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Game Play:

Anti-Magic: Anti-magic does not dispel magic, it suppresses it. Once anti-magic leaves the
area all spells and supernatural abilities begin to work again, magic items are once again
useful. Spells can be cast but are limited to affecting the caster alone. Goloms, constructs and
undead still function normally in anti-magic areas. Magic items with continuous effects do not
function in the area of an anti-magic effect, but their effects are not canceled (so the contents
of a bag of holding are unavailable, but neither spill out nor disappear forever). Two anti-magic
areas in the same place do not cancel each other out, nor do they stack.

Conditions If more than one condition affects a character, apply them all. If certain effects
cant combine, apply the most severe effect.

Blinded: The character cannot see. He takes a 2 penalty to dodge, moves at half
speed, and takes a 4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexteritybased skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and
Spot checks) automatically fail. Characters who remain blinded for a long time grow
accustomed to these drawbacks and can overcome some of them.

Blown Away: Depending on its size, a creature can be blown away by winds of high
velocity. A creature on the ground that is blown away is knocked down and rolls 1d4 x
10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet. A flying creature that is
blown away is blown back 2d6 x 10 feet and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due
to battering and buffering.

Charmed Creatures: Charmed creatures do not automatically understand any new

languages. Charmed creatures are allowed a CHR check to resist a command. A
charmed creature cannot be commanded to harm themselves. If a charmed person is
harmed by the person who charmed them, the charm is broken. Essentially, a charmed
character retains free will but makes choices according to a skewed view of the world.

Checked: Prevented from achieving forward motion by an applied force, such as wind.
Checked creatures on the ground merely stop. Checked flying creatures move back a
distance specified in the description of the effect.

Compulsion: . A compulsion overrides the subjects free will in some way or simply
changes the way the subjects mind works. A charm makes the subject a friend of the
caster; a compulsion makes the subject obey the caster. Regardless of whether a
character is charmed or compelled, he wont volunteer information or tactics that his
master doesnt ask for.

Dazed: The creature is unable to act normally. A dazed creature can take no actions,
but has no penalty to AC. A dazed condition typically lasts 1 round.

Dazzled: The creature is unable to see well because of overstimulation of the eyes. A
dazzled creature takes a 1 penalty on combat skills, Search checks, and Spot checks.

Deafened: A deafened character cannot hear. She automatically fails Listen checks.
Characters who remain deafened for a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks
and can overcome some of them.

Death: At 0 HP the player makes a CON score check. If successful he continues to

function normally until he reaches negative his CON score below 0, then he is dead. If
he fails his CON score check he falls unconscious until healed or he loses HP totaling
greater then his CON score below 0.


Disabled: A character with 0 hit points, or one who has negative hit points but has
become stable and conscious, is disabled. A disabled character may take a single
move action or standard action each round (but not both). She moves at half speed.
Taking move actions doesnt risk further injury, A disabled character with negative hit
points recovers hit points naturally.

Entangled: Players need a STR check to get free. Until free the player can take no
action requiring movement.

Exhausted: If a player is fatigued and does not rest he needs to make a second CON
score check or become exhausted. The player treats all of their Ability scores as if they
are another 3 points lower. They then need 24 hours to rest to recover to a fatigued

Fascinated: The creature stands or sits quietly, taking no actions other than to pay
attention to the fascinating effect, for as long as the effect lasts. It takes a 4 penalty
on skill checks made as reactions, such as Listen and Spot checks. Any potential
threat, such as a hostile creature approaching, allows the fascinated creature a new
check against the fascinating effect. A fascinated creatures ally may shake it free of
the spell as a standard action.

Fatigued: A failed CON score check may leave a player fatigued. The player treats all
of their Ability Scores as if they were 3 points lower. 12 hours of rest are needed to
recover from this condition.

Grappling: Engaged in wrestling or some other form of hand-to-hand struggle with

one or more attackers. A grappling character can undertake only a limited number of

Helpless: A helpless character is paralyzed, held, bound, sleeping, unconscious, or

otherwise completely at an opponents mercy. A helpless target is treated as having a
Dexterity of 0. Melee attacks against a helpless target get a +4 bonus (equivalent to
attacking a prone target). Ranged attacks gets no special bonus against helpless
targets. An enemy can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless
foe. An enemy can also use a bow or crossbow, provided he is adjacent to the target.
The attacker automatically hits and scores a critical hit. If the defender survives, he
must make a CON check or die.

