UG WBS Ticket DisplayTST 15.1

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Web Services User's Guide

Ticket_DisplayTST 15.1

Amadeus SAS
485, Route du Pin Montard
BP 69
06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Preface.................................................................................................................................. 4
1 Purpose of this document..............................................................................................4
2 Intended Audience......................................................................................................... 4
3 Associated Documents.................................................................................................. 4
4 Structure of this document............................................................................................ 4
Function: Ticket_DisplayTST................................................................................................ 6
1 Overview........................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Supported Operations............................................................................................. 6
1.2 Limitations................................................................................................................6
1.3 Unsupported Operations......................................................................................... 6
1.4 Prerequisites............................................................................................................6
2 Building A Query............................................................................................................8
3 Receiving A Reply....................................................................................................... 10
4 Error Messages............................................................................................................11
4.1 Error Reply............................................................................................................ 12
5 Operations....................................................................................................................13
5.1 Operation: Baggage Allowance Update................................................................ 13
5.1.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 13
5.1.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 17

5.2 Operation: Display all TST(s)................................................................................18

5.2.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 18
5.2.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 18
5.2.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 18

5.3 Operation: Display by Passenger selection.......................................................... 19

5.3.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 19
5.3.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 19
5.3.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 19

5.4 Operation: Display by segment selection..............................................................20


Table of Contents

5.4.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 20

5.4.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 20
5.4.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 20

5.5 Operation: Display by TST selection.....................................................................21

5.5.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 21
5.5.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 21
5.5.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 21

5.6 Operation: Display TST Related to Adult only (without infant): example 1............22
5.6.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 22
5.6.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 22
5.6.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 22

5.7 Operation: Display TST Related to Adult only (without infant): example 2............23
5.7.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 23
5.7.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 23
5.7.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 23

5.8 Operation: Display TST Related to Adult only (without infant): example 3............24
5.8.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 24
5.8.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 24
5.8.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 24

5.9 Operation: Display TST related to either adult only or infant only.........................25
5.9.1 Query Structure........................................................................................................................... 25
5.9.2 Reply Structure............................................................................................................................ 25
5.9.3 Possible Errors............................................................................................................................ 25

5.10 Operation: Display TST with non-ticketable fare.................................................26

5.10.1 Query Structure......................................................................................................................... 26
5.10.2 Reply Structure.......................................................................................................................... 26
5.10.3 Possible Errors.......................................................................................................................... 34

5.11 Operation: Display with 2 segments for one Fare Component........................... 35

5.11.1 Query Structure......................................................................................................................... 35
5.11.2 Reply Structure.......................................................................................................................... 35
5.11.3 Possible Errors.......................................................................................................................... 41

5.12 Operation: Display with Fare Component........................................................... 42


Table of Contents

5.12.1 Query Structure......................................................................................................................... 42

5.12.2 Reply Structure.......................................................................................................................... 42
5.12.3 Possible Errors.......................................................................................................................... 49

5.13 Operation: Display with Fare Family name......................................................... 50

5.13.1 Query Structure......................................................................................................................... 50
5.13.2 Reply Structure.......................................................................................................................... 50
5.13.3 Possible Errors.......................................................................................................................... 58

5.14 Operation: Display with Service Component.......................................................59

5.14.1 Query Structure......................................................................................................................... 59
5.14.2 Reply Structure.......................................................................................................................... 59
5.14.3 Possible Errors.......................................................................................................................... 66

5.15 Operation: Scrolling............................................................................................. 67

5.15.1 Query Structure......................................................................................................................... 67
5.15.2 Reply Structure.......................................................................................................................... 67
5.15.3 Possible Errors.......................................................................................................................... 67


Web services User guide for function Ticket_DisplayTST

1 Purpose of this document
The purpose of this document is to provide basic functional overview descriptions and relevant examples for
a better understanding of the functions.

2 Intended Audience
This document is aimed at those who implement this function.

3 Associated Documents
This document has to be combined to its corresponding Technical Reference Guide and possibly to Product

4 Structure of this document

This document is composed of the following parts:
the functional description: overview, supported operations, limitations, unsupported operations,
prerequisites and possibly reference to product specifications
the detailed description to build the query and to retrieve data from the reply
a set of relevant examples

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Web services User guide for function Ticket_DisplayTST

A Transitional Stored Ticket (TST) is a pricing record for a given passenger(s)/itinerary association.
Ticket_DisplayTST is used to display the information on an existing TST.

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Web services User guide for function Ticket_DisplayTST

Function: Ticket_DisplayTST.
1 Overview
A Transitional Stored Ticket (TST) represents the financial part of an itinerary. You can find in the TST
information such as fares, taxes, selling conditions, last date to ticket, creation date, and so on.The TST can
be created automatically via a pricing entry or manually by the user.
A Passenger Name Record (PNR) can contain up to 999 TSTs, and a passenger can be linked to up to 10
TSTs. The message Ticket_DisplayTST allows you to display one or multiple TSTs.

