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Clays Classroom Management Plan

1.Respect self, teacher and others with words and actions

2.Be prepared with

all materials.

4.Phone use is prohibited.

3.Listen. One person may speak at a

5.Try your best

2. Allows us to get busy doing the fun stufflearning!

1. Gives everyone a safe

environment where
learning can occur.

3. Allows everyone to feel heard

5. Our goal is to fill our class with

motivated, engaged students
today...and always!

4. Phones distract and take away

from our time together

Entering/Leaving classroom
Getting/turning in materials
Listening to each other
Working in groups
What to do when you return from an absence



Verbal Warning/correction

Happy teacher

Teacher/student conference

Happy students

Parent contact
Referral to principals office
Teacher/parent conference

Praise: verbal, notes/calls to parents

Scratch off tickets for homework pass,
extra points, etc.
Good Great grades!!

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