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TEMPLATE Revised 4.15
For directions on how to complete this form, see EDSC Lesson Plan Directions and Scoring Guide in the SSCP Handbook at



Subject Area

Foundational Level General


Thong Thi Dinh

Class Title

Life Science

Lesson Title

Me, Mycellf and I

Unit Title
The Basic Units of

Grade Levels


Total Minutes

55 Minutes

Argumentation of Cells


Next Generation Science Standards

MS-LS1-3 Use argument supported by evidence for

how the body is a system of interacting subsystems
composed of groups of cells.
Lesson Objective(s)

Common Core State Standard Connections

RST.6-8.1 Cite specific textual evidence to support

analysis of science and technical texts

Students will construct a written argument to show

how the organizations of living things are important.
Students will use their created analogies [parts of a
cell in relation to real world experiences to make
connections between cell compartments and functions]
to support their claims.

Students will write their understanding of cells and

relate those compartments of cell structures to real
world experiences by providing support to why those
analogies work.

Students will provide additional support to their claim

by citing textual evidence/ scientific reasoning.
Purpose/Focus of



The purpose of this

entry level assessment
is to know what
students already
understand. It is to
activate background
schema of students
which will then inform
the teacher on whether
or not to adjust
instruction to meet the
students needs.
The focus of the
progress monitoring
assessment is to allow
the teacher to
continually assess


Feedback Strategy

Through whole class

discussion, students
will provide/ share
Students will enter the
what they have written
class knowing to use
down (on their
PAWS by looking at
warmup). Teacher can
the objective of the day. provide direct feedback
Before, engaging with
as well as acknowledge
the PAWS chart,
those who share. In
students will work on a addition, the teacher
quick warmup question can address any
to activate any
misunderstandings if
background schema.
needed or provide
further elaboration if
students forget
The teacher will start
Instant direct feedback
off the implementation will be provided for
of progress monitoring students as the teacher
by going over the
is walking around and
provided rubric for
observing students

How Informs Teaching

This will allow the

teacher to see if
students have any
background schema. In
addition, it will inform
the teacher on what to
truly focus on and or reteach any needed

The teacher can focus

on different levels of
blooms taxonomy with
students and use
appropriate pedagogy

students learning. In
addition, it will
determine if any
needed elaboration/ reteaching is needed for
students. The progress
monitoring will also
allow students to
actively engage in the
learning process. It will
also provide evidence
for teachers to see if
students are
progressing with their

students. This will

allow students to ask
any questions if they
have any (while the
teacher is going over
the rubric/ guideline).
Once, the teacher is
finished going over the
rubric, students will
work on answering the
writing prompt: Cells
are the basic units of
structure and function
in living things. Write
an essay arguing why
cells and structure or
cells and function are
crucial for the overall
systematic functionality
of living things.
Provide support by
using your created
analogies and further
research/ evidence.

while they are working

on their argumentation
prompt. If a common
question is asked
amongst students,
teacher will address the
whole class and clarify
it for everyone.

to address their
challenges. In addition,
re-teaching and
adjustment of
instruction may be
present. Providing
students with
supplemental materials
may be needed for
further explanation/

Once, students have an

idea of what to write,
they will begin filling out
the PAWS chart.
[Students already have
been exposed, taught,
and learned how to
effectively use the PAWS
chart prior].

The purpose of the

summative assessment
is to have students
express their
understanding of
overall concepts. The
focus of this
assignment will be
students utilizing their
PAWS chart as well as
researching supportive
evidence to support
their claim.

Students will use their

completed PAWS chart
to construct a response
to one of the two
writing prompts.
Students will use a
rubric to know what it
is that is expected when
writing their
argumentation essay.

