure water-ice mixture should be 0°C. This is an opportun- ity to calibrate your thermometers. 4, The ice cubes in this step must come directly from the freezer so that they will not have had time to warm. If they are packed in dry ice before the experiment, the best results are obtained; melting occurs near -17°C. At any rate the temperature of the salt-ice-liquid water bath should be lower than 0°C. Conclusions 1. See answer above for Procedure 1. 2. Salt lowered the freezing point temperature. 3. Salt, and all dissolved impurities, interfere with the ability of the solvent to crystal- lize (solidify), 4. Streets are prepared for severe snow and ice storms with salt to impede the forma- tion of the ice. The freezing point is lowered, thereby requiring a colder freezing temperature, 5, See explanations 3 and 4 above. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS la 2 3. 4. 5, a Lab #21 ‘Name: Solution Rates Date: PROBLEM: What factors determine the rate of solution? ‘mortar and pestle lumps of cupric sulfate 2 test tubes with rubber stoppers ‘Note: Solution rate depends on the amount of surlace contact there is between the solute and the solvent. The more contact there is the faster the solute will dissolve, There are ‘three ways to control the available surface contact, and they will be explored in this laboratory exercise. Procedure Particle Size 1. Puta small crystal of cupric sulfate into a test tube and put an equal amount of powdered cupric sulfate into another test tube (grind a crystal of equal size). 2. Add one inch of water to each test tube. Close both with rubber stoppers and give each of them three shakes. In which test tube is the solution a deeper color? How is the color of the solution an indicator of the amount of solute dissolved? How does the particle size affect its solution rate? Clear your test tubes. Agitation 3. Add equal-sized crystals of cupric sulfate to both of your test tubes. Add one inch. of water to each of them. 4. Shake only one test tube as you did in step 2 above. Allow the second test tube to remain undisturbed. In which test tube is the solution a deeper color? What does this indicate? How does agitation affect the speed of solution? Temperature 5. Clear your test tubes again and add equal-sized crystals of powdered cupric sulfate to both of them. Add one inch of water to each tube again 6. Allow one test tube to remain undisturbed in its test tube rack. Carefully and gently heat the other test tube. Do not boil the solution. In which test tube is the solution a deeper color? What does this indicate? How does temperature affect the speed of solution? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 92 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #21 Solution Rates (continued) Name: Date: Effect of Temperature on Dissolved Air 7. Fill a beaker % full with water. Place the beaker ‘on the wire gauze on the tripod (see Figure 21.1). Heat the water gently with a low flame, Do any air bubbles appear at the sides of the beaker? How is the solubility of the dissolved air affected by the heat? Should an aquarium use boiled water that has been cooled, or fresh unboiled water? Why? Pig. 21 Conclusions 1. How js the color of the solution an indicator of the amount of solute dissolved? 2. List the factors that affect the rate of solution, 3. How do each of these factors have the effect shown? 4, Does a gas dissolve better in hot or in cold water? © 1989 J. Weston Wale, Publisher Practical Chemisiry Labs Quiz #21 Name; Solution Rates Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. The rate of solution is affected by all of the following except a. mixing, », temperature. ©. amount. 4, surface area. 2. If the particle size of a substance being dissolved is smaller, it will dissolve faster than if the particle size was comparatively larger because there is a, less surface area and less contact with the solvent. b. less surface area but more contact with the solvent. ‘c. more surface area and more contact with the solvent. 4. more surface area but less contact with the solvent 3. Agitation a. increases the solution rate by increasing solute-solvent contact. b. increases the solution rate by decreasing sclute-solvent contact. cc. decreases the solution rate by increasing sclute-solvent contact. 4. decreases the solution rate by decreasing solute-solvent contact. 4, Increasing temperature usually 1. increases the solution rate by decreasing the kinetic energy of solute-solvent action, }, increases the solution rate by increasing the kinetic energy of solute-solvent action. . decreases the solution rate by increasing the kinetic energy of solute-solvent action. 4. has an effect on the solution rate which can not be determined. 5. Increasing temperature results in a. increasing solubility of solids and gases. '. decreasing solubility of solids and gases. . increasing solubility of gases only. 4. decreasing solubility of gases only. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 94 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #21: Solution Rates Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘The factors that determine the speed of solution are particle size, agitation, and temperature. Procedure 2. The test tube that contained the powdered cupric sulfate is darker in color. The color is due to the dissolved copper salt. The darker the color of the solution the ‘more concentrated iti. ‘The smaller the size of the particle, the more rapidly it will dissolve. This is ‘because small particles, as compared with large crystals, present a greater exposed surface, and more opportunity for solute-solvent contact. 44, The shaken test tube has a deeper color. This indicates that agitation speeds solution. 6. The heated test tube acquires a deeper color. This indicates that temperature speeds solution. 7. Air bubbles appear on the sides of the glass vessel when itis heated. The air comes, ‘out of the solution. This indicates that gases are less soluble at higher temperatures, If boiled water is used in an aquarium, the fish will drown in the water for lack of dissolved air. This water must first be aerated. Conclusions |. See answer for 2 in the Procedure section, . See the “Answer to Problem.” Each factor affects the amount of solute-solvent contact. . The solubility of a gas varies inversely with temperature. (More gas dissolves in colder water.) LAB QUIZ ANSWERS .€ 95 Lab #22 Crystal Growing PROBLEM: How can I grow crystals? chrome alum alum beaker or jar Name: Date: Note: The following rules will guide you to success. You are reminded, of course, to ‘wash your hands after handling chemicals and before eating to avoid ingesting (eating) ‘chemicals with your food at mealtime. It is recommended that you begin your crystal ‘growing with alum or chrome alum because these are materials that consistently produce ‘200d results. Fig. 2.1 © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher Procedure 96 1 . Tie a small and perfect crystal to a thread Start with a saturated solution of alum, chrome lum, or any material whose crystal you want 10 ‘grow. The solution should be in an open con- tainer to allow for the evaporation of the solvent. is is ‘your seed crystal. This is the crystal that will be grown, The seed erystal should be larger than any other crystal in the solution. (Please refer to Lab 21 regarding particle size.) Suspend the seed crystal in the saturated solution (Gee Figure 22.1), . As the solvent evaporates, the solute deposits on the seed crystal. The tiny crystal will grow larger. Slow growth is better than fast growth because the crystals will have a more perfect shape. Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #22 Name: Crystal Growing (continued) Date: 6. CAUTION: Be sure that the saturated solution remains saturated at a temperature slightly higher than room temperature. If the room temperature increases during the day, your saturated solution may become unsaturated, and your seed crystal ‘may dissolve. In that case you will have to start again, at step 1. Ifthe room should grow too cold, at night, the solution may also cool. In that case your crystal may ‘grow too fast and a distorted shape may result. 7. Excess solute on the bottom of the container will ensure a saturated solution, but the crystals must be smaller than the seed crystal that you want to grow (see step 2 above). Conclusions |. Why is slow growth preferred to rapid growth? .. Why must the seed crystal be larger than any other crystal in the solution? . Why must the temperature be held steady? Why are crystals grown in open jars? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher ” Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #22 Name; Crystal Growing Date; Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word o: words that best complete the statement, 1. Crystals can only be grown in a(n) a. unsaturated solution, ». saturated solution. . supersaturated solution, 4. concentrated solution, 2. The seed crystal ‘4. must be larger than all other crystals so it will dissolve more slowly. '. must be larger than all other crystals so it will dissolve more rapidly. . must be smaller than all other crystals so it will dissolve more slowly. 