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Ability Scores

There are seven ability scores that shape the character the play is playing. Below is an
explanation of the ability and what it represents.



Strength measures the muscle power of a character.

Players add their STR modifier to the damage when physically attacking a
target in combat. (Not ranged attacks)
Players can lift their STR modifier x 100 Lbs with out a STR check. A STR check
allows them to lift an additional 100 Lbs.

Intelligence measures the education of a character.

Players gain 10 skill points x their INT modifier. Every time it goes up the
players gain another 10 skill points.


Wisdom measures the willpower of the character.

Players get 1 EP (essence point) for each WIS modifier they have. Essence
points return at the rate of one per hour.


Dexterity Measures the agility of a character.

Players add their DEX modifier to the damage when using a ranged attack.
Players add their DEX modifier to their movement to figure their movement


Constitution measures the fitness level of the character.

The players CON modifier is added to the result when the player heals.
A CON check is made when drinking. Rolling above indicates intoxication.
CON is rolled to determine the chance of catch an illness.


Charisma measures the personality of the character.

Players add their CHR modifier to any reaction check. (Or subtract if insulting.)


Comeliness Measures your physical attractiveness.

The COM modifier tells how many followers the character can gain.

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