When students are

completed with their
response, students will
peer review with their
peers using the same
provided rubric to add
comments/ suggestions
on their classmates
writeup. Then, students
will be able to edit and
improve their writing
response. Last, students
will turn in their
argumentation essay for
the teacher for a final
grade. The teacher will
use the same rubric and
provide written
feedback for each
student which will be

The summative
assessment will allow
the teacher to see what
students are capable of
producing (in writing).
If needed, the teacher
can re-teach any
concepts/ ideas by
providing examples
from students who
displayed a great/vast

given to students at a
later time.
Instructional Strategies

Whole Class Discussion

Peer Review
PAWS (procedural argumentation worksheet)
Modeling/ Lecture
Pair Share/ Partner discussion
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set
Teacher Does

The teacher will provide students with a

Procedural Argumentation WorkSheet (PAWS
chart) as students are walking into class. From the
worksheet, students will already have a sense of
idea of what to expect for the class period.
As students are settling down in their seats, they
will be asked to work on the warm-up that is
shown on the ELMO/ projected on the screen in
front of the classroom.
8 mins

The teacher will provide students with the

warmup question displayed in front of the
Warmup: Why are cells important? What are the
components to cells? How does structure relate to
Through a brief whole class discussion, teacher
will elaborate on the warmup and ask students to
share out their understanding/ writing responses.
The teacher will address any misconceptions /
confusions that students may express.

Lesson Body


Teacher Does

The teacher will introduce the argumentation

essay by first going over the rubric with the whole
class. The teacher will go over the criteria as well
as possible points that students may earn from
this assignment.
Teacher will ask students to read certain criteria
while going over the rubric to keep students
Next, teacher will go over the argumentation
writing prompt.
Cells are the basic units of structure and function
in living things. Write an essay arguing why cells

Student Does

Upon entering the classroom, students will pick

up a Procedural Argumentation WorkSheet
(PAWS chart) from the teacher. Students will
then, know what to expect for the rest of the class
period. Once students are all seated, they will
know to work on their warmup in their science
notebook because it will be shown on the
Students will work on their warmup answering
the following questions:
Warmup: Why are cells important? What are the
components to cells? How does structure relate to
Students will actively stay engage by providing
their responses through pair share and whole class
Students will ask any questions when clarification
is needed or when confused.

Student Does

Students will follow along with the teacher when

the teacher is going over the argumentation essay
Students will actively listen as well as ask
questions when confused and need further
Students will actively engage with the writing
prompt by filling in all sections of the chart:
- Questions: Write down any questions in
regards to the writing prompt. If no
questions, then students will provide
background knowledge.
- Create hypothesis/ make a claim: Students

and structure or cells and function are crucial for

the overall systematic functionality of living
things. Provide support by using your created
analogies and further research/ evidence.
While going over the writing prompt, teacher will
ask students to provide their already created
analogies (from earlier class period) to share out
Teacher will guide students in completing their
first few sections of their PAWS chart before
allowing them to individually work on their own.

As students are completing their PAWS chart,

they will ask questions and share their ideas with

Teacher Does

Student Does

Near the end of the classroom, teacher will ask

students to complete a ticket out the door plus a
self-assessing question.
How does structure relate to function?
Why is it important for organelles in cells to have
specific instructions (functions)?

7 mins

The teacher will provide students with an

example of a written claim for students to refer
back to.
Lesson Closure

will write their claim (thesis for their

argumentation essay)
Investigate: Students will provide
analogies examples of real life experiences
relating to cells structure/function.
Share out: Students will share out/ peer
review classmates argumentation essay
while using the provided rubric form the
Adapting: Students will adapt/ make any
needed changes before submitting final
work to the teacher.
Reflect: Students will construct a short
response to reflect on their overall
understanding of cells cells and structure
or cells and function

Self Assess How confident are you in writing

this argumentation essay?? [1 being great, 2
being OK/ need some help, 3 being need extra

Self Assess How confident are you in writing

this argumentation essay?? [1 being great, 2
being OK/ need some help, 3 being need extra

What would you like for ME, your teacher, to do

to help you?
As students are walking out of the class, the
teacher will collect their responses and remind
them to continue to work on the PAWS chart at

Students will provide a completed ticket out the

door for the teacher. Each student will respond to
the following questions:
How does structure relate to function?
Why is it important for organelles in cells to have
specific instructions (functions)?