4. must be smaller than all other crystals so it will dissolve more rapidly. 3, Crystal-growing jars must be open to a. allow for addition of solvent. ». allow for evaporation of the solvent. ©. prevent the seed crystal from dissolving. 4. ensure a saturated solution for continued crystal growth. 4, Room temperature must be held constant to prevent the solution from becoming a. supersaturated. b. dilute ©. concentrated. 4. unsaturated. 5. More perfectly shaped crystals are obtained if the growth is a. slow, the seed crystal is perfect, and the solution is impure. b. rapid, the seed crystal is perfect, and the solution is impure. c. slow, the seed crystal is perfect, and the solution is pure. 4. slow, the seed crystal is imperfect, and the solution is pure. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 98 Practical Chemisny Labs Lab #. Crystal Growing Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Crystals can be grown from saturated solutions as described in this lab exercise. Note: Alum is recommended to start arystal-growing projects because these crystals are easy to grow. Alum is a compound thet is composed of a univalent metallic ion and a trivalent ion combined with a sulfate polyatomic ion; e.., KA1(SO,);.12H,0 (alum), KC1(SO,);.12H,0 (chrome or blue alam). Conclusions 1. Slow growth is preferred because the crystals grown have better shapes. 2. The seed crystal must be the largest crystal so that it will dissolve more slowly than the others. Smaller crystals dissolve more rapidly because they expose more surface to the solvent. The dissolved solute will deposit on the seed crystal. 3, See step 6 on the lab sheet. 4, Crystals must be grown in open jars to allow for solvent evaporation, thereby ensuring a saturated solution. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb a b d Lab #23 Acids and Bases Name: Date: PROBLEM: What are the properties of acids and bases? dilute sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric, and acetic acids dilute potassium, sodium, ammonium, and calcium hydroxides 4 test tubes in a stand Materials stirring rod red and blue litmus paper small piece of mossy (impure) medicine dropper CAUTION: Acids and bases are harmful to your skin eyes, and clothing. Wear your eye protectors and aprons in the lab. If you have an accident, flush the area with lots of water, and then tell your teacher. | Fig. 23.1 © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Procedure Acids 1. Litmus Test: Stand four test tubes, 4 fall with water, in the test tube stand. Use your medicine dropper to add five drops of each acid provided into each of the four test tubes. Rinse the dropper alter each acid. 2, Wash the stirring rod and dip it into the first solution made. Withdraw the rod from the test tube, and touch it to the side of the test tube to remove the large drop of solution. Touch the rod ‘0a piece of red litmus paper (see Figure 23.1). Write your observation. Repeat this procedure, but this time, touch the rod to a piece of blue itmus paper. Write your observation, 3. After washing the stirring rod, repeat the spot tests {step 2) for each of the remaining acid solutions, Write out your observations for each acid tested. Empty and rinse your test tubes when the spot cests have been completed. 4, Action with Metals: Add about one inch of sulfuric acid to a test tube containing a small sieve of impure (mossy) zinc. What gas is given oft? 10) Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #23 Name: Acids and Bases (continued) Date: Bases . Litmus Test: Stand four test tubes, 3 full with water, in the test tube stand. Use ‘your medicine dropper to add five drops of each base provided into each of the four test tubes. Rinse the dropper after each base. 6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each base. 7. Rubbing Test: Carefully pour one inch of sodium hydroxide into a test tube. Dip 10. ul © 1989 5. Westr the stirring rod into the solution and touch the wet rod to your fingers. Rub your fingers together. What is the result? Wash your fingers, and write your observations Conclusions How do Describe the test for an acid with litmus paper. . How do acids react with active metals? Which element is common to all acids? 5. Define an acid. Describe the test for a base with litmus paper. How do bases feel? ‘Which polyatomic ion is common to all bases? Define a base. List two properties common to acids. List two properties common to bases. affect litmus? n Wale Publisher 101 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #23 Name: Acids and Bases Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the answer that best completes the statement. 1, All acids share the following properties except a. turning litmus red. ». containing replaceable hydrogen. . having a sour taste, 4. feeling slippery. 2. All bases share the following properties except a. turning litmus blue. ». containing replaceable hydrogen. . having a bitter taste, 4. feeling slippery. 3, ‘The way to test for the presence of an acid or base is to a taste it ». add a metal. use litmus paper. I. fel it. 4. The polyatomic ion common to all bases in water is a. HOt b. OH- c. NH aH 5. The polyatomic ion common to all acids in water is a. H0* b, OR c. NHS Ce © 1989,J. Weston Walch, Publisher 102 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #23: Acids and Bases Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘The properties of acids and bases are given as follows: Procedure 2. and 3. Acids turn litmus red, 4, Acids release hydrogen when reacted with an active metal like zinc. 5, and 6, Bases turn litmus blue. 7. Strong bases feel stippery. Conclusions . Acids turn litmus red. . See steps 2 and 3 under Procedure 3. Active metals release hydrogen with acids. Hydrogen is common to all acids. ‘An acid is a compound that conteins replaceable hydrogen. 5. See steps 5 and 6 under Procedure. Bases fel slippery. The hydroxide ion is common to all bases. . A base is a metallic hydroxide. 10. Acids turn litmus red and release hydrogen when reacting with active metals. 11. Bases turn litmus blue and feel slippery. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS d 103 Lab #24 Neutralization Name: Dat PROBLEM: How are acids and bases neutralized? Materials 2 burets (clamped in a stand) 2 small funnels (for each buret) 2M hydrochloric acid 1 M sodium hydroxide phenolphthalein solution 100-mL Erlenmeyer flask 3 test tubes medicine dropper evaporating dish ‘Note: The concentration of a solution can be determined by reacting a measured volume of a solution of known concentration with a measured volume of another solution. This ‘process is called titration. An indicator is added to show the end point (completion) of, the reaction. CAUTION: Acids and bases are harmful to your skin, eyes, and clothing. Wear your eye protectors and aprons in the lab. If you have an acciden, flush the area with lots of water, and. then tell your teacher. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 104 Procedure 1, Pour one inch of dilute hydrochloric acid into a small test tube, and an equal amount of dilute sodium hydroxide into another test tube. 2. Add one drop of phenolphtalein solution to each est tube. Record your results 3, Fill each buret exactly to the 50-mL mark by using a small funnel, with the dilute acid in one Duret and the dilute base in the other (see Figure 24.1). 4, Carefully turn the valve and run 20 mL of acid into your small Erlenmeyer flask. Add one drop af phenolphthalein solution to the acid. Why is there no color indicated? Record your acid volume in the data table. Practical Chemisiry Labs . Lab #24 Name Neutralization (continued) Date: 5. Place your flask on a piece of white paper under the buret. Slowly add the sodium hydroxide solution to the acid until one drop of the base (sodium hydroxide) ‘causes the solution to turn from colorless to pink. This is the end point of the solu- tion, Record the volume of base used in the data table provided. | 6. Test the solutions with a strip of red and blue litmus paper. Data Table ‘Volume of hydrochloric acid em ‘Volume of sodium hydroxide needed to neutral acid —_____ mL. ! Optional Exercise 7. Evaporate the neutralized solutions to dryness. What is left in the evaporating dish? Optional Exercise 8, Problem: If 20 mL of sodium hydroxide were needed to neutralize 40 mL of 3 M hydrochloric acid, determine the concentration of the sodium hydroxide, Hint, use the relationship below. (Vol) (Concentration) = (Vol) (Concentration) | acid base | Conclusions - In this experiment, which is more concentrated, the acid or the base? How much more concentrated is one than the other? ‘What is a neutral solution? Define titration and neutralization, ‘Complete the following neutralization equation. NaOH + HCL—-__+ © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 105 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #24 Name: Neutralization Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the answer that best completes the statement, 1. The products of neutralization are a. acids and bases. '. acids and water. «. bases and water, 4. salt and water. 