1.1 Supported Operations

The service offers a large panel of selection options to target the appropriate TST(s) to be displayed:

Display every TST:Displayup to 20TSTs appended to aPNR.When there are more than 20 TSTs
appended to the PNR, the message returns the first 20TSTs in the order they were created, as well as a
warning that there are more TSTs.

Display byTST number: Select the tattoos of the TSTs to be displayed; a tattoo is an unique reference
ID assigned to theTST by the system.

Display by passenger selection: Select one or more passengers for whom you want to display the
related TSTs.

Display by segment selection:Display all theTSTs related to the selected segments.

Select passengers without infants:Display all TSTs without the infants ones.

Select infants only: DisplayTSTs for infant passenger(s).

Scrolling: when the display of more than 20 TSTs is requested, only the first 20 are displayed by
increasing order of tattoo number. Be aware that when all theTSTs were not returned, boththe number of
remainingTSTs and the last returned TST's tattoo will be given in the response.

1.2 Limitations

The service returns onlyTST stored content. i.e. it does not return any of the linked elements that belong
to the PNR such the passengers names, the route and the Fare Elements. For instance, commission, form
of payment, tour code, endorsement and original issue/in exchange.

Up to 20 TSTS can be returned in theTicket_DisplayTSTReply. Whenmore than 20 TSTsmeet the

selection criteria, the scrolling functionalitymust be used.

Depending on functionality implemented for the customer who uses this verb, and depending on the
carrier, some information shown in this verb might be empty.

This service does not return a deleted TST.

This service does not return theTST index.

1.3 Unsupported Operations

Display of a deleted TST.
Display of the TST index.

1.4 Prerequisites

A PNR must be active in the context, and contain at least one active TST.
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If aTST is confidential, only the office that sets the confidentiality can access, read and update it, unless
access rights have been given beforehand.

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2 Building A Query
Two options are available when building a request: the option ALL - to display all TSTs appended to the
current PNR - and the option SEL - to select in a more precise way theTST(s) to be displayed. Use one of
these two options inthe attributeType element.
For example, the following request willdisplay all TSTs
<Ticket_DisplayTST myxmlns="">
When you use theSEL option, other sub-options are consequently available:

referenceType:to say whether the choice of theTSTsto be displayed are done byTST reference
ID, passenger number, or segments.

uniqueReference to send the tattoo numbers of theselected objects.

For instance, the following request willdisplay only theTST whose tattoo is 1:
<Ticket_DisplayTST myxmlns="">
Additionally the servicecontains:
-"originInformation" toprovide information on the origin of the message;
-"displayMode" toprovide either all TSTs or only the information corresponding to the TST/ passenger selection;
-"pnrLocatorData" for PNR record locator information. This PNR record locator is used for tracking purpose.
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-"scrollingInformation" for the scrolling information;

-"tstReference" is used to get TST information for selected TST references.
As we can have up to 10 TSTs per Pax, and that a PNR can contain up to 99 passengers with one infant each,
then the maximum number of TSTs possible is 1980.
-"psaInformation" for passenger/segment references information about TST(s) to retrieve.
- Passenger reference specified : all the TSTs concerning this passenger reference are returned.
- Passenger/segment reference : only the TST having this passenger/segment association is returned.

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3 Receiving A Reply
The system returns all TSTs to be displayed by increasing order of tattoo number if there are less than 20
TSTs to be displayed.
Otherwise, the system returns the first 20, the number of remaining TSTsand the tattoo of the lastTST displayed
as follows:
<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply myxmlns="">
The responsecontains:

"scrollingInformation" which provides Scrolling information used for long messages.

There is either the number of TSTs remaining (0 means that there is no more TST), and the last TST
reference in the list retrieved;

The ATR segment contains the reason for manual update, in case of taxes and fees updates.

Error information;

"fareList", which details all the elements of the TST. Please note that the response may have several
TSTs imbedded. The maximum number of TSTs is: maximum number of passenger in a PNR (99) mulitplied
by 2 (each passenger can have an infant) multiplied by the maximum number of TSTs for one passenger
(10). It has been limited to 10 for message size constraint.

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4 Error Messages
Error code

Error messages




User attempts to displaya TST

when noTST is appended to the



Tattoo of the request does not

correspond to any TST.



Tattoo of the request does not

correspond to any Passenger



Number of the request does not

correspond to any segment



Associate in the same queryTST

and passenger or TST and
segment selection.



The Bankers rate is missing or





When the scrolling requestis not




For other technical errors.



Forwhen theentry isnot




when trying to display

aconfidentialTST without rights to
display it.



If the fare or service

componentspecifieddoesn't exist

Scenario: there is a PNRwith some TSTs appended.

In the query, user tries to display the TSTs number 1 and 8 (tattoos). However,the TST number8 does not exist.
<Ticket_DisplayTST myxmlns="">
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4.1 Error Reply

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
<freeText>INVALID TST NUMBER</freeText>

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5 Operations
5.1 Operation: Baggage Allowance Update

In case travel Agent perform baggage Allowance modification with TTI or TTK entry, the "*" will be implemented
between TST Pricing indicator and FCPI.

