Phrasal Verbs Unit 2

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Be taken
Be taken
Bring up

Be shocked or surprised.

I WAS TAKEN ABACK when I saw him because he's lost all his hair..

Like something.

I WAS very TAKEN WITH the performance- it was superb..

1) educate, raise, rear

2) mention as a topic of discussion

catch up on
catch up with

1) overtake but not pass,

stop being behind
2) do something that you
have neglected
help someone feel less
worried or happier

1) Bringing up children is never easy. Educar a los nios nunca es fcil.

2) We decided to bring the matter up at the next meeting.
Decidimos mencionar el tema en la prxima reunin.
1) Finally I could catch up on/with Paul on the street.
Finalmente pude alcanzar a Paul en la calle.
2) I phoned Helen to catch up on/with the latest news.
Llam a Helen para ponerme al tanto de las ltimas noticias..
Example: Cheer up! Everything will be all right.
Algrate! Todo va a andar bien.

Cheer Up
Come across

Come out

1) meet accidentally
2) find unexpectedly

1) be revealed
2) be published
2) be published
3) disappear
4) result

Come through

Arrive (messages and information).

Come through

Communicate an emotion.

1) I met across several old friends at the meeting.

En la reunin me encontr con varios viejos amigos.
2) I will tell you if I come across the book you are looking
by chance for. Te avisar si encuentro el libro que ests buscando.
e.g: 1) The whole truth finally came out. Finalmente se supo toda la
2) Her new book will come out next week.
Su nuevo libro ser publicado la semana prxima.
2) Her new book will come out next week.
3) Tomato stains do not usually come out.
Las manchas de tomate no salen fcilmente.
4) Everything has come out as we wanted.
Todo sali como desebamos.

News is COMING THROUGH of a major accident on the M25, where freezing fog
has been making driving conditions extremely dangerous..
The anger she felt COMES THROUGH..

Come through

Produce a result.

They promised they'd do it, but they haven't COME THROUGH yet..

Eat out
Fall Asleep

Eat in a restaurant.
Go to sleep; also, cease paying attention. For
example, As soon as the lights were dimmed
he fell asleep , or His lectures are so dull that I
fall asleep . The literal usage, which uses the
verb fall in the sense of succumb, dates
from about 1300; the figurative is several
centuries newer. Also see asleep at the switch
discover, learn.
Have you found out the
title of the novel yet?

We couldn't be bothered to cook so we ATE OUT last night..

Fall Asleep

find out
find out
Get away

Me enter de su situacin hace un minuto.


Get in

1) arrive, enter (at a station,

at an air- terminal, at a port)
2) enter or board a small vehicle

Get in on

manage to participate in

Grow up

Mature, become adult.

Arise, emerge.

Get rid of
Hand in
Hand on
Hand out
Hand over
Hold on
Keep up with
Look after
Look into

Ya averiguaste el ttulo de la novela?

Develop in a place or for a reason

(city, town, etc).
remove, do away with, abolish

I hooked a fish, but it got away.

Enganch un pescado pero escap.
Example: 1) What time does the bus from Montevideo get in?
A qu hora llega el mnibus de Montevideo?
Example: 2) We got in the taxi and the driver started the engine.
Nos metimos en el taxi y el conductor arranc el motor.
Example: I would love to get in on the decoration for your new house.
Me encantara participar de la decoracin de tu nueva casa.
He GREW UP in the West
The industry GREW UP very
The town GREW UP as a trading

Submit work for appraisal.

Give to someone else.
Transmit knowledge to the next generation.
To hold tightly.
To keep you informed
Take care of you.

I HANDED my homework IN late as usual..

I HANDED the job ON to a colleague..
The secrets have been HANDED ON from generation to generation..
The teacher HANDED OUT the worksheet to the class..
The robbers told the clerk to HAND OVER all the money..
Could you HOLD ON for a minute; she'll be free in a moment..
We HELD ON as the bus started to move..

investigate, get more details

He promised us to look into this difficult situation. Nos prometi investigar

look up
Look up to

find information We looked up the new word in a

admire, respect

Make it
Make fun of

wanted very much; greatly desired

Set his heart


Be determined

sort out
Take after
Take back
Take off
Take over

make unkind jokes about

To wander freely. I usually roam around the

neighborhood on weekends. My turtle roams
around the house the whole day.
organize, arrange or order by classes or
Have similar characteristics
Admit you are wrong

--Take up

Become successful
Assume control of a company or organisation.
Start a job or position that someone had
occupied before you.
Start an activity / accept an offer

Take up

Fill or occupy time or space.

Take up
Take up
Turn up

Make clothes shorter.

Start a new hobby, pastime, etc..
Arrive unexpectedly

esta complicada situacin.

Buscamos la nueva palabra en un diccionario.
e.g: At OM Personal we look up to our visitors' effort to learn or
improve their English day after day.
En OM Personal valoramos el esfuerzo de nuestros visitantes
por aprender o mejorar su ingls da tras da
They hurt her feelings when they made fun of her. La hirieron cuando se
burlaron (mofaron) de ella.
Set your heart on something
(u)rom araund

e.g: It will take some time to sort out this mess.

Llevar cierto tiempo poner en orden este lo

The bank was TAKEN OVER by a Hong Kong bank that needed to buy
She TOOK OVER responsibility for the project last month..

An awful lot of my time at work is TAKEN UP with pointless bureaucracy

The trousers were too long so I TOOK them UP to make them fit..
He TOOK UP squash as he felt he had to lose some weight..

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