2. 1f25 mL of 3 M HCl are neutralized by 75 mL of NaOH, the concentration of the NaOH must be a. 1M. b.2M. 3M. a 4M. 3. The apparatus used to measure acid and base volumes is the a. graduated cylinder. b. pipet. «flask. a. buret. 4, If the neutral solution is evaporated to dryness, the residue should consist of a. only acid, '. acid and base. «. only salt, 4. only base. 5. The experimental procedure used in this experiment was a sublimation. b. titration, c. evaporation. d. condensation, © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 106 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #24; Neutralization Teacher Notes ANSWER To PROBLEM Acids and bases neutralize each other to form a salt and water. Procedure 2. Phenolphthalein is colorless in an acidic or a neutral solution, It is pink in an alka- fine (basic) solution, 6. The neutral solution has no effect on litmus, 7. When HCI and NaOH solutions are neutralized and evaporated to dryness, salt (NaCl) remains in the evaporating dish. 8. (20 mL NaOH) (X) = (40 mL HCI) (3 M) X= (40 mL) (3 M)/20 mL X=6M Conclusions 1. The acid is more concentrated, 2. The acid is twive as concentrated as the base. Of course, this answer assumes that reagent concentrations are the same as those given in the materials list 3. A neutral solution is one in which the hydrogen ion concentration equals the hydroxide ion concentration. A neutral solution has no effect on litmus paper. 4. See the note on the lab sheet. 5. NaOH + HCl — NaCl + H,0 LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Ld 2a 3d 4c sb 107 Lab #25 Name: Salt Hydrolysis Date: PROBLEM: How do salts react to litmus? Materials solutions of cupric sulfate, 7 test tubes sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, “tz7n& 704 aluminum chloride, ferric red and blue litmus paper sulfate, potassium sulfite ‘Note: In your study of neutralization you may have drawn the conclusion that all salts are neutral substances, and that they do not affect litmus paper. The object of this exper- iment isto show you that all salts are not neutral. Before you begin, try to predict the effect on litmus paper of the seven sat solutions. CAUTION: Salts of heavy metals are poisonous. Wash ‘your hands after the completion of the lab. Procedure 1. Carefully pour one inch of each salt solution into test tubes in your test tube stand. 2. Using a glass stirring rod (wash it before each, test), make spot tests of each of the salt solutions cn pieces of red and blue litmus paper (see Figure 25.1). Record your results in the table below. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 108 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #25 Name: Salt Hydrolysis (continued) Date: Data Table Salt Effect on Lites Which Ion is in Excess? Prediction | Observation Cupric Sulfate Sodium Sulfate Sodium Chloride Sodium Carbonate ‘Aluminum Chloride Ferric Sulfate Potassium Sulfite Conclusions 1. Write the equation for the formation of each salt from its acid and its base. 2. How can you determine whether a solution of a certain salt will be acidic, alkaline, or neutral? 3. Describe how salts react to litmus paper. © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 109 Practical Chemisty Labs Quiz #25 Salt Hydrolysis Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. A neutral salt is formed from ‘a strong acid and a strong base. . astrong acid and a weak base. cc. a weak acid and a weak base. 4. a weak acid and a strong base. 2. An acidic salt is formed from a strong acid and a strong base. ». a strong acid and a weak base. ca weak acid and a weak base. 4d. a weak acid and a strong base. 3. An alkaline satis formed from 4. a strong acid and a strong base. b. a strong acid and a weak base. c. a. weak acid and a weak base, 4. a weak acid and a strong base. 4. Sodium carbonate is a. acidic, », alkaline. ©. neutral. d. none of these. 5. Sodium sulfate is a. acidic. ». alkaline. . neutral. 4. none of these. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 110 Practical Chemisty Labs Lab #25: Salt Hydrolysis Teacher Notes ANSWER To PROBLEM ‘Some salts turn litmus red. Other salts turn litmus blue, Many salts have no effect. on litmus. Data Table Salt Effect on Litmus Which Ion is in Excess? Prediction | Observation Cupric Sulfate Red Hydrogen Sodium Sulfate No effect None (neutral) ‘Sodium Chloride No effect None (neutral) Sodium Carbonate Blue Hydroxide ‘Aluminum Chloride Red Hydrogen Ferric Sulfate Red Hydrogen Potassium Sulfite Blue Hydroxide Conclusions 1, Cu(OH), +H, $0, — CuSO, - 1,0 2 NaOH + H,SO, — Na; SO, +2 1,0 NaOH + HCL — NaCl + H,0 2. NaOH + HyCO; — Na; CO; +2 HO Al(OH); + 3 HCL — AICI, + 3 H,0 2 Fe(OH); + 3 H,SO, — Fe,(S0,); + 6 HO 2 KOH + H,S0, —~ K, SO, +2 H,0 2. An acidic salt is formed from a strong acid and a weak base. An alkaline salt is formed from a strong base and a weak acid. A neutral sat is formed from a strong acid and a strong base. 3. The problem is answered above. LAB QUIZ. ANSWERS = ut Lab #26 Indicators Name: Date: PROBLEM: How can we test for the presence of an acid or a base? thymol blue methyl orange methyl red litmus paper cresol red phenolphthalein purple cabbage ’ 189 Lab #45 Nami Nutrient Testing Date: PROBLEM: How can we identify nutrients by chemical testing? Materials tincture of iodine apple juice starch olive oi a simple reducing sugar such brown (unglazed) paper as glucose Benedict's solution hard-boiled egg white nite acid oe 2 test tubes Procedure 1. Stareh: Add one or two drops of iodine solution to the starch sample in a test tube. Record the results. Rinse your test tube 2, Glucose: Add 2 mL of Benedict's solution to glucose in one test tube and water in another, Heat the test tubes. Compare and record your results. 3. Protein: Your teacher will add two drops of nitric acid to the egg white (protein) in your test tube. Record the results. CAUTION: Your skin is also made of protein. Avoid contact between your skin and nitric acid Flush accidental spills with large quantities of water. 4, Fat: Melt the fat and rub it onto unglazed paper (brown paper bag). Record your results, '. Test foods for each nutrient. © 1989 5. Weston Walch, Publisher 190 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #45 ‘Name: Nutrient Testing (continued) Date: Data Table Food Test Results Nutrients Present Bread Apple Juice Egg White Olive O11 Conclusions 1. What is a nutrient? 2. Why are nutrients organic chemicals? © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 191 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #45 Name: Nutrient Testing Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1, Fats can be identified because they a. stain yellow with nitric acid. ', tum blue-black with iodine, . turn Benedict's solution red on heating, 4d, make unglazed paper translucent. 2. Proteins can be identified because they a. stain yellow with nitric acid, . tum blue-black with iodine. ¢. turn Benedict's sotution red on heating. 4. make unglazed paper translucent. 3. Starch can be identified because it a stains yellow with nitric acid b. tums blue-black with io c. turns Benedict's solution red on heating. e. 4. makes unglazed paper translucent. 4, Glucose can be idemtified because it 4. stains yellow with nitric acid. b. tums blue-black with iodine, . tums Benedict’s solution red on heating, makes unglazed paper translucent. 5. Egg white is a food that is composed of a. starch, ’. glucose. . fat 4. protein. © 1989 5, Weston Walch, Publisher 192 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #45: Nutrient Testing Teacher Notes Special Preparations ‘The tincture of iodine is made by dissolving 1 gram of iodine crystals in 25 mL of ethyl alcohol. We use a 1% starch solution; ie, 1 gram of starch in 100 grams of water. ‘The nitric acid is diluted 10 parts water to 1 part acid, Benedicts solution is a commer- cial product. ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘Nutrients are identified by the test as outlined below. Starch: Iodine turns starch blue-black. Glucose: Reducing sugars turn Benedict’ solution a brick-red color (blue to green to yellow to orange and then red). Protein: Nitric acid stains protein yellow. A confirmation testi the addition of ammo- nia, An orange color results. Fat: Unglazed paper, such as a brown paper bag obtained in stores, stains and ‘becomes translucent Conclusions 1. A nutrient is a food component that is needed to sustain life (carbohydrates, pro- teins, minerals, vitamins, and fas). 2. Nutrients are organic chemicals because they are carbon compounds. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS ld la 3b 4c Sd 193 Lab #46 Name: Testing for Vitamin C Date: PROBLEM: How can we test for vitamin C? Materials 125-mL Ehrlenmeyer flask apple juice buret clamped in a ring stand 1% starch solution, aqueous iodine solution vitamin C solution (dissolve a vitamin C pill in water) ‘Note: In this experiment we will add a measured amount of iodine to a vitamin C solu- tion to which starch has been added. The vitamin C will be quickly oxidized by the iodine. Ts + CoH{Og — C4HH,0, + 2H° + 2 iodine + ascorbic acid — dehydroascorbic acid + hydrogen ion + iodide ion (vitamin C) ‘The point at which the oxidation of the vitamin C is complete will be revealed by the dark blue-black color produced by the iodine and starch. The amount of vitamin C in each food can be determined by comparing the amount of iodine solution needed to oxidize the known concentration of vitamin C. Procedure ‘Standardizing Your Vitamin C Solution 1, Fill your buret to the $0-mL mark with your solution, 2. Dissolve a $0 mg vitamin C pill in 100 mL of ‘water. Carefully measure 25 mL of prepared vitamin C solution into a clean Ehrleameyer flask. Add ten drops of a 1% starch solution to the vitamin solution, | 3, Place your flask on the white paper under the baret (see Figure 46.1). Slowly add the iodine solution to the vitamin C until one drop of iodine causes the vitamin C solution to tum blue-black. This isthe end point of the solution. Record the volume of iodine used in the data table provided. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 194 Practical Chemistry Labs ; Lab #46 Name, Testing for Vitamin C (continued) Date 4. Gently boil 25 mL of orange juize for one minute, Repeat step 3 with the boiled juice. 5. Add 1 gram of sodium bicarbonate to 25 ml. of fresh orange juice. Repeat step 3. 6. Repeat step 3 with 25 mL of fresh tomato juice. 7, Repeat step 3 with 25 mL of fresh apple juice. Data Table Food ‘mL of Todine mg of Vitamin C 25 mL Prepared Vitamin C Solution 25 mL Orange Juice (fresh) 25 mL Orange Juice ‘and Sodium Bicarbonate 25 mL Orange Juice (boiled 25 mL Tomato Juice 25 mL Apple Suice Conclusions How does the amount of iodine solution used indicate the vitamin C content? Which juice has the most vitamin C? How can we test for vitamin C? How does heat affect vitamin C content of foods? How does sodium bicarbonate affect the vitamin C content of foods? veer © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 195 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #46 Name: Testing for Vitamin C Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word ot words that best complete the statement. 1. In one test for its presence, vitamin C in starch solution a, stains yellow with nitric acid. », turns blue-black with iodine. ¢. turns Benedict's solution red on heating. 4. changes iodine into iodide ions. 2, The food with the greatest amount of vitamin C is a. sugar. b. orange juice. «. apple juice. 4. tomato juice. 3, Vitamin C is destroyed by all of the following except a. heat. ». sodium bicarbonate. ime, reftigeration. 4, If more drops of fruit juice are needed to change iodine this shows a. lower vitamin C content, b. higher vitamin C content. c. a dilute solution, 4d. a concentrated solution. 5. All of the following foods provide vitamin C except a. oranges. . tomatoes. bread, | lemons. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 196 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #46: Testing for Vitamin C Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Vitamin C is detected by its ease of oxidation. In this experiment the vitamin C is ‘oxidized by iodine. In the ar, vitamin C is oxidized by oxygen. When the vitamin C is completely oxidized, the free iodine shows itself by turning a starch solution blue-black. Solution Preparation ‘The aqueous iodine solution is prepared as follows. Dissolve 10 grams of potassium iodide (KD) in 100 mL of water. Dissolve I gram of iodine crystals, stirring constantly. Conclusions 1. The amount of iodine used is directly proportional to the vitamin C content. 2. Fresh orange juice has the most vitamin C of those used in this lab exercise. 3, See Answer to Problem above. 4, Heat destroys vitamin C, Note that vitamin C is destroyed in cooking. 5. Sodium bicarbonate destroys vitamin C. This vitamin is most stable in an acidic environment, LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb 2b ad 4b Se 197 Lab #47 Protein Coagulation PROBLEM: How are proteins coagulated? raw eggs 250-ml beaker ‘tripod wire gauze Bunsen burner milk dilute hydrochloric acid Name: Date: flour evaporating dish watch glass forceps test tube ‘medicine dropper Note: When proteins are coagulated they are clotted or clumped into a semisoft sub- stance. A chemical change has taken place because a new substance is produced. Blood © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher igulates (clots) to stop further bleeding. The first step in protein digestion is coagula- -xperiment you will learn several ways in which proteins are coagulated, Procedure 198 Coagulation of Egg White |. Half fil a 250-mL beaker with water, Place it on « tripod and boil the water gently. . Turn off the Bunsen burner. Drop some egg white into the hot water (see Figure 47.1). Wait two to three minutes and record your observations. . Remove about half of the coagulated egg white with forceps, and place it on your watch glass. Resume boiling the remaining egg white for five ‘more minutes. Compare the raw egg white, the ‘wo- to three-minute egg white, and the eight- te egg white. Record your observations. The Coagulation of Milk Protein ‘Add one inch of milk to atest tube. Add hydrochloric acid to the milk, with a medicine cropper, until a change is seen, Record your observations Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #47 Name: Protein Coagulation (continued) Date: 5. Allow the test tube to stand undisturbed for five minutes. Decant the liquid, Des- cribe the residue in the test tube. Which food does it resemble? Conclusions 1. Which is easier to digest, a hard-boiled egg or a raw egg; sour milk or sweet milk? Explain. . How is milk coagulated in the stomach? ‘Why does boiled milk develop a “skin? List two ways in which proteins are coagulated, Why is baked bread easier to digest than unbaked dough? veep © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 199 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #47 Name: Protein Coagulation Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. The first step in protein digestion is a, decomposi ’b. decomposition to amino acids, ¢. decomposition of peptones to amino acids 4. coagulation, 2. Proteins are coagulated by all of the following except a. heat b. acids. © sugar, 4. enzymes. 3. All ofthe following are examples of protein coagulation except . sour milk, . melting butter. . boiling eggs. 4d. clotting blood. 4. Milk is coagulated in the stomach with a. hydrochloric acid, . heat, . heavy metals. 4. enzymes. 5, In the stomach of human babies, milk protein (casein) is coagulated with a. hydrochloric aci. b, heat. c. heavy metals. 4. enzymes. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 200 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #47: Protein Coagulation rm Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM | Proteins are coagulated by heat and/or acid, Conclusions ] 1. A hard-boiled egg is easier to digest than a raw egg. Sour milk is easier to digest than sweet milk. These foods have their proteins coagulated. Coagulation is the first step in protein digestion. Milk in the stomach is coagulated by the hydrochloric acid found in gastric juice. Boiled milk develops a “skin” cf coagulated milk protein (casein), 1. Two ways to coagulate proteins are with acids and heat. . Baked products are easier to digest than unbaked dough because the wheat protein (gluten) is coagulated in the baking process. wawn L LAB Quiz. ANSWERS Ld ae 3b 4a Sd i: 201 Lab #48 Name: The Metallurgy of Lead Date PROBLEM: How is lead extracted from lead oxide? Materials lead oxide Bunsen burner carbon (charcoal) block spatula brass blowpipe Note: Lead sulfide is the mineral found in galena (a major ore of lead). The first step in liberating metals from their sulfides is “roasting.” The sulfides are thereby converted into oxides. The next task in the metallurgical process, and our task in this experiment, is to reduce the oxide (separate the metal from its combined oxygen). Procedure 1. Fill the depression in the charcoal block with lead oxide, © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 202 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #48 Name: The Metallurgy of Lead (continued) Date: 2. Light your Bunsen burner to preduce a blue flame. 3. Insert the tip of your blowpipe beside the flame, Hold the Bunsen burner in your hand and blow through the pipe to direct the flame into lead oxide in the charcoal block (see Figure 48.1). Continve this procedure until the lead oxide changes into a bubble of metallic lead. Conclusions 1. What is the purpose of the charcoal block? 