Nauseated: Movement only otherwise the player cannot take any action.

Panicked: A panicked creature must drop anything it holds and flee at top speed from
the source of its fear, as well as any other dangers it encounters, along a random path.
It cant take any other actions. In addition, the creature takes a 2 penalty on all skill
checks, and ability checks. If cornered, a panicked creature cowers and does not
attack. A panicked creature can use special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed,
the creature must use such means if they are the only way to escape. Panicked is a
more extreme state of fear than shaken or frightened.

Paralyzed: A paralyzed character is frozen in place and unable to move or act. A

paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless,
but can take purely mental actions. A winged creature flying in the air at the time that
it becomes paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A paralyzed swimmer cant swim
and may drown.


Petrified: A petrified character has been turned to stone and is considered

unconscious. If a petrified character cracks or breaks, but the broken pieces are joined
with the body as he returns to flesh, he is unharmed. If the characters petrified body is
incomplete when it returns to flesh, the body is likewise incomplete and there is some
amount of permanent hit point loss and/or debilitation.

Pinned: Held immobile (but not helpless) in a grapple.

Prone: The character is on the ground. An attacker who is prone has a 4 penalty on
combat Skill rolls and cannot use a ranged weapon (except for a crossbow).

Shaken: -5 to all dice rolls.

Sickened: The character takes a 2 penalty on all combat skills, weapon damage rolls,
skill checks, and ability checks.

Stunned: A stunned creature drops everything held, cant take actions and loses his
Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).

Unconscious: Knocked out and helpless. Unconsciousness can result from having
current hit points between 1 and 9, or from nonlethal damage in excess of current hit

Damage Reduction: Some creatures have the ability to be unaffected by certain types of
damage. The amount of damage prevented will be the amount of protection it offers.
o Physical Damage Reduction: This is the typical reduction if not stated. Damage that
is done physically to a player can be ignored. This includes bonuses from ability
scores. This does not include enchanted weapons. (IE: A +1 sword still does 1 point of
damage from the magical enchantment.)
o Magical Damage Reduction: Any spell, enchantment or supernatural damage can
be reduced as long as it is the source of the damage directly.
o Specific Damage Reduction: Sometimes damage reduction negates one specific
damage. (IE: Fire, poison, cold)

Disease: When a character is injured by a contaminated attack touches an item smeared with
diseased matter, or consumes disease-tainted food or drink, he must make an immediate Con
check. If he succeeds, the disease has no effecthis immune system fought off the infection. If
he fails, he takes damage after an incubation period. Once per day afterward, he must make a
successful Con check to avoid repeated damage. Two successful Con checks in a row indicate
that he has fought off the disease and recovers, taking no more damage. These Con checks
can be rolled secretly so that the player doesnt know whether the disease has taken hold.

o Types

of Diseases: Typical diseases include the following:

Blinding Sickness: Spread in tainted water. (Blind D4 days)
Anthrax: (D10/Hour Until cured)
Cackle Fever: Symptoms include high fever, disorientation, and frequent bouts
of hideous laughter. Also known as the shrieks. (D4/ hour for D4 hours.
Shrieks last 3D4 days)
Filth Fever:. Those injured while in filthy surroundings might catch it. (D6 per
hour for 3D6 hours)
Mindfire: Feels like your brain is burning. Causes stupor. (Lasts 3D6 hours, -1
INT score for each hour.)
Small Pox: (D6 per hour for 3D6 hours)
Pneumonia: (D4 for 4 hours -1 hour for each CON M)


Red Ache: Skin turns red, bloated, and warm to the touch. (D4 per hour for 1
The Shakes: Causes involuntary twitches, tremors, and fits. (Lasts 6D6 hours)
Slimy Doom: Victim turns into infectious goo from the inside out. (D8 per hour
until cured)

Healing a Disease Use of the Heal skill can help a diseased character. Every time a
diseased character makes a Con check against disease effects, the healer makes a
check. The diseased character can use the healers result in place of his Con check if
the Heal check result is higher. The diseased character must be in the healers care
and must have spent the previous 8 hours resting.