5.1.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.1.2 Reply Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
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5.1.3 Possible Errors

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5.2 Operation: Display all TST(s)

This example shows how to display all theTSTs in the PNR.

5.2.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.2.2 Reply Structure

5.2.3 Possible Errors

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5.3 Operation: Display by Passenger selection

Situation: User wants to display all the TSTs related to the passenger with the tattoo 6.

5.3.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.3.2 Reply Structure

5.3.3 Possible Errors

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5.4 Operation: Display by segment selection

Situation: User wants to display all TSTs containing the segment which has the tattoo 6.

5.4.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.4.2 Reply Structure

5.4.3 Possible Errors

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5.5 Operation: Display by TST selection

Situation: User wants to display the TST with the tattoo 1.

5.5.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.5.2 Reply Structure

5.5.3 Possible Errors

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5.6 Operation: Display TST Related to Adult only (without infant): example 1
User wants to display all adult TSTs for all passengers and infant TST for the passenger with the tattoo 1.

5.6.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.6.2 Reply Structure

5.6.3 Possible Errors

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5.7 Operation: Display TST Related to Adult only (without infant): example 2
Example 2: User wants to display adult TSTs for all passengers and all TST related to passenger with the
tattoo 1.

5.7.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.7.2 Reply Structure

5.7.3 Possible Errors

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5.8 Operation: Display TST Related to Adult only (without infant): example 3
Situation: there is a PNR in which passengers are as follows:
Example 1: User attempts to display all TSTs related to the adult passenger with the tattoo 2 (without the infant).
Note: In this case, the tattoo and the displaynumber are the same (equal to 2). However, they could be different.
To display the TST related to the infant only, the value of the refQualifier should be set to PI.

5.8.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.8.2 Reply Structure

5.8.3 Possible Errors

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5.9 Operation: Display TST related to either adult only or infant only
Situation: there is a PNR in which passengers are as follows:

5.9.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.9.2 Reply Structure

5.9.3 Possible Errors

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5.10 Operation: Display TST with non-ticketable fare

Display a TST with thenon-ticketable fare indicator.

This option is not available by default,please contact your account manager for more information.

5.10.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.10.2 Reply Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
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5.10.3 Possible Errors

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5.11 Operation: Display with 2 segments for one Fare Component

Situation:a PNR with1 TST. As in a redemption usecase.

In this request, user asks for the display of the TST.
In the answer, theTST tree structure is shown thanks to the fareComponentDetails Group.
Please note that no changeis present in the query with respect to a display without the Fare Component. On
the other hand, in the answer, a new group is present.
In the following example, theTST hasone fare component linked to the two segments. It hasan amount in
Miles and a high Seasonality.

5.11.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.11.2 Reply Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
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5.11.3 Possible Errors

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5.12 Operation: Display with Fare Component

Situation:a PNR with1 TST.

In this request, user asks for the display of the TST.
In the answer, theTST structure shows the fareComponentDetails Group.
Please note that no changes are present in the request with respect to a display without the fare component.
On the other hand, in the answer, a new group is present.
In the example, the TST structure shows two fare components, both with an amount in Miles and a high

5.12.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.12.2 Reply Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
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5.12.3 Possible Errors

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5.13 Operation: Display with Fare Family name

Situation:a PNR with 1 TST. The fare has been previously stored together with the fare family name it belongs
In this request, user asks for the display of the TST.
In the response, the TST structure is shown thanks to the fareComponentDetails Group.
Please note that no changeis present in the request with respect to a display without the Fare Component.
On the other hand, in the answer, a new group is present.
In the example, thestructure has one Fare Component with a fare family name and a fare family owner:

Fare family name is found in <fareFamilyDetails> <fareFamilyName>

Fare family owner is found in <fareFamilyOwner><otherCompany>

5.13.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.13.2 Reply Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
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<fareFamilyname>FARE FAMILY NAME</fareFamilyname>

5.13.3 Possible Errors

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5.14 Operation: Display with Service Component

Situation:a PNR with1 TST in anupgrade use case.

In this request, user asks for the display of the TST.
In the answer, theTST structure is shown thanks to the fareComponentDetails Group.
Please note that no changeis present in the request with respect to a display without the Fare Component.
On the other hand, in the answer, a new group is present.
In particular, theTST structureshows one Fare Component andone Service component, bothwith an amount
in Miles and with a high Seasonality.

5.14.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.14.2 Reply Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTSTReply xmlns="" >
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<attributeDescription>SEL KE LON Q148.00 2759.75KE SEL Q148.00 1483.60NUC4539.35END
<attributeDescription>MILEAGE SEL LHR16000TOTAL16000</attributeDescription>
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5.14.3 Possible Errors

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5.15 Operation: Scrolling

Situation: A PNR with 30 TSTs numbered from 1 to 30 (tattoos).
In this request, user asks for the display of the two TSTs following TST with the tattoo 25.

5.15.1 Query Structure

<Ticket_DisplayTST xmlns="" >

5.15.2 Reply Structure

5.15.3 Possible Errors

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