2. Write the equations for the roasting of lead sulfide and the reduction of lead oxide. © 1989 J. Weston Wale, Publisher 203, Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz. #48 Name: The Metallurgy of Lead Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. A major lead ore is found in nature as the mineral galena, which contains lead a. oxide, b. nitrate, ©. sulfide, . carbonate, 2. The firs step in obt a. calcination, ». reduction, ing metallic lead is . frying. 4. roasting, 3. The purpose of the charcoal block is to act as a(n) a reducing agent, ing agent. . decomposing agent. 4. composing agent. b. oxi 4, Heat is directed onto the lead oxide with a(n) 4. indentation. b. blowpipe. . Bunsen burner. 4, blue flame. 5. The conversion of a sulfide to an oxide is called a. calcination, b. reduction. . frying, 4. roasting. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 204 Practical Chemisry Labs Lab #48: The Metallurgy of Lead Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Lead is extracted from lead oxide (PbO) by reducing it with carbon. Conclusions 1. The purpose of the charcoal block is to provide a source of carbon for the reduc- tion of the lead oxide. 2. PbS + O, -ROASTING ph + SO, 2 PbO + C —REDUCTION—. Pp + CO, LAB QUIZ. ANSWERS le 2, 3) 4, 5. 205 Lab #49 Name: Boyle’s Law Date PROBLEM: How is the volume of a gas related to its pressure? Materials 4 equal-sized flasks four S-inch-long copper wires air pressure gauge connecting tubing in 2-holed stoppers Procedure 1, Assemble the apparatus as shown in Figure 49.1. Fasten each stopper to a flask by ‘wrapping the wire over the top of each stopper and then securing the wire around the neck of the flask 2. Attach the first flask to the water tap, and the last flask to the air pressure gauge. Record the pressure (should be near 760 torrs or 14.7 psi). 3. Slowly and carefully fill 4 of the first flask with water by securely attaching the hose to a water faucet. How does the pressure change in the remaining flasks? Record your observations. 4, Repeat step 3 until the first flask is ¥% full, Repeat step 3 for the first flask, % full and full 6. Do not attempt to fill beyond the first flask because the pressure would be too high. (Optional Exercise) 7. Extend this exercise by using more flasks. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 206 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #49 Name: Boyle’s Law (continued) Date: Conclusions 1. By what factor did the pressure change when the first flask was completely filled? 2. How is the volume of a gas related to its pressure? 3, Write a mathematical expression that describes the relationship of gas volume and pressure. 4. Graph your observed data. Remember that each time '/ of a flask is filled, the air volume is decreased by '/«. What kind of curve is obtained? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 207 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #49 Name: Boyle’s Law Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. Tair occupied 6 liters at 750 torrs, at 3000 torrs it would occupy a. 6 liters. b. 30 liters, ©. LS liters. 4, 0.75 liter. 2. ‘The smoke from a fire rises into the sky and then forms a mushroom cloud because a, the air pressure decreases with altitude, », the air pressure increases with altitude, . the air density increases with altitude, 4, the air temperature increases with altitude. 3. When graphed, the relationship between pressure and volume is a(n) a. ellipse. », hyperbola. ©. straight line, 4. point. 4, The gas inside an inflated balloon pushed deeper in water . increases in volume and increases in pressure. }, increases in volume but decreases in pressure, ¢. decreases in volume and increases in pressure. 4, decreases in volume and decreases in pressure. 5. Boyle's law says that if an enclosed volume of gas at constant temperature a. increases in pressure, then the volume must decrease proportionally. b. decreases in pressure, then the volume mus’ decrease proportionally C. increases in pressure, then the volume must increase proportionally. 4. either increases or decreases in pressure, then the volume must stay the same. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 208 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #49: Boyle’s Law Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘The volume varies inversely as the pressure on a gas ifthe temperature is held constant. Procedure 7. Extending the lab with more flasks will provide an opportunity to collect more data and a better graph. Conclusions 1, When the firs flask filled with water, the pressure increased 1.33 times. 2. See the problem answer above. 3. VP=k 4, The pressure-volume graph is a hyperbola. LAB QUIZ. ANSWERS ie 2. 3 4 5. 209 Lab #50 Factors Affecting Combustion PROBLEM: How can we control burning? Bunsen burner ‘matches wire gauze crucible tongs test tube holder Procedure Name: Date: Materials heat-resistant test tube inch hollow glass tube nickrome wire inserted into a cork The Effect of Air Supply on Burning 1, Open your needle valve about 12 turns. Do not remove the valve! 2. Close down the air holes in the barrel 3. Light the burner. You should have a yellow or luminous flame. 4, Hold a heat-resistant glass test tube in the yellow flame. What is deposited on the ‘glass? Where did it come from? Hold a wire through the luminous flame. Why doesn’t the wire glow? Why is this a cool flame? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 5. Open the air holes and close the needle valve until a double cone flame appears. Hold the wire above the inner cone. Why does the wire glow ‘brightly? How does the amount of air affect the heat of the flame? The Inner Cone 6. Fold a hollow glass tube inside the inner cone. 1g a burning match to the end of the tube. ‘Why does a flame appear at the end of the tube? What is happening inside the inner cone? The Effect of Kindling Temperature 7. Turn your Bunsen burner off. Close the air holes. Hold a wire gauze about one inch above the bar- rel with your tongs. Turn on your gas and hold a lighted match above the gauze (see Figure 50.1). ‘Why doesn’t the gas burn below the gauze? 210 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #50 Name: Factors Affecting Combustion (continued) Date: 8. Repeat step 7, but hold your lighted match below the gauze. Why doesn't the gas ‘burn above the gauze? 9. Hold a lighted candle under a paper cup that is half filled with water. Why doesn’t the cup burn? Conclusions List three essential conditions needed for burning to take place. How does a wet blanket extinguish a fire? How does the wire gauze hold back the flame? How does water extinguish a fire? ‘What is happening to the gas inside the inner cone? 5. What is happening at the edges of the inner cone? ‘What is happening when a yellow flame appears on a gas stove? 3. How can this condition be corrected? © 1969.1. Weston Walch, Publisher au Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #50 ‘Name: Factors Affecting Combustion Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. Combustion in the air requires the following except a. oxygen. b. water. fuel. 4. ignition temperature. 2. A blanket will extinguish a fire by removing, a. air. b. water . fuel 4. ignition temperature, 3. Metal mesh doors (barriers) are used to prevent the spread of fire. These metal screens hold back the fire by depriving it of a. air. b. water. «fuel, 4. ignition temperature. 4. A yellow flame on your stove at home indicates a lack of ir. b. water. . fuel. 4. ignition temperature. 5. Water extinguishes fires by depriving the fire of a. smoke. b. water. . fuel 4. ignition temperature and oxygen. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 22 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #50: Factors Affecting Combustion Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Burning can be controlled by fuel availability, oxygen availability, and temperature. Procedure 4. Unburned carbon (soot) deposits on the glass in the luminous flame. The carbon came from the gas (fuel). ‘The wire hardly glowed in che luminous flame. This indicates that the flame is cool. 5. The brightly glowing wire, held above the inner cone, indicates high temperature in this location. Large air availability produces a hot flame. 6. The inner cone consists of nonburning gas. The flame that appeared at the end of the glass tube demonstrates this fact. 7. The gas does not burn below the wire gauze (the same phenomena would occur above the gauze) because the metal mesh spreads the heat so fast that the non- burning gas cannot reach its kincling (ignition) temperature. Its suggested thatthe ait holes be closed to reduce the amount of air mixing with gas. A cooler flame will result, and better results obtained. If the gauze gets too hot, the gas may reach its igrition temperature and ignite. 8. See step 7 above. 