Dodge Checks: A player can attempt a dodge verses to avoid being hit by an attack. The
player can attempt the dodge check on D100 or on D20. Any player attempting a dodge
verses a combat skill does not lose their next turn. (Dodge is a natural reaction to an attack.)
If successful (Or a tie) the attack does no damage. Dodge score goes up like an Ability score
not a skill.
A defensive Skill check may be put in place of a dodge check. Replacement skills go
up as any other skill when used. But unlike dodge defensive skills can be trained in, dodge
cannot. Some instances during game play will require a dodge check and defensive skills
cannot be used in place. Defensive skills can be rolled on a D20 or a D100

Drinking: The first drink does not require a CON Score check on a D100 for normal drinks. A
CON Score check must be made for each drink after the first. Players get a +2 to the dice roll
for each drink taken in the last 3 hours including the first drink taken. Rolling above your CON
Score means the player is drunk. If the player rolls below the CON Score they are fine.
Once drunk, the player can continue to drink, making a check for each drink taken.
Once the plus to the dice roll exceeds their CON Score they pass out for 2D6 hours. If a player
becomes drunk they get an accumulative -6 to all skill checks on a D20 and -12 on a
D100. Each failed CON Score gives an additional -6 or -12 to Skill checks. This condition lasts
for 2+1D12 hours (CON Modifier) after drinking stops. A drink = 1 beer, 1 glass of wine or 1

Encumbrance = Subtract positive encumbrance scores from your movement and dodge.

End Of Chapter: At the end of each Chapter of play each player receives 10 +1D10 skill
points to put in any known skill. Players do not go up levels. Experience is defined as becoming
worldly wise, gaining reputation, on-the-job training and measurable improvement in abilities.

o There are three ways for players to advance:

Play: Performing skill and combat skill checks helps the player advance.

Training Skills: One day of training will boost a skill 1+ D4 Points with an
successful INT score check on a D100. With a failed INT score check you still
train D4 points per day of training. Rolling a 01 on D100 = That skill splits at its
current score

End Of Chapter: At the end of each Chapter of play each player receives 10
+1D10 skill points to put in any known skill.

Followers/ Titles: When your CHR Modifier indicates a follower you can, at any time, add a
title to one person on the list of people youve met under the F column. Once you give a title to
someone on the list they receive a bonus +6 to their reaction roll with you. When a title is
given it cannot be transferred or removed. If that person dies the title is considered lost. Here
are some examples of titles:

Contact Informant Teacher Groupie Follower Ward Allie Retainer

Free Action/ Full Action: A free action is an action that does not take your whole turn to do.
A player can perform two free actions at their turn. A full action is usually a Skill check or any
ability that causes the player to spend EP. The standard full action takes 6 seconds or one turn.

Fright Check: In the chance of a horrific event, the players may need to make a fright check.
To succeed you must roll under your WIS score. Success means the player shrugs it off and is
A Failure means it was overwhelming. Players get a 1D4 added to the
encumbrance score for 24 hours. On a roll of 01 on a D100 the player is unaffected by the
sight of the horrific event from that point on and does not have to make a Fright check for it in
the future.
If a player gains encumbrance equal or greater than his STR score they cannot act,
overwhelmed with fear. They need to make a CON check to respond to the fear. Failure means
that they do something involuntary. When their encumbrance score is twice as much as their
STR score they gain a Mental Disorder until cured.

Gaseous Form: Some creatures have the ability to take the form of a cloud of vapor or gas.
Creatures in gaseous form cant run but can fly. A gaseous creature can move about and do the
things that a cloud of gas can conceivably do, such as flow through the crack under a door. It
cant, however, pass through solid matter. Gaseous creatures cant attack physically or cast
spells. Creatures in gaseous form have damage reduction 10/magic. Gaseous creatures do not
need to breathe and are immune to attacks involving breathing.
Gaseous creatures cant enter water or other liquid. They are affected by winds or
other forms of moving air to the extent that the wind pushes them in the direction the wind is
moving. However, even the strongest wind cant disperse or damage a creature in gaseous
form. Discerning a creature in gaseous form from natural mist requires a Spot check. Creatures
in gaseous form attempting to hide in an area with mist, smoke, or other gas gain a +20 bonus