What would you like for ME, your teacher, to do

to help you?
Students will clean up and give their response to
the teacher as they are walking out the door.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia

Procedural Argumentation Worksheet (PAWS)

ELMO for projection of warmup and displaying rubric and writing prompt for whole class discussion
Co-Teaching Strategies

One teach, One assist

English Learners

Striving Readers

When going over the

argumentation writing

Teacher will provide a

writing prompt with

Students with Special


When going over the

argumentation writing

Advanced Students

Students will be asked to

go and research at least 4

prompt, teacher will

emphasize on certain key
terms/ focus on blooms
Sentence frames/
structures will be
provided for students to
use when constructing
their response to the
argumentation essay.
Highlighting of key terms
within the writing prompt
will be provided for
Students will be provided
with additional sentence
frames for the PAWS
Provide a word wall (to
refer back to when going
over important, key
Provide instruction in a
schematic (graphic
organizer) representation.
Teacher will provide
examples of analogies of
real life experiences to
relate to cells and

additional information (an

adapted text, but in a
writing prompt
Teacher will highlight
important key terms for
students to zone in on.
When going over the
argumentation writing
prompt, teacher will
emphasize on certain key
terms/ focus on blooms

prompt, teacher will

emphasize on certain key
terms/ focus on blooms
Graphic organizer will be
provided for students to
better lay out their
thought processing.

Teacher will provide

students to use adapted
text (reading from texts)

Students will be provided

with additional sentence
frames for the PAWS

Students will be provided

with additional sentence
frames for the PAWS

Provide a word wall (to

refer back to when going
over important, key

Provide a word wall (to

refer back to when going
over important, key

Provide instruction in a
schematic (graphic
organizer) representation.

Provide instruction in a
schematic (graphic
organizer) representation.

evidence/ support from

scientific articles to
include in their
argumentation essay.
Students will be given
minimal sentence
structures and will be
asked to create their own
sentences/ structure.

Teacher will provide

examples of analogies of
real life experiences to
relate to cells and

Teacher will provide

examples of analogies of
real life experiences to
relate to cells and


At the beginning of class before instruction, students will know what to expect for the class period because a
Procedural Argumentation WorkSheet (PAWS chart) will be given to each student as they enter the classroom.
Students will begin class with the usual routine: setting down in their seats, writing in their homework into their
school agendas, then taking out their science notebook to begin working on their warmup. Once students are
finished working on their warmup, students will quickly pair share their response then the teacher will address
the warmup through whole class discussion. This time phrase will allow teacher to address any
misunderstandings/ misconceptions as well as re-teach something quickly if needed. This Entry Level
assessment is needed to activate any background schema that students may have. The reason being is because
the teacher can use this differentiation to help specific students when students are individually working on their
PAWS chart during the class period. In addition, the warmup questions are used to determine if students have
any understanding from prior class periods. Pair share will have students see if they have any shared
understanding with their peers. Next, the teacher will introduce the class with the argumentation essay by going

over the provided rubric. This will allow students to ask any questions if they are confused with anything on the
rubric. After the teacher goes over the writing prompt, the teacher will go over the argumentation writing
prompt with the whole class. Again, if students have any questions, they will be able to ask during this time. To
add, when going over the argumentation essay prompt, teacher will either point out important key terms or ask
students to identify important key terms. This will allow all students to know what to focus on when writing/
completing their PAWS chart. To help students with the beginning stages of filling out the PAWS chart, the
teacher can model/ provide an example for what it is that students can see and refer back to. Furthermore, as
students are working on their PAWS chart, direct feedback will be given to students as the teacher is walking
around the classroom, observing, reading what students are writing down, and seeing if students are on the right
track. While students are actively engaging in their PAWS chart, the teacher can pull certain students aside if
needed to work on getting started with their claims. To add, during individual work, students are allowed to
openly ask and share their thoughts/ ideas with group members. Also, students will be encouraged to ask
questions during this time. Moving on, as students are completing their PAWS chart, they will then begin
writing their argumentation essay. Although, this will be done at another class period, students will be able to
provide feedback for peers by editing another classmates essay using the rubric as a guideline. Next, students
will be able to improve their essay before submitting their work for a final review/ grade.

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