9. The paper cup cannot burn becaise it cannot reach its kindling temperature. The heat is absorbed by the water in: Conclusions 1, Burning requires air (oxygen), fuel, and high-enough ignition temperature. ‘A wet blanket eliminates air (oxygen) and thereby smothers a fire. See answer 7 in procedure section. Water reduces the temperature of the burning fuel below is ignition temperature. when ‘The gas inside the inner cone is not burning, 213 (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) 6. The edges of the inner cone indicates the points at which burning begins. 7. A yellow flame on your stove at home indicates a lack of air mixing with the gas, 8. The air holes should be cleaned. LAB Quiz ANSWERS —. Qa 3d 4a Sd 214 ‘Lab #51 ‘Name: The Chemistry of Combustion Date: PROBLEM: How does the weight of a metal change when itis burned? Materials Bunsen burner crucible tongs Procedure 1, Weigh your empty pan. 2. Weigh the pan with the bundle of steel wool in it (see Figure 51.1). Record its weight. 3. Light your Bunsen burner. Adjust it for a hot flame. 4, Pick up the steel wool with your tongs. Hold it above the inner cone of the flame. When the ‘wool begins to glow remove it from the flame, carefully put it in the weighing pan, and wait until all of the wool stops glowing. CAUTION: Do not allow any hot stel particles to touch your skin or clothing. 5, Turn off the gas. Obtain the weight of the bumed steel wool, Record all of your results in the data table. Data Table Weight of the pan + unburned steel wool Weight of the empty pan Weight of the unburned steel wool ‘Weight of the pan + burned steel wool Weight of the burned steel wool Difference in weight between the burned and unburned steel! wool © 1989 J, Weston Waleh, Publisher 215 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #51 Name: The Chemistry of Combustion (continued) Dut: Conclusions 1. How did the weight of the steel wool change as a result of the burning? 2. Complete the chemical equation for the buming of the stee! wool. 4Fe + O,— 3. Why did the burned steel wool gain weight? 4. What kind of change took place? ‘5. What chemical reaction happens when things burn in the air? 6. How can the oxidation of iron (corrosion) be prevented? © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 216 Practical Chemisry Labs Quiz #51 Name; The Chemistry of Combustion Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1, When iron burns it a. gains weight because it combines with oxygen. ’, loses weight because it combines with oxygen. ¢. gains weight because it releases oxygen. 4, loses weight because it releases oxygen. 2. Rusting iron is an example of a. slow combustion and a physical change. b. slow combustion and a chemical change. ¢. rapid combustion and a chemical change. 4. rapid combustion and a physical change. 3. Corrosion of iron and steel can be prevented by al of the following except a. galvanizing. ’. painting, ©. coating with il. 4. scraping, 4. An explosion is a a. slow and controlled reaction. », slow and uncontrolled reaction. . rapid and controlled reaction |. rapid and uncontrolled reaction 5. When iron and ste! structures rust, they become weakened because a. the iron oxide (rust) adheres to the structure, b. the iron oxide (rust) flakes off the structure, ¢. iron-consuming bacteria feed on rust. 4. of none of the above. © 1989 J. Weston Watch, Publisher 217 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #51: +The Chemistry of Combustion Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM ‘There was a gain in the weight of the steel wool when it was burned. The increased ‘weight is due to the oxygen that combined with tke iron. Conclusions . The metal gained weight as a result of the burning. 4 Fe +30, —2Fe,0s . The weight gain occurred because the metal combined with oxygen in the air. ‘A chemical change took place. 5. When things burn in the air, they combine with oxygen. . Corrosion of iron and steel is prevented by not allowing the metallic object to be in contact with oxygen. This is accomplished by painting, coating with oil, and gal- vanizing (plating with zinc) steel objects. Corrosion weakens iron and steel structures because the iron oxide (rust) flakes off, thereby reducing the amount of steel. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS L 218 Lab #52 Name: Oxygen Date: PROBLEM: How can we prepare oxygen and study its properties? Materials hydrogen peroxide ‘wooden splints ‘manganese dioxide matches 400-600-mL flask crucible tongs delivery tube charcoal sticks pneumatic trough steel wool 3 collecting bottles thistle tube holed stopper Procedure Preparation and Collection of Oxygen 1, Place about 5 grams of manganese dioxide into a flask 2, Insert a two-holed stopper containing a thistle tube and a delivery tube (see Figure 52.1) b> CA © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 219 Practical Chemisty Labs Lab #52 ‘Name: Oxygen (continued) Date: 3, Fill a pneumatic trough with water to its spout. Invert three water-filled collecting bottles into the trough. Place the end of the delivery tube into the trough. 4. Add hydrogen peroxide through the thistle tube. Continue to pour until the bottom of the thistle tube is below the liquid level 5. Allow the first bubbles of gas to escape free into the air. Then collect the oxygen in the collecting bottles by displacement of water. Properties of Oxygen 6. Ignite (burn) a wooden splint. Blow out the flame. Insert the glowing splint into the first boitle of oxygen. Record your observation, 7. Hold a piece of charcoal in your tongs. Burn the charcoal in your Bunsen flame. Drop the stick of glowing charcoal into a bottle of oxygen and cover the bottle. ‘When the stick stops burning, add # inch of ‘imewater to the bottle, insert a stopper, and shake it up. Record all observations. 8. Hold steel wool in your tongs and ignite it in a Bunsen flame. Insert the burning steel wool into a bottle of oxygen. Record your results Conclusions 1, How is oxygen prepared? 2. How can we test for oxygen?” 3. List six physical properties of oxygen. 4, List two chemical properties of oxygen, ‘5. Why is oxygen collected by displacement of water? 6. Why is it important to cover the bottom of the thistle tube with hydrogen peroxide? 1. Why was it important to allow the first bubbles of gas to go free into the air? 8, What is a catalyst? © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 220 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #52 Name: Oxygen Date: Directions: Circle the leter in front of the words that best complete the statement. 1, Oxygen is safely prepared in the lab by the a. decomposition of mercuric oxide. ’. decomposition of potassium chlorate, ¢. decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. 4. decomposition of water. 2. The bottom of the thistle tube must be under the liquid level for all of the following reasons except to a. prevent the oxygen from esceping through the thistle tube. b. control the reaction rate. :. direct all of the gas through the delivery tube. allow the safe addition of hydrogen peroxide, 3. The catalyst, manganese dioxide, a. speeds the reaction and was not used up. , speeds the reaction but was used up. «. slows the reaction and was used up. 4. slows the reaction but was not used up. 4, Alll ofthe following are physical properties of oxygen except that a. its slightly soluble in water. b. itis slightly heavier than air. ©. itis colorless. 4. it supports combustion. 5. To test for the presence of oxygen we use the property that a. causes a glowing splint to enflame. ', tums wet litmus blue. ©. causes iron to rust. 4d. tums limewater cloudy. © 1989.5. Weston Walch, Publisher 221 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #52: Oxygen Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Oxygen is prepared by the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. The reaction is cata- lyzed (speeded up) by the presence of manganese dioxide. The gas is collected by dis- placement of water. You will collect three bottles of oxygen in this experiment. 2H,0; “#2 H,0 + 0; Procedure 6. The glowing splint enflames in the oxygen bottle. 7. The charcoal burns more rapidly in the oxygen atmosphere. Limewater turns cloudy, thus revealing the generation of carbon dioxide by the burning charcoal. 8. The steel wool burns more brightly and with more heat when itis allowed to burn in a bottle of oxygen. Conclusions 1. See answer to problem. 2. The test for oxygen is to make a glowing splint enflame. 3. and 4, See table. Properties of Oxygen Physical Properties Chemical Properties Gas Does not burn Colorless Supports combustion Tasteless -_ Odorless Slightly heavier than air (32/29) Slightly soluble in water ‘5. Oxygen is collected by water displacement because it is only slightly soluble in water. 2m (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) 6. The bottom of the thistle tube must be under the liquid level so that all ofthe oxy- gn is forced to exit the generator through the delivery tube, Since no oxygen can exit through the thistle tube, the eddition of more hydrogen peroxide can take place with no danger of the liquid spattering back. 7. The frst bubbles of oxygen were allowed to go free because they were mixed with air that was originally in the generator bottle. 