Gaze Attacks While the medusas gaze is well known, gaze attacks can also charm, curse, or
even kill. Each character within range of a gaze attack must attempt a dodge each round at
the beginning of his opponent can avert his eyes from the creatures face, looking at
the creatures body, watching its shadow, or tracking the creature in a reflective surface. Each
round, the opponent has a 50% chance of not having to make a dodge check. An opponent can
shut his eyes, turn his back on the creature, or wear a blindfold. In these cases, the opponent
does not need to make a dodge check.
A creature with a gaze attack can actively attempt to use its gaze as an attack action.
The creature simply chooses a target within range, and that opponent must attempt a dodge.
Looking at the creatures image (such as in a mirror or as part of an illusion) does not subject
the viewer to a gaze attack.
A creature is immune to its own gaze attack. If visibility is limited (by dim lighting, a
fog, or the like) so that it results in concealment, there is a percentage chance equal to the
normal miss chance for that degree of concealment that a character wont need to make a
dodge check in a given round. Invisible creatures cannot use gaze attacks. Characters using
nightvision in complete darkness are affected by a gaze attack normally. Unless specified
otherwise, a creature with a gaze attack can control its gaze attack and turn it off when so

Initiative: Initiative goes by movement. For ties, use DEX and then CON scores

o Cold immunity: A creature with cold immunity never takes cold damage. It has
vulnerability to fire, which means it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as

normal from fire, regardless of whether a dodge is allowed, or if the dodge is a success
or failure.

Fire immunity A creature with fire immunity never takes fire damage. It has
vulnerability to cold, which means it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as
normal from cold, regardless of whether a skill check is allowed, or if the Dodge is a
success or failure.

Languages: Day-to-day conversation in your characters own language is automatic and

does not require a skill roll. On a skill roll that is batched (Roll of 20) things get entirely wrong.
Failing a skill check means you dont understand whats being said. Your skill score in a
language effect how well you can communicate.
o 1-5 skill points: you know a few words and can count to ten.
o 6-25 Skill Points: you know enough to survive day to day.
o 26- 50 Skill Points: Communication is not restricted. People understand what your
o 51-75 Skill Points: You can tell stories, jokes and sing songs correctly.
o 76- 00 skill Points: you can pass for a native and mimic local dialects.

Deep Speech
Ruin Script
Thieves Slang

Used By
Demons, Internals
Kelpie, mermaids
Humans, Centaurs, succubus
Dragons, Vespers, Negas
Gnolls, dogs, wolves
Elementals, tempests
Dwarves, Dragons
Elves, Fairies, Dryads, Faunetts,
Nari, Trients
Twisted Creatures

Lifting: Players can lift their STR Modifier in lbs times 100 with out a STR check. With a STR
score check a player can lift as if their STR modifier was one level higher. Lifting any amount
over the maximum with a failed STR check results in the player loosing their DEX modifiers to
MV and dodge, plus they need to make a CON check or become fatigued.
A 0 STR score gives a maximum load of 50lbs. A -1 STR modifier gives a maximum
load of 40lbs. A -2 STR modifier gives a maximum load of 30lbs. A -3 STR modifier gives a
maximum load of 20 lbs. The maximum weight a player can lift is two STR Modifiers above
their current STR score. A character can generally push or drag up to 2x their STR M.

Leadership skill: A leadership skill can be used to inspire and motivate a group. Any person
with a leadership skill can roll the skill to motivate a group. If successful of the total skill in
leadership is added to the skill he was attempting to motivate.

Movement (MV): For each point in movement a player can move 1 yard in their turn. The
standard movement for a person is 10. A ten means they can move 10 yards in a single action.
A player can attempt a skill check, an ability score check or rolls below their MV so they can
double their movement rate for that turn. Attacking while moving one-half your movement is
available to do without a skill check. To move your full movement and attack (or double your
movement) needs an ability score check on D100.


