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Bautista 1

Kevin Bautista
Professor Ogden
Engl 001A
29 February 2016
Pasadena's Increase Violent Crimes
The city of Pasadena is a beautiful atmosphere city with many places to see and to
explore the secret places, but with a populated urban city the violent crimes has increased.
According to an unknown publisher states, "Police statistics released last week show a climb in
reported local crimes of 12% so far this year over last, with a 74% spike in vehicle burglaries and
disturbing 29% increase in rapes." The increased crimes are robbery, rape, assault, burglary,
vehicle property theft, and stolen vehicles. The ones affected by this problem are the Pasadena
residents. As violent crimes continue in Pasadena, the short term affect is a continuous increase
in population, but the long term affect is Pasadena residents would no longer feel safe unless the
problem becomes corrected. Ruby Gonzales states in his article, "Reports of domestic violence
resulting in an assault increased from 156 to 188 cases. Other assaults where a weapon was used
increased from 136 to 150, or 10 percent."
Pasadena is increasing in violent crimes because of recent homicides,
domestic violence and assaults which have increased over the past years.
We as Pasadena residents are stressed and embarrassed to see a beautiful

city become unsafe in the city streets for our residents. It has recently been
reported that 12 percent of the violent crimes has increased which is an
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ongoing problem. According to "Economic and Social Effects of Crime" it
states, "These kinds of costs can include pain and suffering, and a lower
quality of life. There are also the traumatic impacts on friends and the
disruption of family." If the city doesn't try to solve the problem for its
increasing violent crimes in that case, residents will begin moving out of the
A solution in mind would be to have extra officers patrolling the smaller
streets for activity so that the rest of the units can continue on traffic stops in
order to, decrease violent behaviors. While patrolling the side streets they
can be in closer proximities so that, when a call gets dispatched they can
quickly get to the scene in less time as possible. This can limit the delayed to
the scene before the criminal gets away in addition to this, the officers can
log in data to show where the most activity of any kind of criminal violence
can be viewed on the city map which can highlight areas that need to have
more attention. While this can be an effective program tool, it would collect
data for the year and can be color coded for the hot areas or the mild activity
areas. This will change people's criminal behavior which would discourage
people to think twice before acting on a criminal offense.

Other solutions would be to have officers trained in advanced

techniques. What I mean, is to learn advance verbal skills with more gun
training scenarios. This will reflect on less police killings as well as more
trained officers with more of a professional approach in every situation.
Officers with trained k9's should be a priority when hired, this can substitute
as a partner. This is to provide more trained officers behind the wheel
patrolling the streets in addition, a k9 can change the behavior of the
criminal minds. This idea will

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also stop drug trafficking and slow drug operations down since the K9's can
do a quick drug search and can be a priority to have the K9 sniff every traffic
stop as a city law.
The last solution for the problem to decrease and stop the violent
crimes to educate the kids better. The school systems should help kids
understand gangs and violence including what drugs do and where it can
lead you in the hope that, the kids will decrease the future's violence in
Pasadena. If the child is behaving badly there should be enough psychiatric
professions to speak with the kids in addition, figure out what is going on and
how can we fix the behavior. Schools should have team activities starting in
kindergarten and must continue throughout all years. This will change the

learning curve to the new generation group of kids as a result, can lead
children to understand the adult life.
Imagine if Pasadena increasing violent crimes suddenly decreased? this
would change the city and can be achieved with more officers with better
continuous training especially with a K9. If more advance training were to be
given to the officers, a lot of the accidents they have made would no longer
be a fear to Pasadena residents. Officers would practice more regularly to
perform better every day and to be friendly to the community just how the
Fire Fighters have a healthy community over residents. Just because they
would be doing their jobs I don't think they would be looked as wrong if they
also gave back and help to decrease violent acts. At the
end, violent crimes would slow down and the residents of Pasadena would be
much happier in a cleaner and safer environment.

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Works cited

1) "Economic and Social Effects of Crime - Growing Interest In The Costs Of


Determining Costs, The High Cost Of Crime, Community Efforts

To Avoid Crime

Costs" Net Industries., 2016. Web. Aug 20, 2004.

2) "Pasadena's Crime Rate Climbs 12% in 2015" Pasadena news now., N.p.
Web. June 8, 2015.
3) Gonzales Ruby. "Most crimes declined in Pasadena but increases seen in
homicides, assaults,
Jan 12, 2015.

burglaries." Violent Crime. Pasadena Star-News. Web.

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