8, A catalyst is a material that speecs up reactions, but does not get consumed by the reaction. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Le 2b 3a 4d 5, 223 Lab #53 Name; Carbon Dioxide Date: PROBLEM: How can we prepare carbon dioxide and study its properties? Materials 4 collecting bottles marble chips 3 rubber stoppers candle 3 glass covers matches a delivery tube containing a limewater thistle tube fe pneumatic trough straw dilute hydrochloric acid Procedure Preparation and Collection oj Carbon Dioxide 1. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 53.1. Place marble chips into the genera- tor bottle to a depth of about one inch. Insert a two-holed stopper containing a thistle tube and a delivery tube. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 24 Practical Chemisiy Labs Lab #53 ‘Name: Carbon Dioxide (continued) Date: wrere 6 1, 8 9, Fill a pnuematic trough with water to its spout. Invert three water-filled collecting bottles into the trough. Place the end of the delivery tube into the trough. ’. Add hydrochloric acid through the thistle tube. Continue to pour until the bottom of the thistle tube is below the liquid level. (Why?) Allow the frst bubbles of gas to escape free into the air. (Why?) Collect the gas by displacement of water in the three collecting bottles. Cover each. bottle of carbon dioxide with a glass plate. Properties of Carbon Dioxide . Add about ¥2 inch of limewater Ca(OH), to the first bottle of gas. Insert a stopper and shake it up vigorously. How does the limewater change? 5. Add ¥ inch of limewater to a test tube, and gently blow through the limewater with a straw. Continue the bubbiing until the solution turns cloudy and then clear again, Note all observations. . Light a candle. Pour the second bottle of carbon dioxide onto the burning candle, Note the results, .. Add Hf inch of water to the third bottle of carbon dioxide. Stopper the bottle and shake it vigorously. Test the water with blue and red litmus paper. Note the results. Conclusions How is carbon dioxide prepared? . How is carbon dioxide collected” What physical property does this show? How can we test for carbon dioxide? |. What evidence indicates that we exhale carbon dioxide? . Complete the following equations. CaCO, + HCL—-_+ CO; + Ca(OH), —- __+ CO, + H,0 — HCO, + CaCO, — List six physical properties of carbon dioxide. List three chemical properties of carbon dioxide. 3. List three uses for carbon dioxide. Why isa water solution of CO; acidic? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 225 Practical Chemistry Labs Quiz #53 Name) Carbon Dioxide Date: Directio Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. 1. The bottom of the thistle tube must be under the liquid level for all of the following reasons except 1. to prevent the carbon dioxide from escaping through the thistle tube. b. to control the reaction rate. ¢. to direct all of the gas through the delivery tube. 4, to allow the safe addition of hydrochloric acid, 2. The property that allows carbon dioxide to be collected by the displacement of water is that it a. is heavier than air. b. does not support combustion. & does not burn, 4. is only slightly soluble in water. 3. The test for the presence of carbon dioxide is that it {causes iron to rust. ', turns wet litmus blue. tums limewater cloudy and then clear again, to enflame. 4. causes a glowing s 4. All of the following are physical properties of carbon dioxide except that itis a. acidic in water. ». colorless. ©. odorless. a gas 5. Carbon dioxide is used in all the following ways except a. as a fire extinguisher. b. asa refrigerant as dry ice. . for heart attack victims. 4d. as soda water. © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 26 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #5: Carbon Dioxide Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Carbon dioxide is prepared by the decomposition of a carbonate by an acid. In this cease calcium carbonate was decomposed by dilute hydrochloric acid. The properties of the gas are tabulated below. Procedure 3. The bottom of the thistle tube must be under the liquid level so that all of the car- bon dioxide is forced to exit the generator through the delivery tube. Since no car- ‘bon dioxide can exit through the thistle tube, the addition of more hydrochloric acid can take place with no danger of the liquid spattering back. The first bubbles of carbon dioxide were allowed to go free because they were ‘mixed with air that was originally in the generator bottle. 5. The limewater turns cloudy, thus revealing the presence of carbon dioxide. Conclusions 1. See Answer to Problem above, 2. Carbon dioxide is collected by th: displacement of water. This shows that this gas is at most, slightly soluble in water. 3. The test for carbon dioxide is as follows: a, Carbon dioxide turns limewater cloudy. . Continued bubbling clears the cloudy limewater. 4. Evidence that we exhale carbon cioxide is that our breath turns limewater cloudy. Continued blowing through the coudy limewater clears it again, 5. CaCO, + 2HC1— CaCl; + H; CO; CO, + Ca(OH), — CaCO, + H,0 CO, + H,0 — H,CO, H,CO; + CaCO; —- Ca(HCO,), 2 (continued) Teacher Notes (continued) Properties of Carbon Dioxide Physical Properties Chemical Properies Gas Does not burn Salen) Does not support combustion Odiortess Tasteless Weak acid Slightly soluble in water Heavier than air 6. See table of properties above. 7. See table of properties above. 8. Carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguishers, ¢s a refrigerant (“dry ice” or hot ice), and in soda water. ‘The water solution of carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid. This is the weak acid commonly found in soda water. LAB Quiz ANSWERS Lb 2. 3 4, 5. d . a « 228 rm Lab #54 Name: Water Analysis Date: PROBLEM: How can dissolved minerals be detected in water? Materials 0.1 M calcium chloride dilute (0.1 M) acetic acid 0.1 M ferric chloride distilled water 0.5 M potassium thiocyanate 3 test tubes 0.3 M ammonium oxalate 10-mL. graduated cylinder 0.1 M silver nitrate ‘marking pencil ‘Note: In many countries itis not safe to drink the water. Water quality varies in dter- ent locations in our own country. In this lab you will have an opportunity to test for the presence of calcium, chloride, and iron (ferric) ions in solution. You will then analyze ‘your local tap water. Note: In all tests you will mark each test tube 1, 2, and 3. Place one inch of a solution of the ion to be tested for into your first est tube, one inch of tap water into the second tube, and one inch of distilled water into the third test tube. When viewing a test solu- tion for a color, place a white piece of paper behind the tube. ‘After completing the test for each ion, rinse your test tubes with distilled water, in preparation for the next test. Record your observations in the table below. Procedure Test for the Presence of the Calcium Ion 1, Add three drops of dilute acetic acid to one inch of your calcium test solution. Repeat this for your tap water and distilled water. 2, Add 3 drops of ammonium oxalate solution to each solution. Mix each test tube and record your results. The “s” subscript means a solid precipitate is obtained. Did ‘you get a precipitate with your tap water? Did you get a precipitate with distilled water? Cat + C0 —+ CaCsOun © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 29 Practical Chemisty Labs Lab #54 ‘Name: Water Analysis (continued) Date: Test for the Presence of the Ferrie Ion 3. Add three drops of potassium thiocyanate solution to one inch of your ferric ion test solution. Repeat this for your tap water and distilled water. Mix well. Record your observations. Do you have ferric ions in your tap water? Test for the Presence of the Chloride Ion 4, Add three drops of silver nitrate solution to one inch of your chloride ion test solu- tion, Repeat this for your tap water and distilled water. Mix well. Record your observations. Do you have chloride ions in ycur tap water? Ag + Ck — AgCl., Data Table Jon Ton Solution Tap Water Distilled Water Ca Fe" cr Conclusions 1. Why did we test distilled water? 2. Why did we test ap water? © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 230 Procical Chemistry Labs Quiz #54 Name: Water Analysis Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the statement, 1, The test for the calcium ion results in a. a clear solution. b. a white precipitate. ©. a complex ion that is red in color. 4. none of the above. 2. The test forthe ferric ion results in a white precipitate that dissolves in ammonia. bb. a white precipitate that does not dissolve in ammoni . a complex ion that is red in color. 4. none of the above. 3. The test for the chloride ion results in a. a white precipitate, . a colorless solution. . a complex ion that is red in color. 4. none of the above. 4. The quality of drinking water a. isthe same as that of rainwater. b. is the same nationwide. . is the same in any country. 