Swimming Movement: Movement while swimming is equal to their normal

movement rate. For each point in movement a player can move 1 yard in their turn. If
a character does not have a swimming skill they can dogpaddle by making a
successful STR check. Dog paddling is at their normal movement rate. You may
double your movement speed by making a ability score check on 100 instead of a 20
sided die.

NPC Skills: Unless otherwise noted all NPC skills are at 10.

Polymorph Magic can cause creatures and characters to change their shapessometimes
against their will, but usually to gain an advantage. Polymorphed creatures retain their own
minds but have new physical forms. Since creatures do not change types, a slaying or bane
weapon designed to kill or harm creatures of a specific type affects those creatures even if
they are polymorphed. Likewise, a creature polymorphed into the form of a creature of a
different type is not subject to slaying and bane effects directed at that type of creature.

Reaction Bonus: The reaction bonus of one person to another goes up one on a roll of 12 or
higher on a D12 and goes down on a roll of 1 or less. The +/- to reaction is added or
subtracted from future reaction rolls with that target.

Regneration Creatures with this extraordinary ability recover from wounds quickly and can
even regrow or reattach severed body parts. Damage dealt to the creature is treated as
nonlethal damage, and the creature automatically cures itself of nonlethal damage at a fixed
Certain attack forms, typically fire and acid, deal damage to the creature normally;
that sort of damage doesnt convert to nonlethal damage and so doesnt go away. Creatures
with regeneration can regrow lost portions of their bodies and can reattach severed limbs or
body parts. Severed parts die if they are not reattached. Regeneration does not restore hit
points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation.

Rolling Dice: Ability score checks and all skills can be made on either a D20 or D100 (%). If
you roll on or under your current score you are successful.

Rolling dice verses another dice roll: At times two persons will attempt to complete the
same task but are not working together. When this occurs it is called verses. If two people, for
example, are attempting to grab a coin they both roll their DEX score or under. The person who
rolls under their score will win and get to the coin first. If both people roll their score it is a tie.
Both arriving at the coin at the same moment in time. This is a draw either both or none of
them have it. A Dodge check is usually verses a combat skill roll.
The dice used will also be a factor. If the people use the same dice use the example
above. If one rolls on a D20 and the other rolls on D100 (%) then even if they both roll under
the score the person rolling with the larger, D100, will arrive first and win the verses.

Scent This extraordinary ability lets a creature detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden
foes, and track by sense of smell. A creature with the scent ability can detect opponents by
sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is
downwind, the range is 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be
detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk can be
detected at three times these ranges.
The creature detects another creatures presence but not its specific location. Noting
the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of the scents source, the
creature can pinpoint that source.

A creature with the Track feat and the scent ability can follow tracks by smell, making a
Wisdom check to find or follow a track. The modifiers increases or decreases depending on
how strong the quarrys odor is, the number of creatures, and the age of the trail. For each
hour that the trail is cold, the difficulty increases by 2. The ability otherwise follows the rules
for the Track feat. Creatures tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor
Creatures with the scent ability can identify familiar odors just as humans do familiar
Water, particularly running water, ruins a trail for air-breathing creatures. Waterbreathing creatures that have the scent ability, however, can use it in the water easily.
Powerful odors can easily mask other scents. The presence of such an odor completely spoils
the ability to properly detect or identify creatures.

Training Skills: One day of training will boost a skill 1+ D4 Points with an successful INT
score check on a D100. With a failed INT score check you still train D4 points per day of
training. Rolling a 01 on D100 = That skill splits at its current score.

Social classes:

01-10 Wealthy
1,000 GC
11-30 Upper Class
31-50 Middle Class
51-70 Lower Class
71-99 Poor

Over a million dollars in useable resources.



400,000 dollars in usable resources.

100,000 dollars in usable resources.
20,000 dollars in usable resources.
7,000 dollars in usable resources.

Veil =

= 400 GC
=100 GC
= 20 GC
= 7 GC

Useable resources include a home, car, cash, company, or any other tangible item. Note,
most people under 100,000 dollars may not own a house but could have a car. Poor status
is generally for the homeless, criminals, students, and those under medical care full time.
These are only guidelines to flush out Non player characters and player characters. Make
changes as you see fit.

Climbing: Players can climb 10 each turn. The first ten feet do not require a climb or DEX
check. Each 10 after do.

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