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College of Education


Name: __Sarah Zach________________

Grade Level: __Fourth Grade_________
School: _Colman-Egan School District___
Date: __February 1, 2016____________
Time: __12:30-1:30_________________

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the previous lesson, we read lesson 6.2, which was about soil. As we
read the students completed a lesson outline that went over the vocabulary
and main concepts of the section. I made sure to stress that the students
need to use the book and look the information they are looking for rather
than just choosing random words in the section. By the end of the lesson, the
students showed understanding of the different types of soil and the different
layers of soil through completing the worksheet.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
4-ESS2-1: Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of
the effects of weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or
Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students will identify the 4 layers of soil
(topsoil, subsoil, weathered bedrock, and bedrock) with 100% accuracy.
By the end of the lesson, the students will determine out of three types of
soil (clay, potting soil and fine sand) which type would be best for growing
crops based on the permeability with 100% accuracy.
Materials Needed:

3 colors of sand (pink, blue and white)

3 types of soil (clay, potting soil, and fine sand)
10 plastic bottles
10 graduated cylinders
20 clear containers


Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The students are always very eager to answer questions. There are times
when the students blurt out their answer without giving others a chance to
answer the question. There is a variety of disabilities in the classroom
causing the students to need altered tests and some content. The students
really enjoy doing hands on activities, such as labs.

A. The Lesson
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
The materials will all be laid out for the students and ready to
In the last lesson, we learned about soil and how some soils
are more permeable than others.
If you were given a few different types of soil, would crops
grow better if the soil was more permeable or less
Today, we are going to be creating the layers of soil and
checking different types of soil for permeability.
2. Content Delivery (50 minutes)
a. The students will be split into groups of two. We will start with
the soil permeability station as a class.
b. Soil Permeability Station
i. The students will be checking the provided soils (potting
soil, fine sand, and clay) for permeability.
ii. In this station, we will be testing the permeability of
different types of soil. The first thing I want you to do is
to place the coffee filter on the neck of the water bottle.
Place the neck of the bottle into the bottle half of the
bottle. You will then place 200mL soil into the bottle. I
then want you to pour 150 mL of water onto the soil.
When water stops dripping into the bottom half of the
bottle, pour the water into the beaker and measure out
the water that made it through the soil. Record your
results on your worksheet.
c. While the water is getting soaked up by the soil, we will work
on the soil layers station.
d. Soil Layers Station

i. The students will be given three different types of sand

that are different colors and wafers. They must use
these materials to recreate the layers of soil in the
provided cup.
ii. For this station, you will be recreating the layers of soil
using sand. I want you to use your text book to find the
layers of soil. I want you to use the wafers as the
bedrock and the rest is up to you. When finished with
your soil layers, I want you to draw out the layers you
made and what each layer is.
3. Closure (5 minutes)
a. What type of soil do you think is the best for growing plants?
Which is the worst? Why?
b. When you are finished with both stations, I want everyone to
clean up your area.
B. Assessments Used
a. Formative assessment will be used to test the students
understanding of soil permeability. The students will complete a
worksheet on the information they learn from the activity.
C. Differentiated Instruction
a. For students who require altered content, I will provide an
alternate worksheet containing fewer questions. I will also
provide extra help in completing the lab in order to help the
students understand what they are supposed to be doing for
these activities.
b. For ELL, the questions of the worksheet can be read aloud to the
student in order for the student to understand what they are
D. Back Pocket Idea
a. If finished early, the students will pick a type of soil and draw the
place you would find it, such as sand in the desert so the
students would draw a scene from the desert.
E. Resources
a. Science: A Closer Look

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