4. may vary within a city 5. Dissolved minerals in drinking water a, are derived from rainwater. b. are always a threat to your health. c. may bea sign of environmental pollution. 4. are always good for your health. © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 231 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #54: Water Analysis Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Dissolved materials can be detected by running a systematic series of tests for var- ious ions. Procedure 2. No precipitate should form in distilled water because no ions are present. The dis- tilled water served as a control in this experiment. The results with tap water will vary with the quality of the water in your local area 4, The test for the chloride ion is to add silver ritrate. A white silver chloride precipi tate forms. Data Table Ton Jon Solution Tap Water Distilled Water CaCO, white ppt. . No Reaction [FeSCNE | ted color * No Reaction AgCl white ppt. * No Reaction * The results will vary with the quality of the tap water in the locality. In many cases, the concentration of the tested ions will be too low to detect. Distilled water should be free of all ions and produce no positive results. Conclusions ‘See the answers under 2 above and the footnote. LAB QUIZ ANSWERS Lb 232 Lab #55 ‘Name: Soap Date: 6 M sodium hydroxide porcelain dish 250-mL beaker cottonseed oil ! ‘ring stand and ring liquid soap solution wire gauze stirring rod | Bunsen burner 4 test tubes Procedure | Fig S51 Preparation of Soap 1. Half ill a porcelain evaporating dish with sodium. hydroxide. Add % ofa test tube of cottonseed oil (or any suitable oil 2. Place a 250-ml. beaker, half full with water, on a ‘wire gauze on the ring stand, as shown in Figure 55.1. Place the evaporating dish on the beaker. 3. Heat the water to boiling. Let it boil gently and proceed to step 4. Stir the mixture once in a while as it is being heated. Properties of Soap 4. Pour a few drops of the soap solution into a test tube, Fill the test tube ¥ full with water. Shake it Do suds form? 5. Add a drop of cottonseed oil to a test tube ¥/3 full with water. Shake it. Does the oil dissolve in the water? 6. To the oil-water mixture add a few drops of soap solution. Shake the mixture. Compare the results with that in step 5. The resulting solution is called an emulsion, 7. After the water in steps 1-3 has boiled for 20 minutes shut off the gas. Carefully stir the mixture in the evaporating dish, The lumps that stick to the stirring rod are pieces of soap. Rub some on the inside ofa test tube. Repeat steps 4-6 with your lab-made soap. How does your soap compare with the liquid soap? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 233, Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #55 Name: Soap (continued) Date: Conclusions 1. What is soap? 2. What are the properties of soap? 3. Complete the following word equation: fat + sodium hydroxide —~ __+ 4, How is soap made? ‘5. What is an emulsion? 6. How does soap remove dirt and grease? © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 234 Practical Chemisry Labs Quiz #55 Soap Name: Date: Directions: Circle the letter in front of the word or words that best complete the statement. . Soap is made by reacting 1. glycerol and sodium hydroxide. b. fat and sodium hydroxide. «fat and glycerol, 4. none of these. ‘An emulsion is a suspension of a. dint b. glycerine, . ions. 4. oil in water. .. Soap making is an example of a, hydrolysis. b. combination. . decomposition. 4. synthesis. | Soap is the a. suspension of oil in water. ', mixture of glycerine and a fatty acid. . sodium salt of a fatty acid, 4. mixture of oil and sodium hydroxide, . A useful byproduct of soap making is 1. sodium hydroxide. ». slycerine. c. fat 4. oil. © 1989 J. Weston Waleh, Publisher 235 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #55: Soap Teacher Notes ANSWER TO PROBLEM Soap is made by reacting oil or fat with sodium hydroxide, Soap is an emulsifying agent Procedure 4, Suds form when soap is shaken in soft water. 5. Oil and water do not mix. The oil floats on the water. 6. When oil and soap are shaken in water, an emulsion forms. Tiny droplets of oil are suspended in the water. 7. The soap made in the lab has the same properties as the commercial soap solution, i 9 4 1 0-8 — Cots _ nedeon i ° i —C-0-C— Cy7Hys + 3NACH —> [ont-x ] Nat + H—¢—OH —G- 0-0 — CHa H—C—OH 1 H ° H Fat + Sodium Hydroxide —> Soap + Glycerol Figure $5.2 Conclusions 1. Soap is the metallic salt of a fatty acid 2. Soap is an emulsifying agent; it is able to suspend oil in water. 3, fat + sodium hydroxide —> soap + glycercl 4. Soap is made by hydrolyzing a fat with sodium hydroxide. 5, An emulsion is a suspension of oil in water 6. Soap cleans by emulsifying oil. Dirt that adheres to the oil is washed away with the emulsion Note: Grease is made by adding the lithium salt LAB QUIZ ANSWERS fa fatty acid (lithium soap) to oil to thicken the oil. 1 2. 3. 4 5 236 Lab #56 Name: Hard Water Date: PROBLEM: How can we test for hard water? Materials 4 test tubes calcium bicarbonate test tube stand ring stand and test tube clamp liquid soap solution Bunsen burner distilled water funnel calcium sulfate filter paper Procedure Test for Soft Water 1, Add two or three drops of soap solution to % test tube of distilled water. Shake the mixture. Are lasting suds produced? This is atest for soft water. Save the test tube and contents as a control for the following experiments. Test for Hard Water 2. Add calcium sulfate to a test tube 1 full with water. Shake the contents and filter the suspension, Add one drop of soap solution and shake. Are lasting suds pro- duced? Is a precipitate (solid) formed? This is hard water because it is hard to form suds with it. Note two results of mixing hard water with soap. 3. Continue adding soap solution, and shaking, until lasting suds are produced. Why is it more expensive to launder with soap in hard water? Test for Temporary Hard Water 4. Add one drop of soap solution to % of a test tube of calcium bicarbonate solution. Shake the mixture, Note the results. Is this water hard or soft? Give two reasons for your answer. 5. Fill ¥s ofa test tube with calcium bicarbonate solution. Clamp it in a ring stand. Heat gently. Is there any change in the appearance of the solution? What does this indicate? 6. Continue heating with gentle boiling. What is the deposit formed on the side of the test tube? 7, Filter the solution, Add one drop of soap solution to the boiled solution and shake it, Do lasting suds form? Is a gelatinous precipitate formed? What does this, indicate? © 1989 J. Weston Walch, Publisher 237 Practical Chemistry Labs Lab #56 Name: Hard Water (continued) Date 10. ML. 10. er Aaweepe Test for Permanent Hard Water . Make some hard water using calcium sulfate as described in step 2 above. Clamp the test tube on a ring stand and boil the solution gently. Is a precipitate formed? ‘Add one drop of soap solution and shake it uo. Note the results, Has the hard ‘water softened as a result of the boiling? Is this temporary or permanent hard. ‘water? Why can’t permanent hard water be softened by boiling? . Test your tap water. Is it hard or soft? (Optional Exercise) Repeat steps 2-8 using magnesium sulfate and magnesium bicarbonate in place of the calcium sulfate and calcium bicarbonate. (Optional Exercise) Repeat steps 2-8 using ferric sulfate and ferric bicarbonate in place of the calcium sulfate and calcium bicarbonate. Conclusions ‘What is hard water? ‘What is soft water? ‘What two results do you see when soap is shaken with hard water? Mention one result of shaking soft water with soap. . What compounds are commonly found in teraporary hard water? ‘What minerals make water hard? . What is meant by temporary hard water? . What is meant by permanent hard water? (Optional Exercise) 1. Write the equation for the softening of temporary hard water. (Optional Exercise) ‘Write an equation for the reaction of calcium ions with soap. © 1989 J, Weston Walch, Publisher 238 Practical Chemistry Labs 1. Hard water reacts with soap and ‘a, does not form lasting suds and forms a gelatinous precipitate. b, forms lasting suds and also forms a gelatinous precipitate, ©. does not form lasting suds and does not form a gelatinous precipitate. 4. forms lasting suds and does not form a gelatinous precipitate. 2. Temporary hard water contains 4. calcium sulfate and is softened by boiling. ’. calcium sulfate and cannot be softened by boiling. ¢. calcium bicarbonate and is softened by boiling. 4. calcium bicarbonate and cannot be softened by boiling. 3. Alllof the following minerals will make water hard except a. calcium, ». sodium. c, magnesium, 4. iron. 4. When temporary hard water is boiled, the white precipitate formed is 4. calcium bicarbonate ». calcium hydroxide, «. calcium oxide, 4. calcium carbonate. 5. In order to soften hard water we must 1. add sodium ions, b. add calcium ions. . remove sodium ions. 4. remove calcium ions. © 1989.5, Weston Waleh, Publisher 239 Practical Chemisty Labs

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